unit sqlapi; (* Converted from С to Pascal. 2002. http://gupta.narod.ru/ctd *) interface (* COPYRIGHT (C) xxx CORPORATION 1998 *) (* INTERFACE TO SQL *) (* REVISION HISTORY 18/11/98 release 1.0.0 DESCRIPTION This file contains structure definitions and defined constants used to interface with SQLBASE. *) const SQLVERS = 60100; (* version number *) SQLAPIV = 00102; (* API version number since 3.6 *) FETRTRU = 1; (* data truncated *) FETRSIN = 2; (* signed number fetched *) FETRDNN = 3; (* data is not numeric *) FETRNOF = 4; (* numeric overflow *) FETRDTN = 5; (* data type not supported *) FETRDND = 6; (* data is not in date format *) FETRNUL = 7; (* data is null *) SQLDCHR = 1; (* character data type *) SQLDNUM = 2; (* numeric data type *) SQLDDAT = 3; (* date-time data type *) SQLDLON = 4; (* long data type *) SQLDDTE = 5; (* date (only) data type *) SQLDTIM = 6; (* time (only) data type *) SQLDHDL = 7; (* sql handle data type *) SQLDBOO = 8; (* boolean data type *) SQLDDTM = 8; (* maximum data type *) SQLPBUF = 1; (* buffer *) SQLPSTR = 2; (* string (zero terminated) *) SQLPUCH = 3; (* unsigned char *) SQLPSCH = 4; (* char *) SQLPUIN = 5; (* unsigned int *) SQLPSIN = 6; (* int *) SQLPULO = 7; (* unsigned long *) SQLPSLO = 8; (* long *) SQLPFLT = 9; (* float *) SQLPDOU = 10; (* double *) SQLPNUM = 11; (* SQLBASE internal numeric format *) SQLPDAT = 12; (* SQLBASE internal datetime format *) SQLPUPD = 13; (* unsigned packed decimal *) SQLPSPD = 14; (* signed packed decimal *) SQLPDTE = 15; (* date only format *) SQLPTIM = 16; (* time only format *) SQLPUSH = 17; (* unsigned short *) SQLPSSH = 18; (* short *) SQLPNST = 19; (* numeric string *) SQLPNBU = 20; (* numeric buffer *) SQLPEBC = 21; (* EBCDIC buffer format *) SQLPLON = 22; (* long text string *) SQLPLBI = 23; (* long binary buffer *) SQLPLVR = 24; (* char\long varchar > 254 *) SQLPDTM = 24; (* data type maximum *) SQLEINT = 1; (* INTEGER *) SQLESMA = 2; (* SMALLINT *) SQLEFLO = 3; (* FLOAT *) SQLECHR = 4; (* CHAR *) SQLEVAR = 5; (* VARCHAR *) SQLELON = 6; (* LONGVAR *) SQLEDEC = 7; (* DECIMAL *) SQLEDAT = 8; (* DATE *) SQLETIM = 9; (* TIME *) SQLETMS = 10; (* TIMESTAMP *) SQLEMON = 11; (* MONEY *) SQLEDOU = 12; (* DOUBLE *) SQLEGPH = 13; (* GRAPHIC *) SQLEVGP = 14; (* VAR GRAPHIC *) SQLELGP = 15; (* LONG VAR GRAPHIC *) SQLEBIN = 16; (* BINARY *) SQLEVBI = 17; (* VAR BINARY *) SQLELBI = 18; (* LONG BINARY *) SQLEBOO = 19; (* BOOLEAN *) SQLELCH = 20; (* CHAR > 254 *) SQLELVR = 21; (* VARCHAR > 254 *) SQLPDDB = 1; (* default database name *) SQLPDUS = 2; (* default user name *) SQLPDPW = 3; (* default password *) SQLPGBC = 4; (* global cursor value *) SQLPLRD = 5; (* local result set directory *) SQLPDBM = 6; (* db mode - see below *) SQLPDBD = 7; (* dbdir *) SQLPCPG = 8; (* code page information *) SQLPNIE = 9; (* null indicator error *) SQLPCPT = 10; (* connect pass thru to backend *) SQLPTPD = 11; (* temp dir *) SQLPDTR = 12; (* distributed transaction mode *) SQLPPSW = 15; (* server password *) SQLPOOJ = 16; (* oracle outer join *) SQLPNPF = 17; (* net prefix *) SQLPNLG = 18; (* net log *) SQLPNCT = 19; (* net check type *) SQLPNCK = 20; (* net check *) SQLPLCK = 22; (* locks *) SQLPINT = 25; (* interrupt *) SQLPERF = 27; (* error file *) SQLPDIO = 28; (* direct I/O *) SQLPSWR = 29; (* default write *) SQLPCTY = 31; (* country *) SQLPCSD = 32; (* commit server daemon *) SQLPCSR = 33; (* commit server *) SQLPCCK = 36; (* client check *) SQLPCTS = 37; (* characterset *) SQLPCGR = 38; (* cache group *) SQLPAIO = 39; (* asyncio *) SQLPANL = 40; (* apply net log *) SQLPGRS = 41; (* get reentracy state *) SQLPSTF = 42; (* set SQLTrace flags *) SQLPCLG = 43; (* set commit-order logging *) SQLPHEP = 1001; (* HEAP size for TSR executables *) SQLPCAC = 1002; (* CACHE size in Kbytes *) SQLPBRN = 1003; (* brand of database *) SQLPVER = 1004; (* release version (ex. '4.0.J') *) SQLPPRF = 1005; (* server profiling *) SQLPPDB = 1006; (* partitioned database *) SQLPGCM = 1007; (* group commit count *) SQLPGCD = 1008; (* group commit delay ticks *) SQLPDLK = 1009; (* number of deadlocks *) SQLPCTL = 1010; (* command time limit *) SQLPAPT = 1011; (* process timer activated *) SQLPOSR = 1012; (* OS sample rate *) SQLPAWS = 1013; (* OS Averaging window size *) SQLPWKL = 1014; (* Work Limit *) SQLPWKA = 1015; (* Work Space allocation *) SQLPUSR = 1016; (* Number of users *) SQLPTMO = 1017; (* time out *) SQLPTSS = 1018; (* thread stack size *) SQLPTHM = 1019; (* thread mode *) SQLPSTC = 1020; (* sortcache size in kilobytes *) SQLPSIL = 1021; (* silent mode *) SQLPSPF = 1022; (* server prefix *) SQLPSVN = 1024; (* server name *) SQLPROM = 1025; (* read-only mode (0 or 1) *) SQLPSTA = 1026; (* enable stats gathering *) SQLPCSV = 1027; (* commit server *) SQLPTTP = 1028; (* trace for 2PC *) SQLPDBN = 2001; (* database name *) SQLPDDR = 2002; (* database directory *) SQLPLDR = 2003; (* log directory *) SQLPLFS = 2004; (* log file size in Kbytes *) SQLPCTI = 2005; (* checkpoint time interval in mins *) SQLPLBM = 2006; (* log backup mode? (0 or 1) *) SQLPPLF = 2007; (* Pre-allocate log files? (0 or 1) *) SQLPTSL = 2008; (* transaction span limit *) SQLPROT = 2009; (* read-only transactions (0, 1, 2) *) SQLPHFS = 2010; (* history file size in Kbytes *) SQLPREC = 2011; (* recovery *) SQLPEXE = 2012; (* name of executable *) SQLPNLB = 2013; (* next log to backup *) SQLPROD = 2014; (* read-only database (0 or 1) *) SQLPEXS = 2015; (* database file extension size *) SQLPPAR = 2016; (* partitioned database (0 or 1) *) SQLPNDB = 2017; (* NEWDB *) SQLPLGF = 2018; (* log file offset *) SQLPDTL = 2019; (* command timelimit *) SQLPSMN = 2020; (* show main db *) SQLPCVC = 2021; (* catalog version counter *) SQLPDBS = 2022; (* database block size *) SQLPUED = 2023; (* update external dictionary *) SQLPISO = 3001; (* isolation level (SQLILRR etc..) *) SQLPWTO = 3002; (* lock wait timeout in seconds *) SQLPPCX = 3003; (* preserve context (0 or 1) *) SQLPFRS = 3004; (* front end result sets *) SQLPLDV = 3005; (* load version (ex. '3.6.22') *) SQLPAUT = 3006; (* autocommit *) SQLPRTO = 3007; (* rollback trans on lock timeout *) SQLPSCR = 3008; (* scroll mode (0 or 1) *) SQLPRES = 3009; (* restriction mode (0 or 1) *) SQLPFT = 3010; (* fetch through *) SQLPNPB = 3011; (* no pre-build in RL mode *) SQLPPWD = 3012; (* current password *) SQLPDB2 = 3013; (* DB2 compatibility mode *) SQLPREF = 3014; (* referential integrity checking *) SQLPBLK = 3015; (* bulk-execute mode *) SQLPOBL = 3016; (* optimized bulk-execute mode *) SQLPLFF = 3017; (* LONG data allowed in FERS *) SQLPDIS = 3018; (* When to return Describe info *) SQLPCMP = 3019; (* Compress messages sent to server *) SQLPCHS = 3020; (* chained cmd has SELECT (0 or 1) *) SQLPOPL = 3021; (* optimizer level *) SQLPRID = 3022; (* ROWID *) SQLPEMT = 3023; (* Error Message Tokens *) SQLPCLN = 3024; (* client name *) SQLPLSS = 3025; (* last compiled SQL statement *) SQLPEXP = 3026; (* explain query plan *) SQLPCXP = 3027; (* cost of execution plan *) SQLPOCL = 3028; (* optimizercostlevel *) SQLPTST = 3029; (* distributed transaction status *) SQLP2PP = 3030; (* 2-phase protocol (SQL2STD, etc.) *) SQLPCLI = 3031; (* ON CLIENT option *) SQLPFNM = 3032; (* load/unload file name *) SQLPOVR = 3033; (* file OVERWRITE flag *) SQLPTFN = 3034; (* A Temporary file name *) SQLPTRC = 3035; (* Trace stored procedures *) SQLPTRF = 3036; (* Tracefile for stored procedures *) SQLPCTF = 3037; (* control file flag *) SQLPMID = 3038; (* mail id *) SQLPAID = 3039; (* adapter id *) SQLPNID = 3040; (* network id *) SQLPUID = 3041; (* user application id *) SQLPCIS = 3042; (* client identification strings *) SQLPIMB = 3043; (* input message buffer size *) SQLPOMB = 3044; (* output message buffer size *) SQLPWFC = 3045; (* which fetchable command *) SQLPRFE = 3046; (* Return on First Error-bulk insert *) SQLPCUN = 3047; (* Current cursor user name *) SQLPOFF = 3048; (* Optimize First Fetch *) SQLPFAT = 4000; (* first attribute *) SQLPBRS = 4001; (* back end result sets *) SQLPMUL = 4002; (* multi-user *) SQLPDMO = 4003; (* demonstration version *) SQLPLOC = 4004; (* local version of database *) SQLPFPT = 4005; (* 1st participant *) SQLPLAT = 4006; (* last attribute *) SQLPCAP = 4007; (* API capability level *) SQLPSCL = 4008; (* server capability level *) SQLPRUN = 4009; (* runtime version *) SQLPPLV = 5001; (* print level *) SQLPALG = 5002; (* activity log *) SQLPTMS = 5003; (* time stamp *) SQLPPTH = 5004; (* path name seperator *) SQLPTMZ = 5005; (* time zone *) SQLPTCO = 5006; (* time colon only *) SQLPESTR = 5101; (* get server error # and string *) SQLPMSTR = 5102; (* get server msg# and string *) SQLPMAPC = 5103; (* MapGTICursors *) SQLPUPRE = 5104; (* get user prefix *) SQLPORID = 5105; (* Oracle RowID *) SQLPERRM = 5106; (* error mapping *) SQLPRTS = 5107; (* SQL Server - Return Status *) SQLPSAUT = 5108; (* SQL Server - Autocommit *) SQLPROW = 5109; (* SQL Server - Command Type *) SQLPEHC = 5110; (* SQL Server - Enhanced Cursors *) SQLPGFS = 5111; (* SQL Server - Get Fetch Status *) SQLPLBUF = 5112; (* Longbuffer setting *) SQLPDPH = 5113; (* SQL Server - DBProcess handle *) SQLPCKE = 5114; (* SQL Server - CHECK EXISTS *) SQLPWTX = 5115; (* SQL Server - DBWRITETEXT *) SQLPYLD = 5116; (* SQL Server - YieldOnServerCall *) SQLPOBN = 5117; (* ODBC Router - backend brand *) SQLPOBV = 5118; (* ODBC Router - backend version *) SQLPODN = 5119; (* ODBC Router - driver name *) SQLPODV = 5120; (* ODBC Router - driver version *) SQLPOCV = 5121; (* ODBC Router - ODBC version *) SQLPRSYS = 5122; (* DRDA - EXEC SQL CONNECT TO remote system name *) SQLPLAB = 5123; (* DB2 - return label information if exists *) SQLPCID = 5124; (* DB2 - Set Current SQLID default *) SQLPNUMST = 5125; (* AS/400 Number of Statements *) SQLPBNDRW = 5126; (* Oracle- bind SQLPBUF as RAW *) SQLPNLS = 5127; (* Informix - NLS database *) SQLPFRW = 5200; (* fetchrow *) SQLPNESTR = 5201; (* SYB - get next error from client *) SQLPNMSTR = 5202; (* SYB - get next error from server *) SQLPCESTR = 5203; (* SYB - get client message count *) SQLPCMSTR = 5204; (* SYB - get server message count *) SQLPBRW = 5226; (* buffrow *) SQLP_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS = 5500; SQLP_ACTIVE_STATEMENTS = 5501; SQLP_DATA_SOURCE_NAME = 5502; SQLP_DRIVER_HDBC = 5503; SQLP_DRIVER_HENV = 5504; SQLP_DRIVER_HSTMT = 5505; SQLP_DRIVER_NAME = 5506; SQLP_DRIVER_VER = 5507; SQLP_FETCH_DIRECTION = 5508; SQLP_ODBC_API_CONFORMANCE = 5509; SQLP_ODBC_VER = 5510; SQLP_ROW_UPDATES = 5511; SQLP_ODBC_SAG_CLI_CONFORMANCE = 5512; SQLP_SERVER_NAME = 5513; SQLP_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE = 5514; SQLP_ODBC_SQL_CONFORMANCE = 5515; SQLP_DATABASE_NAME = 5516; SQLP_DBMS_NAME = 5517; SQLP_DBMS_VER = 5518; SQLP_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES = 5519; SQLP_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES = 5520; SQLP_PROCEDURES = 5521; SQLP_CONCAT_NULL_BEHAVIOUR = 5522; SQLP_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOUR = 5523; SQLP_CURSOR_ROLLBACK_BEHAVIOUR = 5524; SQLP_DATA_SOURCE_READ_ONLY = 5525; SQLP_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION = 5526; SQLP_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ORDERBY = 5527; SQLP_IDENTIFIER_CASE = 5528; SQLP_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR = 5529; SQLP_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN = 5530; SQLP_MAX_CURSOR_NAME_LEN = 5531; SQLP_MAX_OWNER_NAME_LEN = 5532; SQLP_MAX_PROCEDURE_NAME_LEN = 5533; SQLP_MAX_QUALIFIER_NAME_LEN = 5534; SQLP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN = 5535; SQLP_MULT_RESULT_SETS = 5536; SQLP_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_TXN = 5537; SQLP_OUTER_JOINS = 5538; SQLP_OWNER_TERM = 5539; SQLP_PROCEDURE_TERM = 5540; SQLP_QUALIFIER_NAME_SEPARATOR = 5541; SQLP_QUALIFIER_TERM = 5542; SQLP_SCROLL_CONCURRENCY = 5543; SQLP_SCROLL_OPTIONS = 5544; SQLP_TABLE_TERM = 5545; SQLP_TXN_CAPABLE = 5546; SQLP_USER_NAME = 5547; SQLP_CONVERT_FUNCTIONS = 5548; SQLP_NUMERIC_FUNCTIONS = 5549; SQLP_STRING_FUNCTIONS = 5550; SQLP_SYSTEM_FUNCTIONS = 5551; SQLP_TIMEDATE_FUNCTIONS = 5552; SQLP_CONVERT_BIGINT = 5553; SQLP_CONVERT_BINARY = 5554; SQLP_CONVERT_BIT = 5555; SQLP_CONVERT_CHAR = 5556; SQLP_CONVERT_DATE = 5557; SQLP_CONVERT_DECIMAL = 5558; SQLP_CONVERT_DOUBLE = 5559; SQLP_CONVERT_FLOAT = 5560; SQLP_CONVERT_INTEGER = 5561; SQLP_CONVERT_LONGVARCHAR = 5562; SQLP_CONVERT_NUMERIC = 5563; SQLP_CONVERT_REAL = 5564; SQLP_CONVERT_SMALLINT = 5565; SQLP_CONVERT_TIME = 5566; SQLP_CONVERT_TIMESTAMP = 5567; SQLP_CONVERT_TINYINT = 5568; SQLP_CONVERT_VARBINARY = 5569; SQLP_CONVERT_VARCHAR = 5570; SQLP_CONVERT_LONGVARBINARY = 5571; SQLP_TXN_ISOLATION_OPTION = 5572; SQLP_ODBC_SQL_OPT_IEF = 5573; SQLP_CORRELATION_NAME = 5574; SQLP_NON_NULLABLE_COLUMNS = 5575; SQLP_DRIVER_HLIB = 5576; SQLP_DRIVER_ODBC_VER = 5577; SQLP_FILE_USAGE = 5578; SQLP_GETDATA_EXTENSIONS = 5579; SQLP_NULL_COLLATION = 5580; SQLP_ALTER_TABLE = 5581; SQLP_COLUMN_ALIAS = 5582; SQLP_GROUP_BY = 5583; SQLP_KEYWORDS = 5584; SQLP_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT = 5585; SQLP_OWNER_USAGE = 5586; SQLP_POSITIONED_STATEMENTS = 5587; SQLP_QUALIFIER_USAGE = 5588; SQLP_QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_CASE = 5589; SQLP_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = 5590; SQLP_SUBQUERIES = 5591; SQLP_UNION = 5592; SQLP_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_GROUP_BY = 5593; SQLP_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_INDEX = 5594; SQLP_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_ORDER_BY = 5595; SQLP_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_SELECT = 5596; SQLP_MAX_COLUMNS_IN_TABLE = 5597; SQLP_MAX_INDEX_SIZE = 5598; SQLP_MAX_ROW_SIZE_INCLUDES_LONG = 5599; SQLP_MAX_ROW_SIZE = 5600; SQLP_MAX_STATEMENT_LEN = 5601; SQLP_MAX_TABLES_IN_SELECT = 5602; SQLP_MAX_USER_NAME_LEN = 5603; SQLP_TIMEDATE_ADD_INTERVALS = 5604; SQLP_TIMEDATE_DIFF_INTERVALS = 5605; SQLP_CONVERT_C_BINARY = 5606; SQLP_CONVERT_C_BIT = 5607; SQLP_CONVERT_C_CHAR = 5608; SQLP_CONVERT_C_DATE = 5609; SQLP_CONVERT_C_DOUBLE = 5610; SQLP_CONVERT_C_FLOAT = 5611; SQLP_CONVERT_C_SLONG = 5612; SQLP_CONVERT_C_SSHORT = 5613; SQLP_CONVERT_C_STINYINT = 5614; SQLP_CONVERT_C_TIME = 5615; SQLP_CONVERT_C_TIMESTAMP = 5616; SQLP_CONVERT_C_ULONG = 5617; SQLP_CONVERT_C_USHORT = 5618; SQLP_CONVERT_C_UTINYINT = 5619; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_BIGINT = 5620; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_BINARY = 5621; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_BIT = 5622; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_CHAR = 5623; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_DATE = 5624; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_DECIMAL = 5625; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_DOUBLE = 5626; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_FLOAT = 5627; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_INTEGER = 5628; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_LONGVARBINARY = 5629; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_LONGVARCHAR = 5630; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_NUMERIC = 