Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template Outline Version - 4.0.27 Design-time Settings .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000 0020: 0000000000D70000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF 0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0001000000010000 0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D00000000 .enddata Outline Window State: Normal Outline Window Location and Size .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E 0020: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000003B00010000 00000000000000E9 0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000 0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000 0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000 00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: D000 .enddata Left: -0.013" Top: 0.0" Width: 8.013" Height: 4.969" Options Box Location .data VIEWINFO 0000: D4180909B80B1A00 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: 0800 .enddata Visible? No Left: 4.15" Top: 1.885" Width: 3.8" Height: 2.073" Class Editor Location Visible? No Left: 0.575" Top: 0.094" Width: 5.063" Height: 2.719" Tool Palette Location Visible? No Left: 6.388" Top: 0.729" Fully Qualified External References? Yes Reject Multiple Window Instances? No Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No Libraries Global Declarations Window Defaults Tool Bar Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Form Window Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Dialog Box Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Top Level Table Window Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Data Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Multiline Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Spin Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Background Text Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Pushbutton Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Radio Button Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Check Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Option Button Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Group Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Child Table Window Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent List Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Combo Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Line Line Color: Use Parent Frame Border Color: Use Parent Background Color: 3D Face Color Picture Border Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Formats Number: 0'%' Number: #0 Number: ###000 Number: ###000;'($'###000')' Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM Date/Time: M/d/yy Date/Time: MM-dd-yy Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM External Functions Constants .data CCDATA 0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000 .enddata .data CCSIZE 0000: 1400 .enddata System User Resources Variables Internal Functions ! ! ! OutlineListBox Function: VisListGetDragDropItems Description: Returns the Source and Target- ItemIndex/handle (only in DragDrop Mode and only between/ in Treeviews) example: Call VisListGetDragDropItems(hWndItem, lnIdxSrc, lhItemSrc,lhWndTgt, lnIdxTgt, lhItemTgt ) Returns Parameters ! Source Window Handle: phWndSrcTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: pnSrcIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: phSrcItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! Target Receive Window Handle: phWndTgtTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: pnTgtIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: phTgtItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Window Handle: lhWndTgt .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnTgtX .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnTgtY .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions ! ! Source Set pnSrcIdx = VisListGetCurrentItemIndex(phWndSrcTreeView) Set phSrcItem = VisListGetCurrentItemHandle(phWndSrcTreeView) ! ! Target Call SalDragDropGetTarget(phWndTgtTreeView, lnTgtX, lnTgtY) Set pnTgtIdx = VisListGetIndexFromPoint(phWndTgtTreeView, lnTgtX, lnTgtY) Set phTgtItem =VisListGetItemHandle(phWndTgtTreeView, pnTgtIdx) Return TRUE Function: VisListFindItemStringX Description: author: tl date: ??.??.1999 version 1.2 Finds a String in a OutlineListbox and expand the tree to the found string. example: PushButton: pbSearchOLB On SAM_Click if not VisListFindItemStringX(hWndTreeView, 'Test', FALSE, nOccurance) Call SalMsgBox('No string found','...',MB_Ok ) Set nOccurance = 1 Else Set nOccurance = nOccurance +1 On SAM_Create Set nOccurance = 1 Returns Boolean: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsSearchStr Boolean: bMatchWord Number: pnFindNum