- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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Скриншот / Screenshot

.head 0 +  Application Description: 
Fading window

author: 	Andrew,
date:	2006-12-15
version:	1.00

0000: 9100
0000: 5761746368566172 7300450068576E64 4D44490068576E64 466F726D0068576E
0020: 644974656D007750 6172616D006C5061 72616D006E436861 7200735465787400
0040: 6E4E756D4352006E 446F705769647468 00004442475F504C 41594241434B5F47
0060: 554944001000E5D5 A1F2999BC1448B2F 0813E098DCCA0057 6174636856617273
0080: 4C656E0004004500 0000000000000000 00
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.26
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000
0020: 0000000000B00000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF
0040: FFE9FFFFFF000000 0000000000900200 0039010000010000 0000000000010000
0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D01000000124578 7465726E616C2046
0080: 756E6374696F6E73
0000: 0900001000000000 076F75742E69636F 0A73706C6173682E 6578650868696669
0020: 2E646C6C08686966 692E617063000001 0101006400000018 433A5C574F524B49
0040: 4E475C486946695C 686966692E72756E 18433A5C574F524B 494E475C48694669
0060: 5C686966692E646C 6C18433A5C574F52 4B494E475C486946 695C686966692E61
0080: 7063000001010100 6400000018433A5C 574F524B494E475C 486946695C686966
00A0: 692E61706418433A 5C574F524B494E47 5C486946695C6869 66692E646C6C1843
00C0: 3A5C574F524B494E 475C486946695C68 6966692E61706300 0001010100640000
00E0: 0018433A5C574F52 4B494E475C486946 695C686966692E61 706C18433A5C574F
0100: 524B494E475C4869 46695C686966692E 646C6C18433A5C57 4F524B494E475C48
0120: 6946695C68696669 2E61706300000101 0100640000000000 0000000101010064
0140: 0000000000000000 0101010064000000 0000000000010101 0064000000000000
0160: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000001 0000000100000001
0180: 0001000000000000 0000010000100000 0000000000000000 0000
.head 2 -  Outline Window State: Normal
.head 2 +  Outline Window Location and Size
0000: 6600040003001B00 0200000000000000 0000DE264C160500 1D00FFFF4D61696E
0020: 0029000100040000 0000000000E91E86 0A00008600FFFF49 6E7465726E616C20
0040: 46756E6374696F6E 73001E0001000000 000000000000F51E 130D0000F400FFFF
0060: 436C617373657300 2000010000000000 00000000E91E860A 0000DF00FFFF5661
0080: 726961626C657300
0000: 8800
.head 3 -  Left: 0.0"
.head 3 -  Top: 0.0"
.head 3 -  Width:  10.0"
.head 3 -  Height: 7.639"
.head 2 +  Options Box Location
0000: D4180909B80B2A00
0000: 0800
.head 3 -  Visible? Yes
.head 3 -  Left: 4.15"
.head 3 -  Top: 1.885"
.head 3 -  Width:  3.8"
.head 3 -  Height: 2.073"
.head 2 +  Class Editor Location
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 0.575"
.head 3 -  Top: 0.094"
.head 3 -  Width:  5.063"
.head 3 -  Height: 2.719"
.head 2 +  Tool Palette Location
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 6.388"
.head 3 -  Top: 1.069"
.head 2 -  Fully Qualified External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
.head 2 -  Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? No
.head 2 -  Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
.head 2 -  ! Edit Fields Read Only On Disable? No
.head 1 -  Libraries
.head 1 +  Global Declarations
.head 2 +  Window Defaults
.head 3 +  Tool Bar
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: Helv
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Bold
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Form Window
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: Helv
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Bold
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Dialog Box
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: Helv
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Bold
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Top Level Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: Helv
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Bold
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Data Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Multiline Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Spin Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Background Text
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Pushbutton
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Radio Button
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Check Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Option Button
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Group Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Child Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  List Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Combo Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Line
.head 4 -  Line Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Frame
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Picture
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 2 -  Formats
.head 2 +  External Functions
.head 3 +  Library name: USER32.DLL
.head 4 -  ThreadSafe: No
.head 4 +  Function: SetLayeredWindowAttributes
.head 5 -  Description: 
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 -  Number: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: BYTE
.head 6 -  Number: DWORD
.head 4 +  Function: GetDC
.head 5 -  Description: The GetDC function retrieves a handle of a display device context (DC) for the client area of the specified window. 
The display device context can be used in subsequent GDI functions to draw in the client area of the window. 

This function retrieves a common, class, or private device context depending on the class style specified for the specified window. 
For common device contexts, GetDC assigns default attributes to the device context each time it is retrieved. 
For class and private device contexts, GetDC leaves the previously assigned attributes unchanged. 

	hWnd 		Identifies the window whose device context is to be retrieved. 

Return Values:
	If the function succeeds, the return value identifies the device context for the given window's client area. 
	If the function fails, the return value is NULL. 

After painting with a common device context, the ReleaseDC function must be called to release the device context. 
Class and private device contexts do not have to be released. The number of device contexts is limited only by available memory. 
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: HANDLE
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 4 +  Function: GetCursorPos
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 +  structPointer
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: GetWindowLongA
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: GetWindowRect
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 +  structPointer
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: ReleaseCapture
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 -  Parameters
.head 4 +  Function: SetCapture
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 4 +  Function: SetWindowLongA
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: ReleaseDC
.head 5 -  Description: The ReleaseDC function releases a device context (DC), freeing it for use by other applications. 
The effect of the ReleaseDC function depends on the type of device context. It frees only common and window device contexts. 
It has no effect on class or private device contexts. 

	hWnd 		Identifies the window whose device context is to be released. 
	hDC 		Identifies the device context to be released. 

Return Values:
	The return value specifies whether the device context is released. If the device context is released, the return value is 1. 
	If the device context is not released, the return value is zero. 

The application must call the ReleaseDC function for each call to the GetWindowDC function and for each call to the GetDC function that retrieves a common device context. 

