- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template
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			Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
			Date/Time: M/d/yy
			Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
			Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
			Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
			Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
			Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
		External Functions
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
		Internal Functions
			! Net
			! Function: VisNetEnumHosts
				Description: author: ??? (taken from vtexplor.apl), Neil ??
						version:	1.0 - function integrated
						Returns all hosts of the network in an array
						Set lnCount = VisNetEnumHosts( lsHosts )
					Receive String: rsHosts[*]
				Static Variables 
				Local variables 
					Number: nLVHandleEnum
					Number: nLVResource
					Number: nLVCount
					Number: nLVSize
					String: sLVName
					Number: nLVArrayResources [*]
					Number: nLVIndexResources
					Number: lnIdx
					Set nLVHandleEnum = VisNetOpenEnum (0)
					If nLVHandleEnum
						Set nLVResource = VisNetEnumResource (nLVHandleEnum)
						Set lnIdx = 0
						While nLVResource
							If VisNetGetResourceInt (nLVResource, RESOURCEITEM_Usage) & RESOURCE_Usage_Container
									and VisNetGetResourceInt (nLVResource, RESOURCEITEM_DisplayType) = RESOURCE_DisplayType_Server
								Set nLVSize = VisNetGetResourceSize (nLVResource, RESOURCEITEM_RemoteName)
								If nLVSize
									Set sLVName = ''
									Call SalStrSetBufferLength (sLVName, nLVSize)
									Call VisNetGetResourceStr (nLVResource, RESOURCEITEM_RemoteName, sLVName, nLVSize)
									If SalStrLeftX (sLVName, 2) = '\\\\'
										Set sLVName = SalStrReplaceX (sLVName, 0, 2, '')
									Set rsHosts[lnIdx] = sLVName
									Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1
							Call VisNetFreeResource (nLVResource)
							Set nLVResource = VisNetEnumResource (nLVHandleEnum)
						Call VisNetCloseEnum (nLVHandleEnum)
						Return lnIdx
			Function: VisNetGetServerDate
				Description: author: 	(Stefan Beltrame ???, posted by him)
						date:	????
						version: 	1.01 - tl Corrected the time by considering the timezone
							1.00 function implemented
						Returns the date of a host
						Set dDateNet = VisNetGetServerDate('')
					String: p_sServer
						! name or IP-address
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Boolean: bOk
					Number: nLen
					Number: nServerWMem
					Number: nMem
					String: sBuffer
					Date/Time: dtTimeOfDay
					Number: nDay
					Number: nMonth
					Number: nYear
					Number: nHour
					Number: nMinute
					Number: nSecond
					Number: nTimeZone
0000: 0100
					Set bOk = TRUE
					! Allocate memory
					If bOk
						! Use local computer
						If p_sServer = '' OR p_sServer = STRING_Null
							Set nServerWMem = 0
							! nLen = \\ + p_sServer + \0
							Set nLen = SalStrLength(p_sServer) + 3
							Set nServerWMem = CStructAllocFarMem(nLen * 2)
							Set bOk = (nServerWMem != 0)
							! Convert to wide character
							If bOk
								Call MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, p_sServer, -1, nServerWMem, nLen)
					! Get remote time of day
					If bOk
						Set bOk = NetRemoteTOD(nServerWMem, nMem) = 0
						Set bOk = bOk AND (nMem != 0)
					! Allocate buffer
					If bOk
						Set bOk = SalStrSetBufferLength(sBuffer, 48)
					! Move structure to buffer
					If bOk
						Set bOk = CStructCopyFromFarMem(nMem, sBuffer, 48)
					! Build date/time
					If bOk
						Set nHour = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 8)
						Set nMinute = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 12)
						Set nSecond = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 16)
						Set nTimeZone = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 24)
						Set nDay = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 32)
						Set nMonth = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 36)
						Set nYear = CStructGetLong(sBuffer, 40)
						Set dtTimeOfDay = SalDateConstruct(nYear, nMonth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond)
						If nTimeZone != -1
							Set dtTimeOfDay = dtTimeOfDay - (nTimeZone /24/60)
					! Free memory
					If nServerWMem != 0
						Call CStructFreeFarMem(nServerWMem)
					If nMem != 0
						Call NetApiBufferFree(nMem)
					! Return DATETIME_Null on error
					If NOT bOk
						Set dtTimeOfDay = DATETIME_Null
					Return dtTimeOfDay
			Function: VisNetMsg
				Description: author: 	Andrew K.
						date:	????