5631; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_REAL = 5632; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_SMALLINT = 5633; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_TIME = 5634; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_TIMESTAMP = 5635; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_TINYINT = 5636; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_VARBINARY = 5637; SQLP_CONVERT_SQL_VARCHAR = 5638; SQLP_GET_TYPE_INFO = 5699; SQLP000 = 6000; (* for internal use only *) SQLP999 = 6999; (* for internal use only *) SQLPITP = $4000; (* INTERNAL USE ONLY *) SQLPITC = $8000; (* INTERNAL USE ONLY *) SQLVOFF = 0; (* parameter should be OFF *) SQLVON = 1; (* parameter should be ON *) SQLVDFL = 2; (* parameter should default *) SQLMDBL = 1; (* DB Local *) SQLMRTR = 2; (* DB Router *) SQLMCOM = 3; (* DB Combo *) SQLBSQB = 1; (* SQLBASE *) SQLBDB2 = 2; (* DB2 *) SQLBDBM = 3; (* IBM OS/2 Database Manager *) SQLBORA = 4; (* Oracle *) SQLBIGW = 5; (* Informix *) SQLBNTW = 6; (* Netware SQL *) SQLBAS4 = 7; (* IBM AS/400 SQL/400 *) SQLBSYB = 8; (* Sybase SQL Server *) SQLBDBC = 9; (* Teradata DBC Machines *) SQLBALB = 10; (* HP Allbase *) SQLBRDB = 11; (* DEC's RDB *) SQLBTDM = 12; (* Tandem's Nonstop SQL *) SQLBSDS = 13; (* IBM SQL/DS *) SQLBSES = 14; (* SNI SESAM *) SQLBING = 15; (* Ingres *) SQLBSQL = 16; (* SQL Access *) SQLBDBA = 17; (* DBase *) SQLBDB4 = 18; (* SNI DDB4 *) SQLBFUJ = 19; (* Fujitsu RDBII *) SQLBSUP = 20; (* Cincom SUPRA *) SQLB204 = 21; (* CCA Model 204 *) SQLBDAL = 22; (* Apple DAL interface *) SQLBSHR = 23; (* Teradata ShareBase *) SQLBIOL = 24; (* Informix On-Line *) SQLBEDA = 25; (* EDA/SQL *) SQLBUDS = 26; (* SNI UDS *) SQLBMIM = 27; (* Nocom Mimer *) SQLBOR7 = 28; (* Oracle version 7 *) SQLBIOS = 29; (* Ingres OpenSQL *) SQLBIOD = 30; (* Ingres OpenSQL with date support *) SQLBODB = 31; (* ODBC Router *) SQLBS10 = 32; (* SYBASE System 10 *) SQLBSE6 = 33; (* Informix SE version 6 *) SQLBOL6 = 34; (* Informix On-Line version 6 *) SQLBNSE = 35; (* Informix SE NLS version 6 *) SQLBNOL = 36; (* Informix On-Line NLS version 6 *) SQLBSE7 = 37; (* Informix SE version 7 *) SQLBOL7 = 38; (* Informix On-Line version 7 *) SQLBETA = 39; (* Entire Access, ADABAS *) SQLBAPP = 99; (* SQLHost App Services *) SQLSNUM = 12; (* numeric program buffer size *) SQLSDAT = SQLSNUM; (* date-time program buffer size *) SQLSCDA = 26; (* character date-time size *) SQLSDTE = SQLSDAT; (* date (only) program buffer size *) SQLSCDE = 10; (* character date (only) size *) SQLSRID = 40; (* size of ROWID *) SQLSTIM = SQLSDAT; (* time (only) program buffer size *) SQLSCTI = 15; (* character time (only) size *) SQLSFEM = 100; (* file extension size (multi-user) *) SQLSFES = 20; (* file extension size (single-user) *) SQLSTEX = 5; (* table extent size *) SQLNPTR = nil; (* null pointer *) SQLTSEL = 1; (* select *) SQLTINS = 2; (* insert *) SQLTCTB = 3; (* create table *) SQLTUPD = 4; (* update *) SQLTDEL = 5; (* delete *) SQLTCIN = 6; (* create index *) SQLTDIN = 7; (* drop index *) SQLTDTB = 8; (* drop table *) SQLTCMT = 9; (* commit *) SQLTRBK = 10; (* rollback *) SQLTACO = 11; (* add column *) SQLTDCO = 12; (* drop column *) SQLTRTB = 13; (* rename table *) SQLTRCO = 14; (* rename column *) SQLTMCO = 15; (* modify column *) SQLTGRP = 16; (* grant privilege on table *) SQLTGRD = 17; (* grant dba *) SQLTGRC = 18; (* grant connect *) SQLTGRR = 19; (* grant resource *) SQLTREP = 20; (* revoke privilege on table *) SQLTRED = 21; (* revoke dba *) SQLTREC = 22; (* revoke connect *) SQLTRER = 23; (* revoke resource *) SQLTCOM = 24; (* comment on *) SQLTWAI = 25; (* wait *) SQLTPOS = 26; (* post *) SQLTCSY = 27; (* create synonym *) SQLTDSY = 28; (* drop synonym *) SQLTCVW = 29; (* create view *) SQLTDVW = 30; (* drop view *) SQLTRCT = 31; (* row count *) SQLTAPW = 32; (* alter password *) SQLTLAB = 33; (* label on *) SQLTCHN = 34; (* chained command *) SQLTRPT = 35; (* repair table *) SQLTSVP = 36; (* savepoint *) SQLTRBS = 37; (* rollback to savepoint *) SQLTUDS = 38; (* update statistics *) SQLTCDB = 39; (* check database *) SQLTFRN = 40; (* foreign DBMS commands *) SQLTAPK = 41; (* add primary key *) SQLTAFK = 42; (* add foreign key *) SQLTDPK = 43; (* drop primary key *) SQLTDFK = 44; (* drop foreign key *) SQLTCDA = 45; (* create dbarea *) SQLTADA = 46; (* alter dbarea *) SQLTDDA = 47; (* delete dbarea *) SQLTCSG = 48; (* create stogroup *) SQLTASG = 49; (* alter stogroup *) SQLTDSG = 50; (* delete stogroup *) SQLTCRD = 51; (* create database *) SQLTADB = 52; (* alter database *) SQLTDDB = 53; (* delete database *) SQLTSDS = 54; (* set default stogroup *) SQLTIND = 55; (* install database *) SQLTDED = 56; (* de-install database *) SQLTARU = 57; (* add RI user error *) SQLTDRU = 58; (* drop RI user error *) SQLTMRU = 59; (* modify RI user error *) SQLTSCL = 60; (* set client *) SQLTCKT = 61; (* check table *) SQLTCKI = 62; (* check index *) SQLTOPL = 63; (* PL/SQL Stored Procedure *) SQLTBGT = 64; (* BEGIN TRANSACTION *) SQLTPRT = 65; (* PREPARE TRANSACTION *) SQLTCXN = 66; (* COMMIT TRANSACTION *) SQLTRXN = 67; (* ROLLBACK TRANSACTION *) SQLTENT = 68; (* END TRANSACTION *) SQLTCBT = 69; (* begin transaction *) SQLTCCT = 70; (* commit transaction *) SQLTCET = 71; (* end transaction *) SQLTCPT = 72; (* prepare transaction *) SQLTCRT = 73; (* rollback transaction *) SQLTCST = 74; (* status transaction *) SQLTCRX = 75; (* reduce transaction *) SQLTCSD = 76; (* start daemon *) SQLTCTD = 77; (* stop daemon *) SQLTCRA = 78; (* resolve all transactions *) SQLTCRO = 79; (* resolve one transaction *) SQLTCOT = 80; (* orphan a transaction *) SQLTCFL = 81; (* CREATE FAILURE *) SQLTDFL = 82; (* DELETE FAILURE *) SQLTSTN = 83; (* SET TRACETWOPC ON *) SQLTSTF = 84; (* SET TRACETWOPC OFF *) SQLTUNL = 85; (* Unload command *) SQLTLDP = 86; (* load command *) SQLTPRO = 87; (* stored procedure *) SQLTGEP = 88; (* grant execute privilege *) SQLTREE = 89; (* revoke execute privilege *) SQLTTGC = 90; (* create trigger *) SQLTTGD = 91; (* drop trigger *) SQLTVNC = 92; (* create event *) SQLTVND = 93; (* drop event *) SQLTSTR = 94; (* start audit *) SQLTAUD = 95; (* audit message *) SQLTSTP = 96; (* stop audit *) SQLTACM = 97; (* Alter CoMmand *) SQLTXDL = 98; (* lock database *) SQLTXDU = 99; (* unlock database *) SQLTCEF = 100; (* create external function *) SQLTDEF = 101; (* drop external function *) SQLTDBT = 102; (* DBATTRIBUTE *) SQLTATG = 103; (* ALTER TRIGGER *) SQLTAEF = 104; (* alter external function *) SQLDCGP = 30; (* CACHEGROUP, cache page allocation group *) SQLDCRT = 5; (* CONNECTRETRY, seconds for connect timeout *) SQLDCPT = 10; (* CONNECTPAUSETICKS, ticks for pausing *) SQLDDGH = 10000; (* HEAP, DBGATEWY heap size *) SQLDDLH = 145000; (* HEAP, DBLOCAL heap size *) SQLDDRH = 20000; (* HEAP, DBROUTER heap size *) SQLDNTN = 71; (* INTERRUPT, interrupt number *) SQLDNBS = 30000; (* NETBUFFER, size DBXROUTR network buffer *) SQLDRET = 3; (* RETRY, number of connect retries *) SQLDSVS = $8000; (* STACKSIZE, DBSERVER stack *) SQLDSMS = $8000; (* STACKSIZE, DBSIM stack *) SQLDSRS = 7000; (* STACKSIZE, DBSIM w/router stack *) SQLDTMZ = 0; (* TIMEZONE *) SQLDSVU = 128; (* USERS, DBSERVER users *) SQLDSMU = 3; (* USERS, DBSIM users *) SQLDCLI = 1024000; (* checkpoint log interval in bytes *) SQLDCTI = 1; (* checkpt time interval in minutes *) SQLDWSA = 1000; (* cursor work space allocation *) SQLDPRE = 5; (* decimal precision *) SQLDSCA = 0; (* decimal scale *) SQLDIML = 2000; (* input message buffer length *) SQLDPRI = 10; (* integer precision *) SQLDSUL = 6; (* length of system user name *) SQLDLBS = 20480; (* log buffer size in bytes *) SQLDLFS = 1024000; (* log file size in bytes *) SQLDSLS = 15; (* maximum # of large server stacks *) SQLDHFS = 1000; (* maximum history file size *) SQLDLPM = 20000; (* maximum number of rollback log pages *) SQLDNES = 100; (* normal file extension size *) SQLDOML = 1000; (* output message buffer length *) SQLDPES = 1024; (* partitioned file extension size *) SQLDPUB = 'PUBLIC'; (* public user name *) SQLDLPT = 16000; (* rollback log page threshold *) SQLDPRS = 5; (* smallint precision *) SQLDRTO = 5; (* default response time out *) SQLDSUN = 'SYSADM'; (* system default username *) SQLDESC = '$$'; (* connect escape sequence *) SQLDNTG = 16; (* number of triggers allowed per event/time/scope *) SQLMBNL = 18; (* bind name length *) SQLMLBNL = 64; (* long bind name length *) SQLMBSL = 32000; (* max length Backend string literal *) SQLMCG1 = 32767; (* cache group pages *) SQLMCKF = 16; (* concatenated key fields *) SQLMCLL = 255; (* clientlimit *) SQLMCLN = 12; (* maximum client name size *) SQLMCLP = 128; (* commmand line parameter length *) SQLMCMT = 104; (* max command types *) SQLMCNM = 18; (* max referential constraint name *) SQLMCOH = 255; (* column heading string *) SQLMCST = 400; (* max connect string length *) SQLMDBA = 10; (* number of databases accessed *) SQLMDFN = 25; (* database file name *) SQLMPSS = 25; (* process status string *) SQLMDMO = 750; (* maximum DB size for demos (Kbytes) *) SQLMDNM = 8; (* database name *) SQLMDVL = 254; (* data value length *) SQLMERR = 255; (* error message length *) SQLMETX = 3000; (* error text length *) SQLMFNL = 128; (* filename length *) SQLMFQN = 3; (* number of fields in fully qualified column name *) SQLMFRD = 40; (* maximum size of foreign result set directory *) SQLMGCM = 32767; (* maximum group commit count *) SQLMICO = 255; (* installed cache page owners *) SQLMICU = 255; (* installed cursors *) SQLMIDB = 255; (* installed databases *) SQLMILK = 32767; (* installed locks *) SQLMINL = 2000; (* input length *) SQLMIPG = 32767; (* installed pages *) SQLMIPR = 800; (* installed processes *) SQLMITR = 800; (* installed transactions *) SQLMJTB = 17; (* joined tables *) SQLMLID = 32; (* long identifiers *) SQLMNBF = 60000; (* network buffer size *) SQLMNCO = 254; (* number of columns per row *) SQLMUCO = 253; (* number of user columns available *) SQLMNPF = 3; (* NETPREFIX size *) SQLMOUL = 1000; (* output length *) SQLMPAL = 255; (* max path string length *) SQLMPFS = 21; (* max platform string length *) SQLMPKL = 254; (* max primary key length *) SQLMPRE = 15; (* maximum decimal precision *) SQLMPTL = 4; (* maximum print level *) SQLMPWD = 128; (* maximum password length *) SQLMCTL = 43200; (* max query timelimit (12 hours) *) SQLMRBB = 8192; (* maximum rollback log buffer *) SQLMRCB = 20480; (* maximum recovery log buffer *) SQLMRET = 1000; (* retry count *) SQLMRFH = 4; (* maximum # remote file handles *) SQLMROB = 8192; (* max size of restore output buffer *) SQLMSES = 16; (* number of sessions *) SQLMSID = 8; (* short identifiers *) SQLMSLI = 255; (* max number of select list exprs. *) SQLMSNM = 8; (* server name *) SQLMSRL = 32; (* max length of SQL reserved word *) SQLMSVN = 199; (* maximum server names *) SQLMTFS = 10; (* maximum temporary file size *) SQLMTMO = 200; (* maximum timeout *) SQLMTSS = 256; (* text string space size *) SQLMUSR = 128; (* maximum username length *) SQLMVER = 8; (* max version string (nn.nn.nn) *) SQLMXER = 255; (* Extended error message length *) SQLMXFS = 2147483648; (* max file size in bytes *) SQLMXLF = 2097152; (* max log file size in KB *) SQLMTHM = 2; (* maximum thread mode value *) SQLMGTI = 250; (* max global transaction-id length *) SQLMAUF = 32; (* max concurrent audit files *) SQLMPNM = 8; (* max protocol name length *) SQLMOSR = 255; (* max OS sample rate *) SQLMAWS = 255; (* max OS Averaging window size *) SQLMMID = 32; (* max length identificatin strings *) SQLMCG0 = 1; (* cache group pages *) SQLMEXS = 1024; (* partitioned file extension size *) SQLMLFE = 100000; (* minimum log file extension size *) SQLMLFS = 100000; (* minimum log file size *) SQLMPAG = 15; (* minimum pages (cache) *) SQLMITM = 1; (* minimum thread mode value *) SQLILRR = 'RR'; (* Repeatable Read isolation *) SQLILCS = 'CS'; (* Cursor Stability isolation *) SQLILRO = 'RO'; (* Read-Only isolation *) SQLILRL = 'RL'; (* Release Locks isolation *) SQLFIRR = $01; (* Repeatable Read isolation flag *) SQLFICS = $02; (* Cursor Stability isolation flag *) SQLFIRO = $04; (* Read-Only isolation flag *) SQLFIRL = $08; (* Release Locks isolation flag *) SQLMEOL = 1; (* rollforward to end of log *) SQLMEOB = 2; (* rollforward to end of backup *) SQLMTIM = 3; (* rollforward to specified time *) SQLDELY = 0; (* get Describe info after sqlcom *) SQLDDLD = 1; (* get Describe info after sqlexe *) SQLDNVR = 2; (* never get any Describe info *) SQLXMSG = 1; (* retrieve error message text *) SQLXREA = 2; (* retrieve error message reason *) SQLXREM = 4; (* retrieve error message remedy *) SQLANRM = $00; (* normal - no restrictions *) SQLARDO = $01; (* read only *) SQLAHDN = $02; (* hidden file *) SQLASYS = $04; (* system file *) SQLAVOL = $08; (* volume label *) SQLADIR = $10; (* directory *) SQLAARC = $20; (* archive bit *) SQLAFDL = $100; (* files and directories *) SQLCIDL = 0; (* idle cursor *) SQLCECM = 1; (* executing compile *) SQLCCCM = 2; (* completed compile *) SQLCEXE = 3; (* executing command *) SQLCCXE = 4; (* completed command *) SQLCEFT = 5; (* executing fetch *) SQLCCFT = 6; (* completed fetch *) SYSTSGL = 1; (* single user *) SYSTMUL = 2; (* multi-user *) SYSTDB2 = 3; (* DB2 *) SYSTDMO = 4; (* demo *) SYSTGWY = 5; (* SQLNetwork Gateway *) SYSTRTR = 6; (* SQLNetwork Router *) SYSTSHAS = 7; (* SQLNetwork SQLHost App Services *) SQLF000 = 0; (* not a function *) SQLFINI = 1; (* SQL INItialize applications use of the database *) SQLFDON = 2; (* SQL DONe using database *) SQLFCON = 3; (* SQL CONnect to a cursor/database *) SQLFDIS = 4; (* SQL DISconnect from a cursor/database *) SQLFCOM = 5; (* SQL COMpile a SQL command *) SQLFEXE = 6; (* SQL EXEcute an SQL command *) SQLFCEX = 7; (* SQL Compile and EXecute a SQL command *) SQLFCMT = 8; (* SQL CoMmiT a transaction to the database *) SQLFDES = 9; (* SQL DEScribe the items of a select statement *) SQLFGFI = 10; (* SQL Get Fetch Information *) SQLFFBK = 11; (* SQL FETch previous row from SELECT *) SQLFFET = 12; (* SQL FETch next row from SELECT *) SQLFEFB = 13; (* SQL Enable Fetch Backwards *) SQLFPRS = 14; (* SQL Position in Result Set *) SQLFURS = 15; (* SQL Undo Result Set *) SQLFNBV = 16; (* SQL get Number of Bind Variables *) SQLFBND = 17; (* SQL BiNd Data variables. This function is supercede *) SQLFBNN = 18; (* SQL BiNd Numerics *) SQLFBLN = 19; (* SQL Bind Long Number *) SQLFBLD = 20; (* SQL Bind Long Data variables *) SQLFSRS = 21; (* SQL Start Restriction Set processing *) SQLFRRS = 22; (* SQL Restart Restriction Set processing *) SQLFCRS = 23; (* SQL Close Restriction Set *) SQLFDRS = 24; (* SQL Drop Restriction Set *) SQLFARF = 25; (* SQL Apply Roll Forward journal *) SQLFERF = 26; (* SQL End RollForward recovery (no longer supported) *) SQLFSRF = 27; (* SQL Start Roll Forward journal *) SQLFSTO = 28; (* SQL STOre a compiled SQL command *) SQLFRET = 29; (* SQL RETrieve a compiled SQL command *) SQLFDST = 30; (* SQL Drop a STored command *) SQLFCTY = 31; (* SQL get Command TYpe *) SQLFEPO = 32; (* SQL get Error POsition *) SQLFGNR = 33; (* SQL Get Number of Rows *) SQLFNSI = 34; (* SQL get Number of Select Items *) SQLFRBF = 35; (* SQL get Roll