An application cannot use the ReleaseDC function to release a device context that was created by calling the CreateDC function; instead, it must use the DeleteDC function. 
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 -  Number: HANDLE
.head 3 +  Library name: SHELL32.DLL
.head 4 -  ThreadSafe: No
.head 4 +  Function: ShellExecuteA
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: DWORD
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Window Handle: HWND
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 3 +  Library name: GDI32.DLL
.head 4 -  ThreadSafe: No
.head 4 +  Function: SelectObject
.head 5 -  Description: Selects an object into the given device context.  The new object replaces
the previous object of the same type.

	hDC		Identifies the device context
	hGDIObj		Identifies the object to be selected.

Return Value:
	The return value is the handle of the object being replaced.

This function returns the previously selected object of the specified type. 
An application should always replace a new object with the original, default object after it has finished drawing with the new object. 
An application cannot select a bitmap into more than one device context at a time. 
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: HANDLE
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: GetTextExtentPoint32A
.head 5 -  Description: The GetTextExtentPoint32 function computes the width and height of the specified string of text. 
This function supersedes the GetTextExtentPoint function. 

	hdc 		Identifies the device context. 
	lpString 		Points to the string of text. The string does not need to be zero-terminated, since cbString specifies the length of the string. 
	cbString 		Specifies the number of characters in the string. 
	lpSize 		Points to a SIZE structure in which the dimensions of the string are to be returned. 

Return Values:
	If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. 
	If the function fails, the return value is zero. 

The GetTextExtentPoint32 function uses the currently selected font to compute the dimensions of the string. 
The width and height, in logical units, are computed without considering any clipping. 
Because some devices kern characters, the sum of the extents of the characters in a string may not be equal to the extent of the string. 
The calculated string width takes into account the intercharacter spacing set by the SetTextCharacterExtra function.
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: DWORD
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: HANDLE
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 +  structPointer
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 7 -  Receive Number: LONG
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 +  System
.head 4 -  Number: GWL_Style 	= -16
.head 4 +  Number: SW_SHOW 		= 5
.head 5 -  ! Description:		Displays the window at its current size and location and activates it
.head 4 +  Number: WM_GETFONT			= 0x0031
.head 5 -  ! Description:	Retrieves the handle to the logical font used by a control
.head 4 -  Number: WM_NEXTDLGCTL 		= 0x0028
.head 4 +  Number: WM_MOUSEMOVE		= 0x0200
.head 5 -  ! Description:	This message is posted to a window when the mouse moves over the window or when the window has set the capture for the mouse cursor.
lParam:		Low word: 	The X co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
		High word:	The Y co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
.head 4 +  Number: WM_LBUTTONDOWN		= 0x0201
.head 5 -  ! Description:	Sent to a window when a left mouse button is pressed within the window.
lParam:		Low word: 	The X co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
		High word:	The Y co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
.head 4 +  Number: WM_LBUTTONUP		= 0x0202
.head 5 -  ! Description:	Sent to a window when a left mouse button is released within the window.
lParam:		Low word: 	The X co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
		High word:	The Y co-ordinate ot the cursor in window client co-ordinates
.head 4 +  Number: WM_SETCURSOR		= 0x0020
.head 5 -  ! Description:	Sent to a window when the mouse is over the window and no other window has the mouse captured
wParam:		The handle of the window that contains the cursor
lParam:		Low word:	A hit test code ( see returns in WM_NCHITTEST )
.head 4 +  Number: WM_SETFOCUS			= 0x0007
.head 5 -  ! Description:	Sent to a window after it receives input focus
wParam:		The handle of the window losing the focus.May be zero
lParam:		Not used
.head 4 -  Number: GWL_ExStyle 	= -20
.head 4 -  Number: HtCAPTION 	= 2
.head 4 -  Number: WS_Caption 	= 0x00C00000
.head 4 -  Number: WM_Create 	= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: WS_Ex_LAYERED	= 0X80000
.head 4 -  Number: LWA_Alpha	= 0x0002
.head 4 -  Number: WS_EX_DlgModalFrame 	= 0x00000001
.head 4 -  Number: WS_EX_WindowEdge 	= 0x00000100
.head 4 -  Number: WM_MOUSEMove		= 0x0200
.head 4 -  Number: WM_NCLBUTTONDown	= 0x00A1
.head 4 -  !
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_BEGIN	= 0
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_VIS	= 1
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_WAIT	= 2
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_FADE	= 3
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_CLOSING	= 4
.head 4 -  Number: STATE_STOP	= 5
.head 4 -  String: CRLF ='
.head 3 +  User
.head 4 -  String: INI_FILE = '.\\WIN_DIAL.INI'
.head 4 -  Number: SAM_Hyperlink	= SAM_User + 987
.head 4 -  ! Structure buffer size
.head 4 -  Number: BUFFER_Size = 1000
.head 4 -  ! SalMessageOut constants
.head 4 -  Number: MSG_File 		 = 4	!LogFile
.head 4 -  Number: MSG_Status	 = 2	!Statustext
.head 4 -  Number: MSG_Box		 = 1	!Messagebox
.head 4 -  ! SalShellExecute contstants
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_Print = 1
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_Edit = 2
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_Open = 3
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_Find = 4
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_Explore = 5
.head 4 -  Number: SHELL_MailTo = 6
.head 3 -  Enumerations
.head 2 +  Resources
.head 3 +  Bitmap: resCloseBMP
.head 4 -  File Name: dial_close.bmp
.head 3 +  Bitmap: resClose1BMP
.head 4 -  File Name: dial_close1.bmp
.head 3 +  Bitmap: resMenuBMP
.head 4 -  File Name: dial_Menu.bmp
.head 3 +  Bitmap: resMenu1BMP
.head 4 -  File Name: dial_Menu1.bmp
.head 3 +  Cursor: CURSOR_Hand
.head 4 -  File Name: Hand.cur
.head 4 -  ! An hand cursor.
Use this constant with the SalCursorSet function.
.head 2 -  Variables
.head 2 +  Internal Functions
.head 3 +  Function: SalSetProfileInt
.head 4 -  Description: author: Andrew K.