						version: 	1.00 function implemented
						Sends a net message over the LAN
						Call VisNetMsg('MYCOMPUTER-2K','MYCOMPUTER-2K','This a test mail')
					String: sFrom
					String: sTo
					String: sSendString
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: nLenSend
					Boolean: bOk
					Number: nLen
					Number: nOffSet
					String: strSendString
					Boolean: lbOK
					Number: nComHandle
					String: sPort
0000: 0100
					String: strBuffer
0000: 0100
					File Handle: hFileNULL
					Set sPort= "\\\\" || sTo || "\\mailslot\\messngr"
					! open port
					Set nComHandle = CreateFileA( sPort, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0,
					! Set nComHandle = CreateFileA( sPort, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ,STRING_Null,
					! check if error
						Return FALSE
					! Send
					Call SalStrSetBufferLength( strBuffer, 1000 )
					Set nOffSet = 0
					Set nLen = SalStrLength( sFrom )
					If NOT CStructPutString( strBuffer, nOffSet, nLen, sFrom )
						Return FALSE
					Set nOffSet = nOffSet + nLen
					If NOT CStructPutByte( strBuffer, nOffSet, 0 )
						Return FALSE
					Set nOffSet = nOffSet + 1
					Set nLen = SalStrLength( sTo )
					If NOT CStructPutString( strBuffer, nOffSet, nLen, sTo )
						Return FALSE
					Set nOffSet = nOffSet + nLen
					If NOT CStructPutByte( strBuffer, nOffSet, 0 )
						Return FALSE
					Set nOffSet = nOffSet + 1
					Set nLen = SalStrLength( sSendString )
					Call SalStrSetBufferLength( strSendString, nLen )
					! For russian language
					Call CharToOemBuffA ( sSendString, strSendString, nLen )
					If NOT CStructPutString( strBuffer, nOffSet, nLen, strSendString )
						Return FALSE
					Set nOffSet = nOffSet + nLen
					If NOT CStructPutByte( strBuffer, nOffSet, 0 )
						Return FALSE
					Set nLen = nOffSet + 1
					! send data
					Set bOk = WriteFile( nComHandle, strBuffer, nLen, nLenSend, 0 )
					If nLenSend = nLen
						Set lbOK = TRUE
					! close handle (serial port)
					Call CloseHandle( nComHandle )
					Set nComHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
					Return lbOK
			Function: VisNetEnumMACAddress
				Description: author: 	Stefan Beltrame 
						date:	05.02.2004
						version: 	1.00 function implemented
					String: p_saMACAddress[*]
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Boolean: bOk
					Number: nRet
					String: sBuffer
					Number: nLanaEnumPtr
					Number: nAdapterPtr
					Number: nIndexMax
					Number: nIndex
					Number: nCount
					Number: n
0000: 0100
					Number: nMACAddress
0000: 0100
					Number: naMACAddress[*]
					String: sMACAddress
0000: 0100
					! Structure
					Number: i_ncb_command
					Number: i_ncb_retcode
					Number: i_ncb_lsn
					Number: i_ncb_num
					Number: i_ncb_buffer
					Number: i_ncb_length
					String: i_ncb_callname
					String: i_ncb_name
					Number: i_ncb_rto
					Number: i_ncb_sto
					Number: i_ncb_post
					Number: i_ncb_lana_num
					Number: i_ncb_cmd_cplt
					String: i_ncb_reserve
					Number: i_ncb_event
					Set bOk = TRUE
					If bOk
						Set nLanaEnumPtr = CStructAllocFarMem(256)
						Set bOk = (nLanaEnumPtr != 0)
						If NOT bOk
							Call SalMessageBox('Out of memory in fcNetbios.EnumMACAddress().\r\nCannot allocate memory for nLanaEnumPtr.', 'Out of memory',
										MB_IconExclamation | MB_Ok)
					If bOk
						Set nAdapterPtr = CStructAllocFarMem(60 + 1024)
						Set bOk = (nAdapterPtr != 0)
						If NOT bOk
							Call SalMessageBox('Out of memory in fcNetbios.EnumMACAddress().\r\nCannot allocate memory for nLanaEnumPtr.', 'Out of memory',
										MB_IconExclamation | MB_Ok)
					If bOk
						Set i_ncb_retcode = 0
						Set i_ncb_lsn = 0
						Set i_ncb_num = 0
						Set i_ncb_callname = '                '
						Set i_ncb_name = '                '
						Set i_ncb_rto = 0
						Set i_ncb_sto = 0
						Set i_ncb_post = 0
						Set i_ncb_lana_num = 0
						Set i_ncb_cmd_cplt = 0
						Set i_ncb_reserve = '          '
						Set i_ncb_event = 0
						Set i_ncb_command = 0x37		! NCBENUM
						Set i_ncb_buffer = nLanaEnumPtr
						Set i_ncb_length = 256
						Set nRet = Netbios(i_ncb_command, i_ncb_retcode, i_ncb_lsn, i_ncb_num, i_ncb_buffer, i_ncb_length, i_ncb_callname, i_ncb_name,
									i_ncb_rto, i_ncb_sto, i_ncb_post, i_ncb_lana_num, i_ncb_cmd_cplt, i_ncb_reserve, i_ncb_event)
						Set bOk = (nRet = 0)
						If NOT bOk
							Call SalMessageBox('Netbios error #' || SalNumberToStrX(nRet, 0) || ' on command NCBENUM in fcNetbios.EnumMACAddress().', 'Netbios error',
										MB_IconExclamation | MB_Ok)
					If bOk
						Call SalStrSetBufferLength(sBuffer, 256)
						Call CStructCopyFromFarMem(nLanaEnumPtr, sBuffer, 256)
						Set nIndexMax = CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 0)