Static Variables Local variables Number: lhItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set lhItem = VisListFindItemString(phWndTreeView, lsSearchStr, bMatchWord, pnFindNum ) If lhItem < 1 Return FALSE Call VisListExpandParentItems(phWndTreeView,lhItem) Return TRUE Function: VisListExpandParentItems Description: author: tl,sb date: 22.01.2002 version 1.2 desc: Expand all parentitems of the treeview to the root example: Call VisListExpandParentItems( hWndTreeView, lhItem ) Returns Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView Number: phItem Static Variables Local variables Number: lhItemListe[*] Number: lnCount2 Number: lhItem Number: lnIdx Actions ! Hier expandieren Set lhItem =phItem Set lnCount2=0 While phItem != VisListGetRoot(phWndTreeView) Set lhItemListe[lnCount2] = phItem Set phItem = VisListGetParent ( phItem ) Set lnCount2 = lnCount2+1 While lnCount2 >0 If not ( VisListGetFlags (phWndTreeView, VisListGetItemIndex( lhItemListe[lnCount2] ) ) & ITEM_IsExpanded ) Call VisListExpand ( phWndTreeView, VisListGetItemIndex( lhItemListe[lnCount2] ) ) Set lnCount2 = lnCount2 - 1 ! --Item fokusieren ---! Set lnIdx = VisListGetItemIndex ( lhItem ) ! If lnIdx > -1 Call VisListSetFocusIndex (phWndTreeView, VisListGetItemIndex ( lhItem ) ) ! Else Call VisListSetFocusIndex (phWndTreeView, 0 ) Call VisListSetFocusIndex (phWndTreeView, VisListGetItemIndex ( lhItem ) ) Function: VisListExpandItemHandle Description: author: Frank Boettcher (Tea Talk) date: July 2001 version 1.0 desc: the function is capable of expanding an item based on its item handle Returns Boolean: Parameters Window Handle: hpWndlb ! handle of listbox Number: npItem ! item handle of item to be expanded Static Variables Local variables Number: nIndex Number: nItem Number: naParent[*] Number: nParents Number: nRoot Actions Set nIndex = VisListGetItemIndex ( npItem ) If nIndex > -1 Call VisListExpand ( hpWndlb, nIndex) Return TRUE Set nItem = npItem Set nParents = 0 Set nRoot = VisListGetRoot (hpWndlb) ! enumerate all parents Loop Set nItem = VisListGetParent ( nItem ) If nItem = nRoot Break Set naParent[nParents] = nItem Set nParents = nParents + 1 ! make sure each parent is expanded While nParents > 0 Set nParents = nParents - 1 If NOT VisListGetItemFlags ( naParent[nParents] ) & ITEM_IsExpanded ! check if parent can be expanded ! if you use this, you need to make sure to set the flags correctly when inserting new items ! If VisListGetItemFlags (naParent[nParents]) & ITEM_CanExpand Call VisListSetItemFlags ( naParent[nParents], ITEM_IsExpanded, TRUE) Else Return FALSE Return TRUE Function: VisListFindItemString Description: author: tl,sb date: 22.01.2002 version 1.2 Finds a String in a OutlineListbox and returns the Item handle example: Set lhItemFound = VisListFindItemString(hWndTreeView, 'Test', FALSE, 1) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsSearchStr Boolean: MatchWord Number: pnFindNum ! Number of occurence of the string which should be found Static Variables Local variables Number: lhItem[*] Number: lnCount Number: lnIndex Number: lhStart Number: lhItemList Number: lhItemListe[*] String: lsText Number: lnFindNum Number: lnCount2 Number: lnFindPos Actions Set lhStart = VisListGetRoot(phWndTreeView) Set lnCount =VisListEnumDescendents( lhStart ,lhItem ) Set lnIndex = 0 Set lnFindNum=0 ! --Liste durchgehen---! While lnIndex < lnCount Set lsText = VisListGetItemText ( lhItem[lnIndex] ) Set lnFindPos= SalStrScan ( lsText, lsSearchStr ) If lnFindPos != -1 If MatchWord=FALSE Set lnFindNum=lnFindNum+1 Else ! This was for whole words in strings ! If ( SalStrMidX ( lsText, lnFindPos+ SalStrLength (lsSearchStr) ,1) =' ' and lnFindPos=0 ) or ( SalStrMidX ( lsText, lnFindPos-1,1) =' ' ) or ( SalStrLength (lsText) = SalStrLength (lsSearchStr) ) Set lnFindNum=lnFindNum+1 If lsText = lsSearchStr Set lnFindNum=lnFindNum+1 If lnFindNum = pnFindNum Set pnFindNum=pnFindNum+1 Return lhItem[lnIndex] Set lnIndex = lnIndex +1 Return NUMBER_Null Function: VisListGetCurrentItemFlags Description: Liefert Flags des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetFlags(phWndTreeView, VisListGetFocusIndex(phWndTreeView)) Function: VisListGetCurrentItemHandle Description: Liefert Item Handle des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetItemHandle(phWndTreeView,VisListGetFocusIndex(phWndTreeView)) Function: VisListGetCurrentItemIndex Description: Liefert index des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions If SalListQueryCount(phWndTreeView) = 0 Return LB_Err Else Return VisListGetFocusIndex(phWndTreeView) Function: VisListGetCurrentItemValue Description: Liefert Wert des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetItemValue(VisListGetCurrentItemHandle(phWndTreeView) ) Function: VisListGetCurrentItemText Description: Liefert Text des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns String: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetText(phWndTreeView, VisListGetFocusIndex(phWndTreeView)) Function: VisListGetCurrentLevel Description: Liefert Level des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTreeView .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetLevel(VisListGetCurrentItemHandle(phWndTreeView) ) Function: VisListSetItemFontEnh Description: author: tl date: 24.01.2002 version: V1.00 desc: Sets the enhancmetns of the item font Parameter: hItem Item handle nFontEnh FONT_EnhNormal FONT_EnhNormal FONT_EnhItalic FONT_EnhUndeline FONT_EnhStrikeOut example: Call VisListSetItemFontEnh(hItem, FONT_EnhItalic | FONT_EnhNormal ) Returns Parameters Number: hItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFontEnh .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables String: sFontName .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nSize .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nDummy .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: hFont .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Call VisFontGet( VisListGetItemFont( hItem ), sFontName, nSize, nDummy ) Set hFont = VisFontLoad(sFontName, nSize, nFontEnh ) Call VisListSetItemFont( hItem, hFont ) Function: VisListSetItemFontSize Description: author: tl date: 24.01.2002 version: V1.00 desc: Sets the size of the item font Parameter: hItem Item handle nSize example: Call VisListSetItemFontSize(hItem, 13 ) Returns Parameters Number: hItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nSize .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables String: sFontName .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFontEnh .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nDummy .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: hFont .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Call VisFontGet( VisListGetItemFont( hItem ), sFontName, nDummy, nFontEnh ) Set hFont = VisFontLoad(sFontName, nSize, nFontEnh ) Call VisListSetItemFont( hItem, hFont ) ! ! ! normal Listbox Function: VisListArrayGetFieldData Description: author: tl date: 5.11.2001 version 1.1 - tl - Added a paramter for the listboxvalues 1.0 desc: Reads the test and the values of a list box in arrays. This can be used a in combination with VisListArrayPopulateValue(..) to read an fill listes very effective. example: String: lsText[*] Number: lnValues[*] !write... Call VisListArrayPopulateValue(lb1,lsText,lnValues ) !read... Set lnCount = VisListArraryGetFieldData(lb1,lsText, lnValues) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndControl .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive String: rsaText[*] .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: rnaValues[*] .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Call SalArraySetUpperBound( rsaText,1, -1 ) Call SalArraySetUpperBound( rnaValues,1, -1 ) While lnIdx < SalListQueryCount(phWndControl) Set rsaText[lnIdx] = VisListGetText( phWndControl, lnIdx ) Set rnaValues[lnIdx] = VisListGetValue( phWndControl, lnIdx ) Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1 Return lnIdx Named Menus Class Definitions List Box Class: cFileListBoxEx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Location and Size Left: Top: Width: Class Default Width Editable? Class Default Height: Class Default Height Editable? Class Default Visible? Class Default Multiple selection? Class Default Sorted? Class Default Vertical Scroll? Class Default Font Name: Class Default Font Size: Class Default Font Enhancement: Class Default Text Color: Class Default Background Color: Class Default List in Tool Palette? Yes Property Template: Class DLL Name: Description: Derived From Class: cFileListBox Class Variables Instance Variables String: sCurrentDir .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Functions Function: Populate Description: Fills list box with file information. Returns Number: Parameters String: sPath Static Variables Local variables Number: nResult .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set sCurrentDir = sPath Set nResult = cFileListBox.Populate( sPath ) If IsDirRoot( sCurrentDir ) Call SalListDelete( hWndItem,0) Return nResult Function: GetUpperDir Description: Returns String: Parameters String: sPath .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: nPosFound .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions If SalStrRightX(sPath,1) = '\\' Set sPath = SalStrLeftX( sPath, SalStrLength( sPath ) -1 ) Set nPosFound = VisStrScanReverse( sPath,-1,'\\' ) If nPosFound = -1 Return sPath || '\\' Set sPath = SalStrLeftX( sPath, nPosFound ) Return sPath || '\\' Function: IsDirSub Description: Returns Boolean: Parameters Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: hPicNormal .