Back Flag *) SQLFRCD = 36; (* SQL get Return CoDe *) SQLFROW = 37; (* SQL get number of ROWs *) SQLFSCN = 38; (* SQL Set Cursor Name *) SQLFSIL = 39; (* SQL Set Isolation Level *) SQLFSLP = 40; (* SQL Set Log Parameters *) SQLFSSB = 41; (* SQL Set Select Buffer *) SQLFSSS = 42; (* SQL Set SortSpace *) SQLFRLO = 43; (* SQL Read LOng *) SQLFWLO = 44; (* SQL Write LOng *) SQLFLSK = 45; (* SQL Long SeeK *) SQLFGLS = 46; (* SQL Get Long Size *) SQLFELO = 47; (* SQL End Long Operation *) SQLFRBK = 48; (* SQL RollBacK a transaction from the database *) SQLFERR = 49; (* SQL get ERRor message *) SQLFCPY = 50; (* SQL CoPY *) SQLFIDB = 51; (* SQL Initialize DataBase *) SQLFSYS = 52; (* SQL SYSTEM *) SQLFSTA = 53; (* SQL STAtistics *) SQLFR02 = 54; (* SQL RESERVED *) SQLFXAD = 55; (* SQL eXtra ADd *) SQLFXCN = 56; (* SQL eXtra Character to NUmber *) SQLFXDA = 57; (* SQL eXtra Date Add *) SQLFXDP = 58; (* SQL eXtra convert SQLBASE Date to Picture *) SQLFXDV = 59; (* SQL eXtra DiVide *) SQLFXML = 60; (* SQL eXtra MuLtiply *) SQLFXNP = 61; (* SQL eXtra convert SQLBASE Numeric to Picture *) SQLFXPD = 62; (* SQL eXtra convert Picture to SQLBASE Date. *) SQLFXSB = 63; (* SQL eXtra SuBtract *) SQLFINS = 64; (* SQL INStall database (no longer supported) *) SQLFDIN = 65; (* SQL DeINstall database (no longer supported) *) SQLFDIR = 66; (* SQL DIRectory of databases *) SQLFTIO = 67; (* SQL TImeOut *) SQLFFQN = 68; (* SQL get Fully Qualified column Name *) SQLFEXP = 69; (* SQL EXexcution Plan *) SQLFFER = 70; (* SQL Full ERror message *) SQLFBKP = 71; (* SQL BacKuP *) SQLFRDC = 72; (* SQL Read Database Chunk *) SQLFEBK = 73; (* SQL End network online BacKup *) SQLFRES = 74; (* SQL REStore from backup *) SQLFWDC = 75; (* SQL Write Database Chunk *) SQLFRRD = 76; (* SQL Recover Restored Database *) SQLFERS = 77; (* SQL End network ReStore *) SQLFNRR = 78; (* SQL Number of Rows in Result set *) SQLFSTR = 79; (* SQL STart Restriction mode *) SQLFSPR = 80; (* SQL StoP Restriction mode *) SQLFCNC = 81; (* SQL CoNneCt: the sequel. *) SQLFCNR = 82; (* SQL Connect with No Recovery *) SQLFOMS = 83; (* SQL set Output Message Size *) SQLFIMS = 84; (* SQL set Input Message Size *) SQLFSCP = 85; (* SQL Set Cache Pages *) SQLFDSC = 86; (* SQL DeSCribe item of SELECT with external type *) SQLFLAB = 87; (* SQL get LABel information *) SQLFCBV = 88; (* SQL Clear Bind Variables *) SQLFGET = 89; (* SQL GET database parameter *) SQLFSET = 90; (* SQL SET database parameter *) SQLFTEC = 91; (* SQL Translate Error Code *) SQLFBDB = 92; (* SQL Backup DataBase *) SQLFBEF = 93; (* SQL Bulk Execute Flush *) SQLFBER = 94; (* SQL get Bulk Execute Returned code *) SQLFBLF = 95; (* SQL Backup Log Files *) SQLFBLK = 96; (* SQL set BuLK insert mode *) SQLFBSS = 97; (* SQL Backup SnapShot *) SQLFCAN = 98; (* SQL CaNceL command *) SQLFCLF = 99; (* SQL Change server activity LogFile *) SQLFCRE = 100; (* SQL CREate database *) SQLFCRF = 101; (* SQL Continue RollForward recovery *) SQLFCSV = 102; (* SQL Connect to SerVer *) SQLFDBN = 103; (* SQL Directory By Name *) SQLFDED = 104; (* SQL DeINstall database *) SQLFDEL = 105; (* SQL DELete database *) SQLFDID = 106; (* SQL DeInstall database and Delete database files *) SQLFDRC = 107; (* SQL DiRectory Close *) SQLFDRO = 108; (* SQL DiRectory Open *) SQLFDRR = 109; (* SQL DiRectory Read *) SQLFDSV = 110; (* SQL Disconnect from SerVer *) SQLFENR = 111; (* SQL ENd Rollforward recovery *) SQLFFGT = 112; (* SQL File GeT *) SQLFFPT = 113; (* SQL File Put *) SQLFGNL = 114; (* SQL Get Next Log for rollforward *) SQLFGSI = 115; (* SQL Get Server Information *) SQLFIND = 116; (* SQL INstall Database *) SQLFMCL = 117; (* SQL reMote CLose server file *) SQLFMDL = 118; (* SQL reMote DeLete file or directory on remote server *) SQLFMOP = 119; (* SQL reMote OPen file on server *) SQLFMRD = 120; (* SQL reMote ReaD from file on server *) SQLFMSK = 121; (* SQL reMote SeeK into file on server *) SQLFMWR = 122; (* SQL reMote WRite to file on server *) SQLFRDB = 123; (* SQL Restore DataBase *) SQLFREL = 124; (* SQL RELease log *) SQLFRLF = 125; (* SQL Restore Log Files *) SQLFROF = 126; (* SQL ROllForward recovery *) SQLFRSS = 127; (* SQL Restore SnapShot *) SQLFSAB = 128; (* SQL Server ABort process *) SQLFSAP = 129; (* SQL Server Abort Process *) SQLFSDN = 130; (* SQL ShutDowN database *) SQLFSTM = 131; (* SQL Server TerMinate *) SQLFBBR = 132; (* SQL get Bulk Execute Backend error # and message *) SQLFBNA = 133; (* SQL BiNd Data variables by name *) SQLFBNU = 134; (* SQL BiNd Numerical bind variable *) SQLFGDI = 135; (* SQL Get Descriptor info for a given Select column. *) SQLFSXT = 136; (* SQL Server eXiT (no longer supported) *) SQLFXER = 137; (* SQL get backend (Extended) error number and Message *) SQLFETX = 138; (* SQL get Error message TeXt *) SQLFTEM = 139; (* SQL get Tokenized Error Message *) SQLFSCL = 140; (* SQL Set CLient name *) SQLFLDP = 141; (* SQL LoaD oPeration *) SQLFUNL = 142; (* SQL UNLoad command *) SQLFGBI = 143; (* SQL Get Backend cursor Information *) SQLFNII = 144; (* SQL get Number of Into variable Information *) SQLFDII = 145; (* SQL Describe Into variable Information *) SQLFSDS = 146; (* SQL Shutdown/enable server *) SQLFSDX = 147; (* SQL Shutdown/enable Database Extended *) SQLFCDR = 148; (* SQL Cancel Database Request *) SQLFDOX = 149; (* SQL Directory Open Extended *) SQLFRSI = 150; (* SQL Reset Statistical Information *) SQLFMINAPI = SQLFINI; (* changes these when API entry *) SQLFMAXAPI = SQLFRSI; (* points change *) SQLDNPG = 500; (* CACHE, number of cache pages *) SQLDNSCPG = 500; (* SORTCACHE, num of sortcache pages *) SQLMISCPG = 1000000; (* installed sort cache pages *) SQLMSCPAG = 0; (* minimum sort cache pages *) SQLMSRS = 3000; (* minimum sort space *) type SQLT2PP = integer ; (* type: 2-phase commit protocol *) SQLT2PV = integer ; (* type: 2-phase commit vote *) SQLTTST = integer ; (* distributed transaction state *) ubyte1 = byte; ubyte2 = word; ubyte4 = cardinal; byte1 = ubyte1 ; byte2 = shortint ; byte4 = longint ; ubyte1p = PChar{^byte}; SQLTARC = ubyte1 ; (* remote connection architecture *) SQLTBNL = ubyte1 ; (* bind name length *) SQLTBNN = ubyte1 ; (* bind number *) SQLTBNP = ubyte1p ; (* bind name pointer *) SQLTNUL = byte2 ; (* null indicator *) SQLTBOO = ubyte1 ; (* boolean data type *) SQLTCDL = ubyte1 ; (* column data length *) SQLTCHL = ubyte1 ; (* column header length *) SQLTCHO = ubyte1 ; (* check option *) SQLTCHP = ubyte1p ; (* column header pointer *) SQLTCLL = ubyte2 ; (* column data length(long) *) SQLTCTY = ubyte1 ; (* command type *) SQLTCUR = ubyte2 ; (* cursor number *) SQLTDAL = ubyte2 ; (* data length *) SQLTDAP = ubyte1p ; (* data pointer *) SQLTDAY = byte2 ; (* number of days *) SQLTDDL = ubyte1 ; (* database data length *) SQLTDDT = ubyte1 ; (* database data type *) SQLTDEDL = ubyte2 ; (* database extended data length *) SQLTDPT = ubyte2 ; (* database parameter type *) SQLTDPV = ubyte4 ; (* database parameter value *) SQLTEPO = ubyte2 ; (* error position *) SQLTFAT = ubyte2 ; (* file attribute *) SQLTFLD = ubyte2 ; (* SELECT statement field number *) SQLTFLG = byte2 ; (* flag field *) SQLTFLH = ubyte4 ; (* file handle *) SQLTFMD = byte2 ; (* file mode *) SQLTFNL = ubyte2 ; (* file name length *) SQLTFNP = ubyte1p ; (* file name pointer *) SQLTFSC = ubyte1 ; (* fetch status code *) SQLTILV = ubyte1p ; (* isolation level string *) SQLTLBL = ubyte1 ; (* label information length *) SQLTLBP = ubyte1p ; (* label infromation pointer *) SQLTLNG = byte4 ; (* long size *) SQLTLSI = ubyte4 ; (* long size *) SQLTMSZ = ubyte2 ; (* message size *) SQLTNBV = ubyte1 ; (* number of bind variables *) SQLTNCU = ubyte2 ; (* number of cursors *) SQLTNML = ubyte1 ; (* number length *) SQLTNMP = ubyte1p ; (* number pointer *) SQLTNPG = ubyte2 ; (* number of pages *) SQLTNSI = ubyte1 ; (* number of select items *) SQLTPCX = ubyte1 ; (* preserve context flag *) SQLTPDL = ubyte1 ; (* program data length *) SQLTPDT = ubyte1 ; (* program data type *) SQLTPGN = ubyte4 ; (* page number *) SQLTPNM = ubyte2 ; (* process number *) SQLTPRE = ubyte1 ; (* precision *) SQLTPTY = ubyte2 ; (* set/get parameter type *) SQLTRBF = ubyte1 ; (* roll back flag *) SQLTRCD = byte2 ; (* return codes *) SQLTRCF = ubyte1 ; (* recovery flag *) SQLTRFM = ubyte2 ; (* rollforward mode *) SQLTROW = byte4 ; (* number of rows *) SQLTSCA = ubyte1 ; (* scale *) SQLTSLC = ubyte1 ; (* select list column *) SQLTSTC = ubyte2 ; (* statistics counter *) SQLTSVH = ubyte2 ; (* server handle *) SQLTSVN = ubyte2 ; (* server number *) SQLTTIV = byte2 ; (* wait timeout value *) SQLTWNC = byte2 ; (* whence *) SQLTWSI = ubyte2 ; (* work size *) SQLTBIR = ubyte2 ; (* bulk insert error row number *) SQLTDIS = ubyte1p ; (* Describe info indicator *) SQLTXER = byte4 ; (* extended error # *) SQLTPID = ubyte4 ; (* client process id *) SQLTMSL = ubyte2 ; (* message length *) SQLTMSP = ^byte1; (* message pointer *) SQL2STD = SQLT2PP; (* standard 2pc protocol *) SQL2MIN = SQL2STD; (* minimum protocol value *) SQL2PRA = SQLT2PP; (* presumed-abort 2pc protocol *) SQL2PRC = SQLT2PP; (* presumed-commit 2pc protocol *) SQL2DEF = SQL2STD; (* default is standard *) SQL2MAX = SQL2PRC; (* maximum protocol value *) SQLVCMT = SQLT2PV; (* Vote Commit *) SQLVMIN = SQLVCMT; (* minimum vote value *) SQLVRBK = SQLT2PV; (* Vote Rollback *) SQLVRO = SQLT2PV; (* Vote ReadOnly *) SQLVMAX = SQLVRO; (* maximum vote value *) SQLSCMT = SQLTTST; (* transaction state = COMMITted *) SQLSRBK = SQLTTST; (* transaction state = ROLLBACKed *) SQLSUNK = SQLTTST; (* transaction state = UNKNOWN *) (* DESCRIPTION This structure is used to receive system information from the backend. Structure elements must be arranged so that the structure layout is the same in packed or padded compilation modes. For now, this means longs in the front, ints in the middle, and chars at the end of the structure. *) sysdefx = record syslpt: SQLTPGN ; (* log page threshold *) syslpm: SQLTPGN ; (* log page maximum *) syshep: ubyte4 ; (* heap size *) sysncp: SQLTNPG ; (* number of cache pages *) systiv: SQLTTIV ; (* wait timeout value in seconds *) sysiso: array [0..2] of ubyte1 ; (* isolation level *) sysjou: ubyte1 ; (* journal *) syslog: ubyte1 ; (* log *) sysrec: ubyte1 ; (* recovery *) systyp: ubyte1 ; (* system type *) end; sysdef = sysdefx; SQLTSYS = sysdefx; (* DESCRIPTION: This structure is used as a parameter to the SQLGDI function. After a a compile, all relevant information for a given Select column can be obtained in this structure. Note: Please note that, originally, gdichb was the first element of the gdidefx structure. It has been moved further down because a column heading can be greater than 31 bytes. A bug was reported complaining that the column heading was not being returned correctly since the maximum length of a column heading is 46. This can now be returned since the size of the buffer (gdichb) has been changed to 47. Also, the length field (gdichl) has also been moved down to go with the column heading buffer (gdichb). The original gdichb and gdichl fields have been renamed to gdifl1 and gdifl2. *) gdidefx = record gdifl1: array [0..30] of ubyte1 ; (* filler reserved for future use *) gdifl2: ubyte1 ; (* filler reserved for future use *) gdilbb: array [0..30] of ubyte1 ; (* label buffer *) gdilbl: SQLTLBL ; (* label info length *) gdicol: SQLTSLC ; (* select column number *) gdiddt: SQLTDDT ; (* database data type *) gdiddl: SQLTDEDL ; (* database extended data length *) gdiedt: SQLTDDT ; (* external data type *) gdiedl: SQLTDEDL ; (* external extended data length *) gdipre: SQLTPRE ; (* decimal precision *) gdisca: SQLTSCA ; (* decimal scale *) gdinul: byte2 ; (* null indicator *) gdichb: array [0..46] of ubyte1 ; (* column heading buffer *) gdichl: SQLTCHL ; (* column heading length *) gdifil: array [0..1] of byte1 ; (* for future use *) end; gdidef = gdidefx; SQLTGDI = gdidefx; SQLTPGD = ^gdidefx; (* DESCRIPTION This structure is used when passing binary data to and from external functions. Since binary data can contains nulls as part of the data we cannot look for a string terminator. Hence this structure is used to provide a pointer to the binary data and the length of the data. *) lpbinaryx = record lpbinary_len: longint ; lpbinary_ptr: ^char ; end; lpbinary = lpbinaryx; (* #if SQL_16BITTARG /* 16-bit all use pascal */ # define SQLTAPI byte2 far pascal #elif SQL_OS2 # ifdef __IBMC__ /* 32-bit IBM OS/2 C uses _System... */ # define SQLTAPI byte2 _System # else /* ...other OS/2 C uses __syscall */ # define SQLTAPI byte2 __syscall # endif #else # define SQLTAPI byte2 __stdcall /* 32-bit non-OS/2 uses __stdcall */ #endif /* end if SQL_16BITTARG */ *) SQLTAPI = word; (* #if SQL_16BITTARG /* 16-bit */ typedef int (far pascal *SQLTPFP)(void); #elif SQL_OS2 /* 32-bit OS/2 */ typedef int (*SQLTPFP)(void); #else /* 32-bit non-OS/2 */ typedef int (__stdcall *SQLTPFP)(void); #endif *) SQLTPFP = pointer; const SYSSIZ = sizeof(sysdef); GDISIZ = sizeof(gdidef); LPBINARYSIZ = sizeof(lpbinary); function sqlarf(cur: SQLTCUR; fnp: SQLTFNP; fnl: SQLTFNL; cho: SQLTCHO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlarf'; function sqlbbr(cur: SQLTCUR; var errnum: SQLTXER; errbuf: SQLTDAP; var buflen: SQLTDAL; var errrow: SQLTBIR; var rbf: SQLTRBF; errseq: SQLTBIR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbbr'; function sqlbdb(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbdb'; function sqlbef(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbef'; function sqlber(cur: SQLTCUR; var rcd: SQLTRCD; var errrow: SQLTBIR; var rbf: SQLTRBF; errseq: SQLTBIR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlber'; function sqlbkp(cur: SQLTCUR; defalt: SQLTBOO; overwrt: SQLTBOO; bkfname: SQLTFNP; bkfnlen: SQLTFNL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbkp'; function sqlbld(cur: SQLTCUR; bnp: SQLTBNP; bnl: SQLTBNL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbld'; function sqlblf(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlblf'; function sqlblk(cur: SQLTCUR; blkflg: SQLTFLG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlblk'; function sqlbln(cur: SQLTCUR; bnn: SQLTBNN): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbln'; function sqlbna(cur: SQLTCUR; bnp: SQLTBNP; bnl: SQLTBNL; dap: SQLTDAP; dal: SQLTDAL; sca: SQLTSCA; pdt: SQLTPDT; nli: SQLTNUL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbna'; function sqlbnd(cur: SQLTCUR; bnp: SQLTBNP; bnl: SQLTBNL; dap: SQLTDAP; dal: SQLTDAL; sca: SQLTSCA; pdt: SQLTPDT): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbnd'; function sqlbnn(cur: SQLTCUR; bnn: SQLTBNN; dap: SQLTDAP; dal: SQLTDAL; sca: SQLTSCA; pdt: SQLTPDT): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbnn'; function sqlbnu(cur: SQLTCUR; bnn: SQLTBNN; dap: SQLTDAP; dal: SQLTDAL; sca: SQLTSCA; pdt: SQLTPDT; nli: SQLTNUL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbnu'; function sqlbss(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlbss'; function sqlcan(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcan'; function sqlcbv(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcbv'; function sqlcdr(shandle: SQLTSVH; cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcdr'; function