Sets an integer value of an entry in the specified section of an initialization file or registry.


.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: strSection
.head 5 -  String: strEntry
.head 5 -  Number: nValue
.head 5 -  String: strFileName
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Return SalSetProfileString(  strSection, strEntry, SalNumberToStrX( nValue, 0 ), strFileName )
.head 3 +  Function: SalStrSeperatebyChar
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	gb
date:	2000
version:	1.00

Trennt einen Teilstring anhand eines Trennzeichen ab

Set lsText = 'Dies ist ein Test! ....'
Set lsPiece = SalStrSeperatebyChar(lsText, '!' )
-> lsPiece = 'Dies ist ein Test'
-> lsText =  ' ....'
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  String:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive String: psText
.head 5 -  String: psChar
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnFound
.head 5 -  String: lsPiece
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set lnFound = SalStrScan(psText, psChar )
.head 5 +  If lnFound > -1
.head 6 -  Set lsPiece = SalStrLeftX(psText,lnFound)
.head 6 -  Set psText = SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFound -1)
.head 6 -  Return lsPiece
.head 5 -  Return STRING_Null
.head 2 +  Named Menus
.head 3 +  Menu: menuDial
.head 4 -  Resource Id: 36859
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Enabled when:
.head 4 -  Status Text:
.head 4 -  Menu Item Name:
.head 4 +  Menu Item: Exit
.head 5 -  Resource Id: 36860
.head 5 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 5 -  Status Text:
.head 5 +  Menu Settings
.head 6 -  Enabled when:
.head 6 -  Checked when:
.head 5 +  Menu Actions
.head 6 -  Call SalPostMsg( hWndForm, SAM_Close, 0, 0 )
.head 5 -  Menu Item Name:
.head 2 +  Class Definitions
.head 3 +  Dialog Box Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Title: Сообщение
.head 4 -  Accessories Enabled? No
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  Display Style? Standard
.head 5 -  Visible at Design time? Yes
.head 5 -  Type of Dialog: Modeless
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:
.head 6 -  Width:  5.6"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? No
.head 6 -  Height: 6.488"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? No
.head 5 -  Absolute Screen Location? Yes
.head 5 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 5 -  Font Size: 8
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: None
.head 5 -  Text Color: System Text Color
.head 5 -  Background Color: 3D Highlight Color
.head 4 -  Next Class Child Key: 23
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? No
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 +  Tool Bar
.head 5 -  Display Settings
.head 6 -  Display Style? Class Default
.head 6 -  Location? Class Default
.head 6 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 6 -  Size: Class Default
.head 6 -  Size Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 6 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Contents
.head 5 -  ! Docking Toolbar? Class Default
.head 5 -  ! Toolbar Docking Orientation: Class Default
.head 5 -  ! Resizable? Class Default
.head 4 +  Contents
.head 5 +  Picture: pic1
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 9
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.0"
.head 7 -  Top: 0.0"
.head 7 -  Width:  5.5"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 6.38"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Editable? No
.head 6 -  File Name: dial1.bmp
.head 6 -  Storage: Internal
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Fit: Scale
.head 6 -  Scaling
.head 7 -  Width:  100
.head 7 -  Height:  100
.head 6 -  Corners: Square
.head 6 -  Border Style: No Border
.head 6 -  Border Thickness: 1
.head 6 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 6 -  Border Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_DoubleClick
.head 8 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_CLOSING
.head 7 +  On WM_MOUSEMove
.head 8 +  If wParam
.head 9 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndForm, WM_NCLBUTTONDown, HtCAPTION, lParam )
.head 8 +  If bClose
.head 9 -  Set bClose = FALSE
.head 9 -  Call SalPicSet( picClose, resCloseBMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 8 +  If bMenu
.head 9 -  Set bMenu = FALSE
.head 9 -  Call SalPicSet( picMenu, resMenuBMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 8 +  If nSTATE = STATE_FADE
.head 9 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_VIS
.head 8 +  Else If nSTATE = STATE_WAIT
.head 9 -  Set nTimer = 0
.head 5 +  Picture: picClose
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 10
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 5.117"
.head 7 -  Top: 0.024"
.head 7 -  Width:  0.286"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.226"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Editable? No
.head 6 -  File Name: dial_close.bmp
.head 6 -  Storage: Internal
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Fit: Scale
.head 6 -  Scaling
.head 7 -  Width:  100
.head 7 -  Height:  100
.head 6 -  Corners: Square
.head 6 -  Border Style: No Border
.head 6 -  Border Thickness: 1
.head 6 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 6 -  Border Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_CLOSING
.head 7 +  On WM_MOUSEMove
.head 8 +  If NOT bClose
.head 9 -  Set bClose = TRUE
.head 9 -  Call SalPicSet( picClose, resClose1BMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 9 +  If bMenu
.head 10 -  Set bMenu = FALSE
.head 10 -  Call SalPicSet( picMenu, resMenuBMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 5 +  Picture: picMenu
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 11
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 4.8"
.head 7 -  Top: 0.024"
.head 7 -  Width:  0.286"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.226"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Editable? No
.head 6 -  File Name: dial_menu.bmp
.head 6 -  Storage: Internal
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Fit: Scale
.head 6 -  Scaling
.head 7 -  Width:  100
.head 7 -  Height:  100
.head 6 -  Corners: Square
.head 6 -  Border Style: No Border
.head 6 -  Border Thickness: 1
.head 6 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 6 -  Border Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call SalTrackPopupMenu( hWndItem, 'menuDial', TPM_CursorX | TPM_CursorY | TPM_CenterAlign, 0, 0 )
.head 7 +  On WM_MOUSEMove
.head 8 +  If NOT bMenu
.head 9 -  Set bMenu = TRUE
.head 9 -  Call SalPicSet( picMenu, resMenu1BMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 9 +  If bClose
.head 10 -  Set bClose = FALSE
.head 10 -  Call SalPicSet( picClose, resCloseBMP, PIC_FormatBitmap )
.head 5 +  Multiline Field: dfMessage