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: hPicSelect .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Call GetPicture(nIdx, hPicNormal, hPicSelect ) Return ( hPicNormal = hPicFolder ) Function: IsFile Description: Returns Boolean: Parameters Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions If NOT IsDirSub( nIdx ) AND NOT IsDirUpper( nIdx ) Return TRUE Else Return FALSE Function: QueryText Description: Returns String: Parameters Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables String: sText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nPos .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set sText = SalListQueryTextX(hWndItem, nIdx ) Set nPos = SalStrScan( sText,' ') If nPos != -1 Set sText = SalStrLeftX( sText, nPos ) Else Set sText = STRING_Null Return sText Function: IsDirUpper Description: Returns Boolean: Parameters Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions If nIdx != 0 Return FALSE If IsDirRoot( sCurrentDir ) Return FALSE Return TRUE Function: IsDirRoot Description: Returns Boolean: Parameters String: sPath .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions If SalStrMidX( sPath, SalStrLength( sPath )-2, 1 ) = ':' Return TRUE Else Return FALSE ! Function: __Navigate Description: Returns Parameters Static Variables Local variables Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! String: sText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nPos .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set nIdx = SalListQuerySelection( hWndItem ) ! upper If IsDirUpper( nIdx ) Set sCurrentDir = GetUpperDir( sCurrentDir ) Call Populate( sCurrentDir ) ! subdir Else If IsDirSub( nIdx ) Set sCurrentDir = sCurrentDir || QueryText(nIdx) || '\\' Call Populate( sCurrentDir ) ! List Initialization Message Actions On SAM_DoubleClick Call __Navigate () List Box Class: cOutlineTreeView Window Location and Size Left: Top: Width: 1.2" Width Editable? Class Default Height: 0.833" Height Editable? Class Default Visible? Class Default Multiple selection? Class Default Sorted? Class Default Vertical Scroll? Class Default Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 10 Font Enhancement: Class Default Text Color: Class Default Background Color: Class Default List in Tool Palette? Yes Property Template: Class DLL Name: Description: TreevIew author: tl,jh,... Derived From Class: cOutlineListBox Class Variables Instance Variables Functions Function: Clear Description: Leert Listbox Returns Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Call SalListClear(hWndItem) Function: Count Description: Liefert Anzahl Eintrдge zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return SalListQueryCount(hWndItem) Function: DeSelect Description: Selektierte Eintrag deselektieren und Focus entfernen Returns Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Call SalListSetSelect(hWndItem, -1) Return TRUE ! Function: GetCurrentFlags Description: Liefert Flags des selektierten Eintrags zurьck. Flags kцnnen kombiniert sein. Um einzelne Flags abzufragen: if olbExploer.GetCurrentFlags() & ITEM_IsFolder = ITEM_IsFolder ..... (dann ist Flag gesetzt) Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetFlags(hWndItem, GetCurrentFocusIndex()) Function: GetCurrentItem Description: Liefert Item Handle des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetItemHandle(hWndItem,GetCurrentFocusIndex()) Function: GetCurrentFocusIndex Description: Liefert index des selektierten Eintrags zurьck (interne Nummerierung des Controls) Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions If Count() = 0 Return LB_Err Else Return VisListGetFocusIndex(hWndItem) Function: GetCurrentLevel Description: Liefert Level des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetLevel(GetCurrentItem()) Function: GetCurrentValue Description: Liefert Wert des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Number: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetItemValue(GetCurrentItem()) Function: GetCurrentText Description: Liefert Text des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns String: Parameters Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListGetText(hWndItem, GetCurrentFocusIndex()) ! Function: SetCurrentText Description: Liefert Text des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Parameters String: psText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListSetText(hWndItem, GetCurrentFocusIndex(),psText) Function: SetCurrentFocusIndex Description: Focus setzen auf Eintrag mit dem spezifizierten Index Returns Parameters Number: lnIdx Static Variables Local variables Actions ! ! Focus nochmal setzen da sonst Item nicht mehr selektiert Call VisListSetFocusIndex(hWndItem, lnIdx) Function: SetCurrentFlags Description: Returns Parameters Number: pnFlags .