sqlcex(cur: SQLTCUR; dap: SQLTDAP; dal: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcex'; function sqlclf(cur: SQLTSVH; logfile: SQLTDAP; startflag: SQLTFMD): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlclf'; function sqlcmt(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcmt'; function sqlcnc(var curp: SQLTCUR; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcnc'; function sqlcnr(var curp: SQLTCUR; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcnr'; function sqlcom(cur: SQLTCUR; cmdp: SQLTDAP; cmdl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcom'; function sqlcon(var curp: SQLTCUR; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL; cursiz: SQLTWSI; pages: SQLTNPG; recovr: SQLTRCF; outsize: SQLTDAL; insize: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcon'; function sqlcpy(fcur: SQLTCUR; selp: SQLTDAP; sell: SQLTDAL; tcur: SQLTCUR; isrtp: SQLTDAP; isrtl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcpy'; function sqlcre(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcre'; function sqlcrf(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcrf'; function sqlcrs(cur: SQLTCUR; rsp: SQLTDAP; rsl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcrs'; function sqlcsv(var shandlep: SQLTSVH; serverid: SQLTDAP; password: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcsv'; function sqlcty(cur: SQLTCUR; var cty: SQLTCTY): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlcty'; function sqldbn(serverid: SQLTDAP; buffer: SQLTDAP; length: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldbn'; function sqlded(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlded'; function sqldel(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldel'; function sqldes(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; var ddt: SQLTDDT; var ddl: SQLTDDL; chp: SQLTCHP; var chlp: SQLTCHL; var prep: SQLTPRE; var scap: SQLTSCA): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldes'; function sqldid(dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldid'; function sqldii(cur: SQLTCUR; ivn: SQLTSLC; inp: SQLTDAP; var inlp: SQLTCHL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldii'; function sqldin(dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldin'; function sqldir(srvno: SQLTSVN; buffer: SQLTDAP; length: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldir'; function sqldis(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldis'; function sqldon: SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldon'; function sqldox(shandle: SQLTSVH; dirnamep: SQLTDAP; fattr: SQLTFAT): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldox'; function sqldrc(cur: SQLTSVH): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldrc'; function sqldro(shandle: SQLTSVH; dirname: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldro'; function sqldrr(shandle: SQLTSVH; filename: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldrr'; function sqldrs(cur: SQLTCUR; rsp: SQLTDAP; rsl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldrs'; function sqldsc(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; var edt: SQLTDDT; var edl: SQLTDDL; chp: SQLTCHP; var chlp: SQLTCHL; var prep: SQLTPRE; var scap: SQLTSCA): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldsc'; function sqldst(cur: SQLTCUR; cnp: SQLTDAP; cnl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldst'; function sqldsv(shandle: SQLTSVH): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqldsv'; function sqlebk(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlebk'; function sqlefb(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlefb'; function sqlelo(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlelo'; function sqlenr(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlenr'; function sqlepo(cur: SQLTCUR; var epo: SQLTEPO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlepo'; function sqlerf(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlerf'; function sqlerr(error: SQLTRCD; msg: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlerr'; function sqlers(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlers'; function sqletx(error: SQLTRCD; msgtyp: SQLTPTY; bfp: SQLTDAP; bfl: SQLTDAL; var txtlen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqletx'; function sqlexe(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlexe'; function sqlexp(cur: SQLTCUR; buffer: SQLTDAP; length: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlexp'; function sqlfbk(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfbk'; function sqlfer(error: SQLTRCD; msg: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfer'; function sqlfet(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfet'; function sqlfgt(cur: SQLTSVH; srvfile: SQLTDAP; lclfile: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfgt'; function sqlfpt(cur: SQLTSVH; srvfile: SQLTDAP; lclfile: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfpt'; function sqlfqn(cur: SQLTCUR; field: SQLTFLD; nameptr: SQLTDAP; var namelen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlfqn'; function sqlgbi(cur: SQLTCUR; var pcur: SQLTCUR; var ppnm: SQLTPNM): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgbi'; function sqlgdi(cur: SQLTCUR; gdi: SQLTPGD): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgdi'; function sqlget(cur: SQLTCUR; parm: SQLTPTY; p: SQLTDAP; var l: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlget'; function sqlgfi(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; var cvl: SQLTCDL; var fsc: SQLTFSC): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgfi'; function sqlgls(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; var size: SQLTLSI): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgls'; function sqlgnl(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; var lognum: SQLTLNG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgnl'; function sqlgnr(cur: SQLTCUR; tbnam: SQLTDAP; tbnaml: SQLTDAL; var rows: SQLTROW): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgnr'; function sqlgsi(shandle: SQLTSVH; infoflags: SQLTFLG; buffer: SQLTDAP; buflen: SQLTDAL; var rbuflen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlgsi'; function sqlidb(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlidb'; function sqlims(cur: SQLTCUR; insize: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlims'; function sqlind(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlind'; function sqlini(callback: SQLTPFP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlini'; function sqlins(srvno: SQLTSVN; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL; createflag: SQLTFLG; overwrite: SQLTFLG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlins'; function sqllab(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; lbp: SQLTCHP; var lblp: SQLTCHL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqllab'; function sqlldp(cur: SQLTCUR; cmdp: SQLTDAP; cmdl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlldp'; function sqllsk(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; pos: SQLTLSI): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqllsk'; function sqlmcl(shandle: SQLTSVH; fd: SQLTFLH): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmcl'; function sqlmdl(shandle: SQLTSVH; filename: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmdl'; function sqlmop(shandle: SQLTSVH; var fdp: SQLTFLH; filename: SQLTDAP; openmode: SQLTFMD): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmop'; function sqlmrd(shandle: SQLTSVH; fd: SQLTFLH; buffer: SQLTDAP; len: SQLTDAL; var