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 15
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Data
.head 7 -  Maximum Data Length: Default
.head 7 -  String Type: String
.head 7 -  Editable? No
.head 6 -  Display Settings
.head 7 -  Border? No
.head 7 -  Word Wrap? Yes
.head 7 -  Vertical Scroll? No
.head 7 -  Window Location and Size
.head 8 -  Left: 0.167"
.head 8 -  Top: 0.417"
.head 8 -  Width:  5.183"
.head 8 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 8 -  Height: 5.869"
.head 8 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Visible? Yes
.head 7 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 7 -  Font Size: 8
.head 7 -  Font Enhancement: None
.head 7 -  Text Color: Default
.head 7 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 -  Message Actions
.head 5 +  Picture: picDown
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 16
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.0"
.head 7 -  Top: 6.381"
.head 7 -  Width:  5.5"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.02"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Editable? No
.head 6 -  File Name: dial_down.bmp
.head 6 -  Storage: Internal
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Fit: Scale
.head 6 -  Scaling
.head 7 -  Width:  100
.head 7 -  Height:  100
.head 6 -  Corners: Square
.head 6 -  Border Style: No Border
.head 6 -  Border Thickness: 1
.head 6 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 6 -  Border Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 -  Message Actions
.head 5 +  Custom Control: dfHyperlink
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 22
.head 6 -  Class: cHyper
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Display Settings
.head 7 -  DLL Name:
.head 7 -  MS Windows Class Name:
.head 7 -  Style:  Class Default
.head 7 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 7 -  Title:
.head 7 -  Window Location and Size
.head 8 -  Left: 0.167"
.head 8 -  Top: 6.107"
.head 8 -  Width:  5.183"
.head 8 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 8 -  Height: 0.179"
.head 8 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 7 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 7 -  Border? Class Default
.head 7 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 7 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 7 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 7 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 7 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 7 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 7 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 7 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 7 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 7 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 7 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 7 -  DLL Settings
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call SalSendClassMessage( SAM_Click, wParam, lParam )
.head 8 -  Call SalPostMsg( SalParentWindow( hWndForm ), SAM_Hyperlink, nMessageWParam, 0 )
.head 4 -  Derived From
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  Boolean: bMenu
.head 5 -  Boolean: bClose
.head 5 -  Number: nX
.head 5 -  Number: nY
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: nTimer
.head 5 -  Number: nTimerStop
.head 5 -  Number: nTimerDelta
.head 5 -  Number: nFadeStep
.head 5 -  Number: nFade
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: nSTATE
.head 5 -  Number: nFadeMin
.head 5 -  Number: nFadeMax
.head 5 -  Number: nDopWidth
.head 5 -  Number: nDownX
.head 5 -  Number: nDownY
.head 5 -  Number: nWX
.head 5 -  Number: nWY
.head 5 -  String: sTextHyperlink
.head 5 -  Number: nMessageWParam
.head 5 -  Boolean: bLeft		! TRUE - постепенное появление
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: fSetLayeredWindowAttributes
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: p_nFade
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If p_nFade <=0
.head 8 -  Set p_nFade = 0
.head 7 +  If p_nFade >=255
.head 8 -  Set p_nFade = 255
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  If SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWndForm,0,255-p_nFade,LWA_Alpha)
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Call SalMessageBox('SetLayeredWindowAttributes failed.','STOP',MB_IconStop)
.head 8 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndForm, SAM_Close, 0, 0 )
.head 5 +  Function: fCountCR
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: sText
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nNumCR
.head 7 -  Number: nChar
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set nNumCR = 0
.head 7 -  Set nChar = 0x0D
.head 7 +  While nChar > 0
.head 8 -  Set nChar = SalStrLop( sText )
.head 8 +  If nChar = 10
.head 9 -  Set nNumCR = nNumCR + 1
.head 7 -  Return nNumCR
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On WM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SetWindowLongA( hWndForm, GWL_Style, GetWindowLongA( hWndForm, GWL_Style ) & ( -1 - WS_Caption  ) )
.head 6 -  Call SetWindowLongA( hWndForm, GWL_ExStyle, GetWindowLongA( hWndForm, GWL_ExStyle ) & ( -1 - WS_EX_WindowEdge - WS_EX_DlgModalFrame ) | WS_Ex_LAYERED )
.head 6 -  Set nX = SalGetProfileInt ( 'WIN_DIAL', 'NX', 1, INI_FILE ) / 1000
.head 6 -  Set nY = SalGetProfileInt ( 'WIN_DIAL', 'NY', 1, INI_FILE ) / 1000
.head 6 +  If nX < 0
.head 7 -  Set nX = 0
.head 6 +  If nY < 0
.head 7 -  Set nY = 0
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc ( hWndForm, nX, nY )
.head 6 -  Set nTimer = 0
.head 6 -  Set nTimerDelta = 50
.head 6 -  Set nTimerStop = 2000
.head 6 -  Set nFadeStep = 10
.head 6 -  Set nFadeMin = 10
.head 6 -  Set nFadeMax = 200
.head 6 -  Set nFade = nFadeMax
.head 6 -  Set nDopWidth = 0
.head 6 -  Set nMessageWParam = 0
.head 6 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_BEGIN
.head 6 -  Set sTextHyperlink = 'Обновить'
.head 6 -  Call SalTimerSet( hWndForm, 1, nTimerDelta )
.head 5 +  On SAM_Destroy
.head 6 -  Call SalGetWindowLoc ( hWndForm, nX, nY )
.head 6 +  If nX < 0
.head 7 -  Set nX = 0
.head 6 +  If nY < 0
.head 7 -  Set nY = 0
.head 6 -  Call SalSetProfileInt( 'WIN_DIAL', 'NX', nX * 1000, INI_FILE )
.head 6 -  Call SalSetProfileInt( 'WIN_DIAL', 'NY', nY * 1000, INI_FILE )
.head 6 -  Call SalTimerKill ( hWndForm, 1 )
.head 5 +  On SAM_Timer
.head 6 -  Set nTimer = nTimer + nTimerDelta
.head 6 -  Call fSetLayeredWindowAttributes(nFade)
.head 6 +  Select Case nSTATE
.head 7 +  Case STATE_BEGIN
.head 8 -  Set nFade = nFadeMax
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 +  If dfMessage = ''
.head 9 -  Set dfMessage = 'Внимание!!! Версия программы устарела.'
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 +  If nDopWidth = NUMBER_Null
.head 9 -  Set nDopWidth = fCountCR ( dfMessage ) * 13