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListSetFlags(hWndItem, GetCurrentFocusIndex(),pnFlags, TRUE) Function: SetCurrentValue Description: Liefert Wert des selektierten Eintrags zurьck Returns Parameters Number: pnValue .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListSetItemValue(GetCurrentItem(), pnValue) ! Function: IsCurrentItemFlagSet Description: Prьft ob Flag im selektierten Eintrag gesetzt ist Returns Parameters Number: pnFlag Static Variables Local variables Number: lnFlag Actions Set lnFlag = GetCurrentFlags() If lnFlag = -1 Return FALSE If (lnFlag & pnFlag) != 0 Return TRUE Else Return FALSE ! Function: SetItemFontEnh Description: Sets the Enhancemtns of the item font Parameter: hItem Item handle nFontEnh FONT_EnhNormal FONT_EnhNormal FONT_EnhItalic FONT_EnhUndeline FONT_EnhStrikeOut example: Call TreeView.SetItemFontEnh(hItem, FONT_EnhItalic | FONT_EnhNormal ) Returns Parameters Number: hItem Number: nFontEnh Static Variables Local variables Actions Call VisListSetItemFontEnh( hItem, nFontEnh ) Function: SetItemFontSize Description: Sets the Enhancemtns of the item font Parameter: hItem Item handle nSize example: Call TreeView.SetItemFontEnh(hItem, 13 ) Returns Parameters Number: hItem Number: nSize Static Variables Local variables Actions Call VisListSetItemFontSize( hItem, nSize ) Function: GetDragDropItems Description: Gibt Quell und Ziel- ItemIndex/handle zurьck (nur im DragDrop Mode ) Returns Parameters Receive Number: pnSrcIdx Receive Number: phSrcItem ! Receive Number: pnTgtIdx Receive Number: phTgtItem Static Variables Local variables Window Handle: lhWndTgt Number: lnTgtX Number: lnTgtY Actions Call VisListGetDragDropItems(hWndItem,pnSrcIdx,phSrcItem,hWndItem,pnTgtIdx,phTgtItem) Return TRUE ! Function: OnSAM_DragNotify Description: Returns Parameters Number: wParam Number: lnAction Static Variables Local variables Number: lnExpTop Number: lnExpBottom Number: lnMouseY Number: lnDummy Number: lnIdxTop Number: lnIdxBottom Actions Select Case lnAction Case SAM_DragMove ! Lese Explorer position Call GetWindowRect(hWndItem, lnDummy, lnExpTop, lnDummy, lnExpBottom) Call VisListGetVisibleRange(hWndItem,lnIdxTop, lnIdxBottom) ! Lese Maus position Call GetCursorPos(lnDummy,lnMouseY) ! ! Falls Mauszeiger oberhalb Listbox, Aufwдrts scrollen If lnMouseY <= lnExpTop + 60 Call VisListScroll(hWndItem,lnIdxTop - 2) Return TRUE ! Falls Mauszeiger unterhalb Listbox, Abwдrts scrollen If lnMouseY >= lnExpBottom - 60 Call VisListScroll(hWndItem,lnIdxTop + 2) Return TRUE Break ! Function: FindItemStringX Description: Finds a String in a OutlineListbox and expand the thr tree to the found string. example: Call VisListFindItemStringX(hWndTreeView, 'Test', FALSE, 1) Returns Number: Parameters String: psSearchStr .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Boolean: pbMatchword Number: pnFindNum Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListFindItemStringX( hWndItem, psSearchStr,pbMatchword, pnFindNum ) Function: ExpandParentItems Description: author: tl,sb date: 22.01.2002 version 1.2 desc: Expand all parentitems of the treeview to the root example: Call VisListExpandParentItems( hWndTreeView, lhItem ) Returns Parameters Number: phItem .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisListExpandParentItems( hWndItem, phItem ) List Initialization Message Actions On VTM_Create Call SetStyle( LBS_VisExtensions | LBS_Explorer | LBS_ShowHorzScrollBar ) On VTM_OutlineCornerClick ! Index in wParam Call SetItemFlags(GetItemHandle(wParam), ITEM_IsFocus | ITEM_IsSelected, TRUE) Call SalSendMsg(hWndItem, SAM_DoubleClick, 0, 0) On SAM_DragNotify Call OnSAM_DragNotify(wParam, lParam) On VTM_KeyDown Select Case wParam Case VK_Down Case VK_Up Break Case VK_Multiply If GetCurrentFocusIndex() != LB_Err Call ExpandDescendents( GetCurrentFocusIndex() ) Break Case VK_Subtract If GetCurrentFocusIndex() != LB_Err Call Collapse( GetCurrentFocusIndex() ) Break Case VK_Right If GetCurrentFocusIndex() != LB_Err Call Expand(GetCurrentFocusIndex() ) Break Case VK_Left If GetCurrentFocusIndex() != LB_Err Call Collapse( GetCurrentFocusIndex() ) Break Default Call SalSendClassMessage(VTM_KeyDown, wParam, lParam) Break Default Classes MDI Window: cBaseMDI Form Window: Dialog Box: Table Window: Quest Window: Data Field: Spin Field: Multiline Field: Pushbutton: Radio Button: Option Button: Check Box: Child Table: Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase List Box: Combo Box: Picture: Vertical Scroll Bar: Horizontal Scroll Bar: Column: Background Text: Group Box: Line: Frame: Custom Control: ActiveX: Application Actions
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