rlen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmrd'; function sqlmsk(shandle: SQLTSVH; fd: SQLTFLH; offset: SQLTLNG; whence: SQLTWNC; var roffset: SQLTLNG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmsk'; function sqlmwr(shandle: SQLTSVH; fd: SQLTFLH; buffer: SQLTDAP; len: SQLTDAL; var rlen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlmwr'; function sqlnbv(cur: SQLTCUR; var nbv: SQLTNBV): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlnbv'; function sqlnii(cur: SQLTCUR; var nii: SQLTNSI): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlnii'; function sqlnrr(cur: SQLTCUR; var rcountp: SQLTROW): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlnrr'; function sqlnsi(cur: SQLTCUR; var nsi: SQLTNSI): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlnsi'; function sqloms(cur: SQLTCUR; outsize: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqloms'; function sqlprs(cur: SQLTCUR; row: SQLTROW): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlprs'; function sqlrbf(cur: SQLTCUR; var rbf: SQLTRBF): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrbf'; function sqlrbk(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrbk'; function sqlrcd(cur: SQLTCUR; var rcd: SQLTRCD): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrcd'; function sqlrdb(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrdb'; function sqlrdc(cur: SQLTCUR; bufp: SQLTDAP; bufl: SQLTDAL; var readl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrdc'; function sqlrel(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrel'; function sqlres(var curptr: SQLTCUR; bkfname: SQLTFNP; bkfnlen: SQLTFNL; bkfserv: SQLTSVN; overwrt: SQLTBOO; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnlen: SQLTDAL; dbserv: SQLTSVN): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlres'; function sqlret(cur: SQLTCUR; cnp: SQLTDAP; cnl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlret'; function sqlrlf(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrlf'; function sqlrlo(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; bufp: SQLTDAP; bufl: SQLTDAL; var readl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrlo'; function sqlrof(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; mode: SQLTRFM; datetime: SQLTDAP; datetimel: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrof'; function sqlrow(cur: SQLTCUR; var row: SQLTROW): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrow'; function sqlrrd(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrrd'; function sqlrrs(cur: SQLTCUR; rsp: SQLTDAP; rsl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrrs'; function sqlrsi(shandle: SQLTSVH): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrsi'; function sqlrss(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbname: SQLTDAP; dbnamel: SQLTDAL; bkpdir: SQLTFNP; bkpdirl: SQLTFNL; local: SQLTBOO; over: SQLTBOO): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlrss'; function sqlsab(shandle: SQLTSVH; pnum: SQLTPNM): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsab'; function sqlsap(srvno: SQLTSVN; password: SQLTDAP; pnum: SQLTPNM): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsap'; function sqlscl(cur: SQLTCUR; namp: SQLTDAP; naml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlscl'; function sqlscn(cur: SQLTCUR; namp: SQLTDAP; naml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlscn'; function sqlscp(pages: SQLTNPG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlscp'; function sqlsdn(dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsdn'; function sqlsds(shandle: SQLTSVH; shutdownflg: SQLTFLG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsds'; function sqlsdx(shandle: SQLTSVH; dbnamp: SQLTDAP; dbnaml: SQLTDAL; shutdownflg: SQLTFLG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsdx'; function sqlset(cur: SQLTCUR; parm: SQLTPTY; p: SQLTDAP; l: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlset'; function sqlsil(cur: SQLTCUR; isolation: SQLTILV): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsil'; function sqlslp(cur: SQLTCUR; lpt: SQLTNPG; lpm: SQLTNPG): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlslp'; function sqlspr(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlspr'; function sqlsrf(cur: SQLTCUR; fnp: SQLTDAP; fnl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsrf'; function sqlsrs(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsrs'; function sqlssb(cur: SQLTCUR; slc: SQLTSLC; pdt: SQLTPDT; pbp: SQLTDAP; pdl: SQLTPDL; sca: SQLTSCA; var pcv: SQLTCDL; var pfc: SQLTFSC): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlssb'; function sqlsss(cur: SQLTCUR; size: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsss'; function sqlsta(cur: SQLTCUR; var svr: SQLTSTC; var svw: SQLTSTC; var spr: SQLTSTC; var spw: SQLTSTC): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsta'; function sqlstm(shandle: SQLTSVH): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlstm'; function sqlsto(cur: SQLTCUR; cnp: SQLTDAP; cnl: SQLTDAL; ctp: SQLTDAP; ctl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsto'; function sqlstr(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlstr'; function sqlsxt(srvno: SQLTSVN; password: SQLTDAP): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsxt'; function sqlsys(cur: SQLTCUR; var sys: SQLTSYS): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlsys'; function sqltec(rcd: SQLTRCD; var np: SQLTRCD): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqltec'; function sqltem(cur: SQLTCUR; var xer: SQLTXER; msgtyp: SQLTPTY; bfp: SQLTDAP; bfl: SQLTDAL; var txtlen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqltem'; function sqltio(cur: SQLTCUR; _timeout: SQLTTIV): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqltio'; function sqlunl(cur: SQLTCUR; cmdp: SQLTDAP; cmdl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlunl'; function sqlurs(cur: SQLTCUR): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlurs'; function sqlwdc(cur: SQLTCUR; bufp: SQLTDAP; bufl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlwdc'; function sqlwlo(cur: SQLTCUR; bufp: SQLTDAP; bufl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlwlo'; function sqlxad(op: SQLTNMP; np1: SQLTNMP; nl1: SQLTNML; np2: SQLTNMP; nl2: SQLTNML): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxad'; function sqlxcn(op: SQLTNMP; ip: SQLTDAP; il: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxcn'; function sqlxda(op: SQLTNMP; dp: SQLTNMP; dl: SQLTNML; days: SQLTDAY): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxda'; function sqlxdp(op: SQLTDAP; ol: SQLTDAL; ip: SQLTNMP; il: SQLTNML; pp: SQLTDAP; pl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxdp'; function sqlxdv(op: SQLTNMP; np1: SQLTNMP; nl1: SQLTNML; np2: SQLTNMP; nl2: SQLTNML): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxdv'; function sqlxer(cur: SQLTCUR; var errnum: SQLTXER; errbuf: SQLTDAP; var buflen: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxer'; function sqlxml(op: SQLTNMP; np1: SQLTNMP; nl1: SQLTNML; np2: SQLTNMP; nl2: SQLTNML): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxml'; function sqlxnp(outp: SQLTDAP; outl: SQLTDAL; isnp: SQLTNMP; isnl: SQLTNML; picp: SQLTDAP; picl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxnp'; function sqlxpd(op: SQLTNMP; var olp: SQLTNML; ip: SQLTDAP; pp: SQLTDAP; pl: SQLTDAL): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxpd'; function sqlxsb(op: SQLTNMP; np1: SQLTNMP; nl1: SQLTNML; np2: SQLTNMP; nl2: SQLTNML): SQLTAPI; stdcall; external 'sqlwntm.dll' name 'sqlxsb'; implementation end.
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