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Call dfHyperlink.SetHyperlink ( sTextHyperlink, sTextHyperlink )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize ( hWndForm, SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 330 + 0, FALSE ), SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 80 + 0 + nDopWidth, TRUE ) )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize ( pic1, SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 330 + 0, FALSE ), SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 80 + 0 + nDopWidth, TRUE ) )
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Call SalGetWindowSize ( dfMessage, nWX, nWY )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize ( dfMessage, nWX, SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 80 + 0 + nDopWidth - 55, TRUE ) )
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Call SalGetWindowLoc ( pic1, nDownX, nDownY )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc ( picDown, nDownX, nDownY + SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 80 + 0 + nDopWidth - 2, TRUE )  )
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Call SalGetWindowLoc ( dfHyperlink, nDownX, nWY )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc ( dfHyperlink, nDownX, nDownY + SalPixelsToFormUnits ( hWndForm, 80 + 0 + nDopWidth - 20, TRUE )  )
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Call SalDisableWindow( dfMessage )
.head 8 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_VIS
.head 8 -  Set nTimer = 0
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case STATE_VIS
.head 8 -  Set nFade = nFade - nFadeStep
.head 8 +  If nFade <= nFadeMin
.head 9 -  Set nFade = nFadeMin
.head 9 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_WAIT
.head 9 -  Set nTimer = 0
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case STATE_STOP
.head 8 -  Call SalPostMsg( hWndForm, SAM_Close, 0, 0 )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case STATE_WAIT
.head 8 +  If nTimer >= nTimerStop
.head 9 -  Set nFade = nFadeMin
.head 9 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_FADE
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case STATE_FADE
.head 8 +  If bLeft
.head 9 -  Call SalGetWindowLoc ( hWndForm, nX, nY )
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc ( hWndForm, nX-0.007, nY )
.head 7 +  Case STATE_CLOSING
.head 8 -  Set nFade = nFade + nFadeStep
.head 8 +  If nFade >= nFadeMax
.head 9 -  Set nFade = nFadeMax
.head 9 -  Set nSTATE = STATE_STOP
.head 9 -  Set nTimer = 0
.head 8 -  Break
.head 4 -  ! Allow Dock to Parent? No
.head 4 -  ! Docking Orientation: Class Default
.head 4 -  ! Resizable? No
.head 4 -  ! Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 4 -  ! Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 3 +  Custom Control Class: cHyper
.head 4 -  DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  DLL Name:
.head 5 -  MS Windows Class Name:
.head 5 -  Style:  Class Default
.head 5 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Title:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:
.head 6 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: Class Default
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Bold
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  DLL Settings
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 +  Derived From
.head 5 -  Class: cHyperlink
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 -  Instance Variables
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: OnHover
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sFontName
.head 7 -  Number: nFontSize
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy
.head 7 -  Number: hFont
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalFontGet( hWndItem,sFontName, nFontSize, nDummy )
.head 7 -  Call SalFontSet(hWndItem,sFontName,nFontSize,FONT_EnhUnderline | FONT_EnhBold)
.head 5 +  Function: OnLeave
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sFontName
.head 7 -  Number: nFontSize
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy
.head 7 -  Number: hFont
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalFontGet( hWndItem,sFontName, nFontSize, nDummy )
.head 7 -  Call SalFontSet(hWndItem,sFontName,nFontSize,FONT_EnhBold )
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Multiline Field Class: mlAutoSize
.head 4 -  Data
.head 5 -  Maximum Data Length: Class Default
.head 5 -  String Type: Class Default
.head 5 -  Editable? No
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  Border? No
.head 5 -  Word Wrap? Yes
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? No
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:
.head 6 -  Width:  1.0"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: 0.667"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description: Multiline, dass seine GrцЯe automatisch dem Text anpasst.
Einfach von Klasse ableiten und Inhalt mit wfSetText() setzen.
.head 4 -  Derived From
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 -  Instance Variables
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: wfSetText
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: p_sText
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If SalSetMaxDataLength( hWndItem, SalStrLength( p_sText ) )
.head 8 -  Set MyValue	= p_sText
.head 8 -  Return __cfSetWidth( )
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 +  Function: __cfSetWidth
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Boolean: bOk
.head 7 -  Number: hDC
.head 7 -  Number: hGDIObj
.head 7 -  Number: nTextPixelWidth
.head 7 -  Number: nTextPixelHeight
.head 7 -  String: lsText
.head 7 -  String: lsMsg
.head 7 -  String: lsTabs[*]
.head 7 -  Number: lnMaxWidth
.head 7 -  Number: lnMaxHeight
.head 7 -  Number: lnIdx
.head 7 -  Number: lnLineBreaks
.head 7 -  Number: lnTabs
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set bOk	= SalFmtFieldToStr( hWndItem, lsMsg, TRUE )
.head 7 -  Set hDC	= GetDC( hWndItem )
.head 7 +  If hDC
.head 8 -  Set lnLineBreaks = 1
.head 8 -  Set hGDIObj = SelectObject( hDC, SalNumberLow( SalSendMsg( hWndItem, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ) ) )
.head 8 +  While SalStrScan(lsMsg, CRLF) >= 0
.head 9 -  Set lsText = SalStrSeperatebyChar(lsMsg, CRLF)
.head 9 -  Call GetTextExtentPoint32A( hDC, lsText, SalStrLength( lsText ), nTextPixelWidth, nTextPixelHeight )
.head 9 -  Set lnTabs = SalStrTokenize(lsText, '', '	', lsTabs) - 1
.head 9 +  If lnTabs > 0
.head 10 -  Set nTextPixelWidth = nTextPixelWidth + (lnTabs * 46)
.head 9 +  If lnMaxWidth < nTextPixelWidth
.head 10 -  Set lnMaxWidth = nTextPixelWidth
.head 9 +  If lnMaxHeight < nTextPixelHeight
.head 10 -  Set lnMaxHeight = nTextPixelHeight
.head 9 -  Set lnLineBreaks = lnLineBreaks + 1
.head 8 +  If lnLineBreaks = 1