						Set nIndex = 0
						Set nCount = 0
						While bOk AND (nIndex < nIndexMax)
							If bOk
								Set i_ncb_retcode = 0
								Set i_ncb_lsn = 0
								Set i_ncb_num = 0
								Set i_ncb_buffer = 0
								Set i_ncb_length = 0
								Set i_ncb_callname = '                '
								Set i_ncb_name = '                '
								Set i_ncb_rto = 0
								Set i_ncb_sto = 0
								Set i_ncb_post = 0
								Set i_ncb_cmd_cplt = 0
								Set i_ncb_reserve = '          '
								Set i_ncb_event = 0
								Set i_ncb_command = 0x32		! NCBRESET
								Set i_ncb_lana_num = CStructGetByte(sBuffer, nIndex + 1)
								Set nRet = Netbios(i_ncb_command, i_ncb_retcode, i_ncb_lsn, i_ncb_num, i_ncb_buffer, i_ncb_length, i_ncb_callname, i_ncb_name,
											i_ncb_rto, i_ncb_sto, i_ncb_post, i_ncb_lana_num, i_ncb_cmd_cplt, i_ncb_reserve, i_ncb_event)
								Set bOk = (nRet = 0)
								If NOT bOk
									Call SalMessageBox('Netbios error #' || SalNumberToStrX(nRet, 0) || ' on command NCBRESET for LANA ' || SalNumberToStrX(i_ncb_lana_num, 0) || ' in fcNetbios.EnumMACAddress().', 'Netbios error',
												MB_IconExclamation | MB_Ok)
							If bOk
								Set i_ncb_retcode = 0
								Set i_ncb_lsn = 0
								Set i_ncb_num = 0
								Set i_ncb_name = '                '
								Set i_ncb_rto = 0
								Set i_ncb_sto = 0
								Set i_ncb_post = 0
								Set i_ncb_cmd_cplt = 0
								Set i_ncb_reserve = '          '
								Set i_ncb_event = 0
								Set i_ncb_command = 0x33		! NCBASTAT
								Set i_ncb_lana_num = CStructGetByte(sBuffer, nIndex + 1)
								Set i_ncb_callname = '*               '
								Set i_ncb_buffer = nAdapterPtr
								Set i_ncb_length = 60 + 1024
								Set nRet = Netbios(i_ncb_command, i_ncb_retcode, i_ncb_lsn, i_ncb_num, i_ncb_buffer, i_ncb_length, i_ncb_callname, i_ncb_name,
											i_ncb_rto, i_ncb_sto, i_ncb_post, i_ncb_lana_num, i_ncb_cmd_cplt, i_ncb_reserve, i_ncb_event)
								Set bOk = (nRet = 0)
								If NOT bOk
									Call SalMessageBox('Netbios error #' || SalNumberToStrX(nRet, 0) || ' on command NCBASTAT for LANA ' || SalNumberToStrX(i_ncb_lana_num, 0) || ' in fcNetbios.EnumMACAddress().', 'Netbios error',
												MB_IconExclamation | MB_Ok)
							If bOk
								Call SalStrSetBufferLength(sBuffer, 60)	! only ADAPTER_STATUS
								Call CStructCopyFromFarMem(nAdapterPtr, sBuffer, 60)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = 0
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 0)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 1)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 2)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 3)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 4)
								Set naMACAddress[nCount] = naMACAddress[nCount] * 256 + CStructGetByte(sBuffer, 5)
								Set nCount = nCount + 1
							Set nIndex = nIndex + 1
					If nAdapterPtr != 0
						Call CStructFreeFarMem(nAdapterPtr)
					If nLanaEnumPtr != 0
						Call CStructFreeFarMem(nLanaEnumPtr)
					Set nIndex = 0
					While nIndex < nCount
						Set nMACAddress = naMACAddress[nIndex]
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress =  SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n) ,2 )
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress = SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n), 2 ) || '-' || sMACAddress
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress = SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n), 2 ) || '-' || sMACAddress
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress = SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n), 2 ) || '-' || sMACAddress
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress = SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n), 2 ) || '-' || sMACAddress
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set n = SalNumberMod(nMACAddress, 256)
						Set sMACAddress = SalStrRightX( '00' || SalNumberToHex(n), 2 ) || '-' || sMACAddress
						Set nMACAddress = (nMACAddress - n) / 256
						Set p_saMACAddress[nIndex] = sMACAddress
						Set nIndex = nIndex + 1
					Return nCount
		Named Menus
		Class Definitions
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			MDI Window: cBaseMDI
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			Dialog Box:
			Table Window:
			Quest Window:
			Data Field:
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			Radio Button:
			Option Button:
			Check Box:
			Child Table:
			Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase
			List Box:
			Combo Box:
			Vertical Scroll Bar:
			Horizontal Scroll Bar:
			Background Text:
			Group Box:
			Custom Control:
		Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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