.head 9 -  Call GetTextExtentPoint32A( hDC, MyValue, SalStrLength( MyValue ), lnMaxWidth, lnMaxHeight )
.head 9 -  Set lnTabs = SalStrTokenize(MyValue, '', '	', lsTabs) - 1
.head 9 +  If lnTabs > 0
.head 10 -  Set lnMaxWidth = lnMaxWidth + (lnTabs * 46)
.head 8 +  Else If lsMsg
.head 9 -  Call GetTextExtentPoint32A( hDC, lsMsg, SalStrLength( lsMsg ), nTextPixelWidth, nTextPixelHeight )
.head 9 -  Set lnTabs = SalStrTokenize(lsMsg, '', '	', lsTabs) - 1
.head 9 +  If lnTabs > 0
.head 10 -  Set nTextPixelWidth = nTextPixelWidth + (lnTabs * 46)
.head 9 +  If lnMaxWidth < nTextPixelWidth
.head 10 -  Set lnMaxWidth = nTextPixelWidth
.head 9 +  If lnMaxHeight < nTextPixelHeight
.head 10 -  Set lnMaxHeight = nTextPixelHeight
.head 8 -  Call SelectObject( hDC, hGDIObj )
.head 8 -  Call ReleaseDC( hWndItem, hDC )
.head 8 -  Set bOk	= bOk And SalSetWindowSize( hWndItem, SalPixelsToFormUnits( hWndItem, lnMaxWidth, FALSE ), SalPixelsToFormUnits( hWndItem, lnMaxHeight * lnLineBreaks, TRUE ) )
.head 7 -  Return bOk
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Custom Control Class: cHyperlink
.head 4 -  DLL Name: user32.dll
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  DLL Name: user32.dll
.head 5 -  MS Windows Class Name: edit
.head 5 -  Style:  0x00000804
.head 5 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Title:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:
.head 6 -  Width:  1.3"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: 0.226"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Yes
.head 5 -  Border? No
.head 5 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Blue
.head 5 -  Background Color: Default
.head 5 -  DLL Settings
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description: Hyperlink control
.head 4 -  Derived From
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  String: sHyperlink
.head 5 -  Boolean: __bCaptured
.head 5 -  Boolean: __bIsRedrawedOuter
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Boolean: __bIsRedrawedOver
0000: 0100
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: __IsMouseOver
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nMouseX
.head 7 -  Number: nMouseY
.head 7 -  Number: nLeft
.head 7 -  Number: nTop
.head 7 -  Number: nRight
.head 7 -  Number: nBottom
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call GetCursorPos( nMouseX, nMouseY )
.head 7 -  Call GetWindowRect( hWndItem, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom )
.head 7 +  If (nMouseX > nLeft) AND (nMouseX < nRight) AND  (nMouseY > nTop) AND (nMouseY < nBottom)
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 7 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 +  Function: SetHyperlink
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: psText
.head 7 -  String: psHyperlink
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set sHyperlink = psHyperlink
.head 7 -  Call SalSetWindowText( hWndItem, psText )
.head 5 +  Function: GetHyperlink
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Receive String: psText
.head 7 -  Receive String: psHyperlink
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalSetWindowText( hWndItem, psText )
.head 7 +  If sHyperlink = STRING_Null
.head 8 -  Set sHyperlink = psText
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set psHyperlink = sHyperlink
.head 5 -  ! could be overridden
.head 5 +  Function: OnHover
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sFontName
.head 7 -  Number: nFontSize
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy
.head 7 -  Number: hFont
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalFontGet( hWndItem,sFontName, nFontSize, nDummy )
.head 7 -  Call SalFontSet(hWndItem,sFontName,nFontSize,FONT_EnhUnderline )
.head 5 +  Function: OnLeave
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sFontName
.head 7 -  Number: nFontSize
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy
.head 7 -  Number: hFont
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalFontGet( hWndItem,sFontName, nFontSize, nDummy )
.head 7 -  Call SalFontSet(hWndItem,sFontName,nFontSize,FONT_EnhNormal )
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call ShellExecuteA( hWndNULL, "OPEN", sHyperlink, "", "", SW_SHOW )
.head 6 -  Call SalColorSet( hWndItem, COLOR_IndexWindowText, COLOR_Purple )
.head 5 +  On WM_SETCURSOR
.head 6 -  Call SalCursorSet( hWndItem, CURSOR_Hand, CURSOR_Window )
.head 6 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  On WM_LBUTTONDOWN
.head 6 +  If sHyperlink = STRING_Null
.head 7 -  Call SalGetWindowText(hWndItem,sHyperlink,1024)
.head 5 +  On WM_LBUTTONUP
.head 6 -  Call SalSendMsg(hWndItem,SAM_Click,wParam,lParam)
.head 6 -  !
.head 6 -  Call SetCapture( hWndItem  )
.head 6 -  Set __bCaptured = TRUE
.head 5 +  On WM_SETFOCUS
.head 6 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndForm, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0 )
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 +  On WM_MOUSEMOVE
.head 6 +  If Not __bCaptured
.head 7 -  Call SetCapture( hWndItem  )
.head 7 -  Set __bCaptured = TRUE
.head 6 +  Else
.head 7 +  If not __IsMouseOver()
.head 8 -  Call ReleaseCapture( )
.head 8 -  Set __bCaptured = FALSE
.head 8 -  Set __bIsRedrawedOver = FALSE
.head 8 +  If not __bIsRedrawedOuter
.head 9 -  Call ..OnLeave()
.head 9 -  Call SalInvalidateWindow(hWndItem)
.head 9 -  Set __bIsRedrawedOuter = TRUE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set __bIsRedrawedOuter = FALSE
.head 8 +  If not __bIsRedrawedOver
.head 9 -  Call ..OnHover ()
.head 9 -  Call SalInvalidateWindow(hWndItem)
.head 9 -  Set __bIsRedrawedOver = TRUE
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window:
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button: clsRadioButton
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Child Table: clsTable
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window:
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box: clsComboBox
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column: clsColumn
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control: cHyper
.head 2 +  Application Actions
.head 3 +  On SAM_AppStartup
.head 4 -  Call SalUseRegistry( FALSE, 'FK_DIAL' )
.head 1 +  MDI Window: mdi1
.head 2 -  Class:
.head 2 -  Property Template:
.head 2 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 2 -  Title: Fade
.head 2 -  Display Settings
.head 3 -  Visible at Design time? Yes
.head 3 -  Automatically Created at Runtime? Yes
.head 3 -  Initial State: Normal
.head 3 -  Maximizable? Yes
.head 3 -  Minimizable? Yes
.head 3 -  System Menu? Yes
.head 3 -  Resizable? Yes
.head 3 -  Window Location and Size
.head 4 -  Left: Default
.head 4 -  Top: Default
.head 4 -  Width:  5.975"
.head 4 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Height: 5.188"
.head 4 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 2 -  Icon File:
.head 2 -  Accessories Enabled? Yes
.head 2 -  Visible? Yes
.head 2 -  Description:
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 -  Menu
.head 2 +  Tool Bar
.head 3 -  Display Settings
.head 4 -  Display Style? Default
.head 4 -  Location? Top
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Size: 2.167"
.head 4 -  Size Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 3 +  Contents
.head 4 +  Pushbutton: pb1
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Property Template:
.head 5 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 5 -  Title: Fading
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 6 -  Top: 0.119"
.head 6 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Height: 0.298"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Visible? Yes
.head 5 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 5 -  Font Name: Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 5 -  Picture File Name:
.head 5 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 5 -  Image Style: Single
.head 5 -  Text Color: Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Default
.head 5 +  Message Actions
.head 6 +  On SAM_Click
.head 7 -  Call SalCreateWindow( dlgFlashDial1, hWndMDI, ml1
, df2
, NUMBER_Null, NUMBER_Null, NUMBER_Null, NUMBER_Null, NUMBER_Null, df1, SAM_Hyperlink, cbLeft )
.head 5 -  ! Button Appearance: Standard
.head 4 +  Multiline Field: ml1
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Property Template:
.head 5 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 5 -  Data
.head 6 -  Maximum Data Length: Default
.head 6 -  String Type: String
.head 6 -  Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Display Settings
.head 6 -  Border? Yes
.head 6 -  Word Wrap? No
.head 6 -  Vertical Scroll? Yes
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 1.914"
.head 7 -  Top: 0.107"
.head 7 -  Width:  4.586"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 1.929"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 6 -  Font Size: 8
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: None
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 5 -  Message Actions
.head 4 +  Data Field: df1
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Property Template:
.head 5 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 5 -  Data
.head 6 -  Maximum Data Length: Default
.head 6 -  Data Type: Number
.head 6 -  Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Display Settings
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 7 -  Top: 0.726"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.25"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Border? Yes
.head 6 -  Justify: Left
.head 6 -  Format: Unformatted
.head 6 -  Country: Default
.head 6 -  Font Name: Default
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 -  Input Mask: Unformatted
.head 5 -  Message Actions
.head 4 -  Background Text: Lines
.head 5 -  Resource Id: 6171
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 6 -  Top: 0.524"
.head 6 -  Width:  0.829"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Height: 0.167"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Visible? Yes
.head 5 -  Justify: Left
.head 5 -  Font Name: Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Data Field: df2
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Property Template:
.head 5 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 5 -  Data
.head 6 -  Maximum Data Length: Default
.head 6 -  Data Type: String
.head 6 -  Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Display Settings
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 7 -  Top: 1.262"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.629"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.25"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Border? Yes
.head 6 -  Justify: Left
.head 6 -  Format: Unformatted
.head 6 -  Country: Default
.head 6 -  Font Name: Default
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 -  Input Mask: Unformatted
.head 5 -  Message Actions
.head 4 -  Background Text: Link text
.head 5 -  Resource Id: 6172
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 6 -  Top: 1.06"
.head 6 -  Width:  0.829"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Height: 0.167"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Visible? Yes
.head 5 -  Justify: Left
.head 5 -  Font Name: Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Check Box: cbLeft
.head 5 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 5 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 5 -  Class:
.head 5 -  Property Template:
.head 5 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 5 -  Title: Move to left
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 6 -  Top: 1.702"
.head 6 -  Width:  1.4"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Height: 0.25"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Visible? Yes
.head 5 -  Font Name: Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Default
.head 5 -  Message Actions
.head 3 -  ! Docking Toolbar? No
.head 3 -  ! Toolbar Docking Orientation: Top | Bottom
.head 3 -  ! Resizable? No
.head 2 -  Contents
.head 2 -  Functions
.head 2 -  Window Parameters
.head 2 -  Window Variables
.head 2 +  Message Actions
.head 3 +  On SAM_CreateComplete
.head 4 -  Set ml1 = ' Function: GetHyperlink
  Receive String: psText
  Receive String: psHyperlink
 Static Variables 
 Local variables 
  Call SalSetWindowText( hWndItem, psText )
  If sHyperlink = STRING_Null
   Set sHyperlink = psText
   Set psHyperlink = sHyperlink'
.head 4 -  Set df2 = 'Refresh'
.head 4 -  Set cbLeft = TRUE
.head 3 +  On SAM_Hyperlink
.head 4 -  Call SalMessageBox( 'SAM_Hyperlink.
Parameter = ' || SalNumberToStrX( wParam, 0 ), 'Link was pressed', 0 )
.head 2 -  ! Allow Child Docking? No
.head 2 -  ! Docking Orientation: All
.head 1 +  Dialog Box: dlgFlashDial1
.head 2 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 2 -  Property Template:
.head 2 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 2 -  Title:
.head 2 -  Accessories Enabled? Class Default
.head 2 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 2 -  Display Settings
.head 3 -  Display Style? Class Default
.head 3 -  Visible at Design time? Yes
.head 3 -  Type of Dialog: Class Default
.head 3 -  Window Location and Size
.head 4 -  Left: Default
.head 4 -  Top: Default
.head 4 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 4 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Height: Class Default
.head 4 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 3 -  Absolute Screen Location? Class Default
.head 3 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 3 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 3 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 3 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 3 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 2 -  Description:
.head 2 +  Tool Bar
.head 3 -  Display Settings
.head 4 -  Display Style? Class Default
.head 4 -  Location? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Size: Class Default
.head 4 -  Size Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 3 -  Contents
.head 3 -  ! Docking Toolbar? Class Default
.head 3 -  ! Toolbar Docking Orientation: Class Default
.head 3 -  ! Resizable? Class Default
.head 2 +  Contents
.head 3 +  Picture: pic1
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 9
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: Class Default
.head 5 -  Top: Class Default
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Height: Class Default
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  File Name:
.head 4 -  Storage: Class Default
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Fit: Class Default
.head 4 -  Scaling
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Height:  Class Default
.head 4 -  Corners: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Style: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Thickness: Class Default
.head 4 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Picture: picClose
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 10
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: Class Default
.head 5 -  Top: Class Default
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Height: Class Default
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  File Name:
.head 4 -  Storage: Class Default
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Fit: Class Default
.head 4 -  Scaling
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Height:  Class Default
.head 4 -  Corners: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Style: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Thickness: Class Default
.head 4 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Picture: picMenu
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 11
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: Class Default
.head 5 -  Top: Class Default
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Height: Class Default
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  File Name:
.head 4 -  Storage: Class Default
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Fit: Class Default
.head 4 -  Scaling
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Height:  Class Default
.head 4 -  Corners: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Style: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Thickness: Class Default
.head 4 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Multiline Field: dfMessage
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 15
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Data
.head 5 -  Maximum Data Length: Class Default
.head 5 -  String Type: Class Default
.head 5 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Word Wrap? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: Class Default
.head 6 -  Top: Class Default
.head 6 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: Class Default
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Picture: picDown
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 16
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: Class Default
.head 5 -  Top: Class Default
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Height: Class Default
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  File Name:
.head 4 -  Storage: Class Default
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Fit: Class Default
.head 4 -  Scaling
.head 5 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Height:  Class Default
.head 4 -  Corners: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Style: Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Thickness: Class Default
.head 4 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 4 -  Border Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 3 +  Custom Control: cc2
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 22
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: clsDialogFlash1
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  DLL Name:
.head 5 -  MS Windows Class Name:
.head 5 -  Style:  Class Default
.head 5 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Title:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: Class Default
.head 6 -  Top: Class Default
.head 6 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: Class Default
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  DLL Settings
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 2 -  Functions
.head 2 +  Window Parameters
.head 3 -  String: p_sMessage		! Текст
.head 3 -  String: p_sTextHyperlink	! Текст ссылки
.head 3 -  Number: p_nTimerDelta	! шаг изменения таймера в мс
.head 3 -  Number: p_nTimerStop	! значение таймера для начала исчезновения окна в мс
.head 3 -  Number: p_nFadeStep	! шаг изменения невидимости
.head 3 -  Number: p_nFadeMin	! Минимальная видимость окна
.head 3 -  Number: p_nFadeMax	! Максимальная видимость окна
.head 3 -  Number: p_nDopWidth	! Дополнительное число строк в высоту
.head 3 -  Number: p_nMessageWParam	! Какое сообщение послать предку при нажатии на ссылку
.head 3 -  Boolean: p_bLeft		! TRUE - постепенное появление
.head 2 -  Window Variables
.head 2 +  Message Actions
.head 3 +  On SAM_CreateComplete
.head 4 +  If p_sMessage != ''
.head 5 -  Set dfMessage = p_sMessage
.head 4 +  If p_sTextHyperlink != ''
.head 5 -  Set sTextHyperlink = p_sTextHyperlink
.head 4 +  If p_nTimerDelta != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nTimerDelta = p_nTimerDelta
.head 4 +  If p_nTimerStop != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nTimerStop = p_nTimerStop
.head 4 +  If p_nFadeStep != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nFadeStep = p_nFadeStep
.head 4 +  If p_nFadeMin != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nFadeMin = p_nFadeMin
.head 4 +  If p_nFadeMax != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nFadeMax = p_nFadeMax
.head 4 +  If p_nDopWidth != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nDopWidth = p_nDopWidth * 12
.head 4 +  Else
.head 5 -  Set nDopWidth = NUMBER_Null
.head 4 +  If nMessageWParam != NUMBER_Null
.head 5 -  Set nMessageWParam = p_nMessageWParam
.head 4 -  Set bLeft = p_bLeft
.head 4 -  !
.head 2 -  ! Allow Dock to Parent? Class Default
.head 2 -  ! Docking Orientation: Class Default
.head 2 -  ! Resizable? Class Default
.head 2 -  ! Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 2 -  ! Horizontal Scroll? Class Default - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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