- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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.head 0 +  Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.27
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000
0020: 0000000000A50000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF
0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0001000000010000
0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D00000000
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0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000
0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000
00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000: D000
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.head 2 +  Options Box Location
0000: D4180909B80B1A00
0000: 0800
.head 3 -  Visible? No
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.head 3 -  Width:  3.8"
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.head 2 +  Class Editor Location
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.head 3 -  Width:  5.063"
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.head 2 +  Tool Palette Location
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 6.388"
.head 3 -  Top:    0.729"
.head 2 -  Fully Qualified External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
.head 2 -  Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
.head 1 +  Libraries
.head 2 -  ! File Include: qcktabs.apl
.head 1 +  Global Declarations
.head 2 +  Window Defaults
.head 3 +  Tool Bar
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Form Window
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Dialog Box
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Top Level Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Data Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
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.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
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.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Background Text
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Pushbutton
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.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Radio Button
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.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Check Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Option Button
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Group Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Child Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  List Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Combo Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Line
.head 4 -  Line Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Frame
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 3 +  Picture
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 2 +  Formats
.head 3 -  Number: 0'%'
.head 3 -  Number: #0
.head 3 -  Number: ###000
.head 3 -  Number: ###000;'($'###000')'
.head 3 -  Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: M/d/yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 2 -  External Functions
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 -  System
.head 3 -  User
.head 2 -  Resources
.head 2 -  Variables
.head 2 -  Internal Functions
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 +  Class Definitions
.head 3 +  Dialog Box Class: cWizardDialog
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Accesories Enabled? Class Default
.head 4 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  Display Style? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible at Design time? Yes
.head 5 -  Type of Dialog: Class Default
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:   
.head 6 -  Width:  5.633"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: 4.048"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Absolute Screen Location? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 4 -  Next Class Child Key: 19
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description: dialog class for easy wizards
.head 4 +  Tool Bar
.head 5 -  Display Settings
.head 6 -  Display Style? Class Default
.head 6 -  Location? Class Default
.head 6 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 6 -  Size: Class Default
.head 6 -  Size Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 6 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Contents
.head 4 +  Contents
.head 5 +  Picture: ptWizard
0000: 5461624C6566744D 617267696E000200 3000005461624375 7272656E74000100
0020: 0000546162526967 68744D617267696E 0002003000005461 624E616D65730001
0040: 0000005461624C61 62656C7300010000 0054616250616765 436F756E74000200
0060: 310000546162426F 74746F6D4D617267 696E000500302E34 3500005461624472
0080: 61775374796C6500 0B0057696E393553 74796C6500005461 62466F726D506167
00A0: 6573000100000054 6162546F704D6172 67696E0002003000 0000000000000000
00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000
0000: CD00
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 1
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 1
.head 6 -  Class: cQuickTabsDialog
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.1"
.head 7 -  Top:    0.048"
.head 7 -  Width:  5.317"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 7 -  Height: 3.202"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 6 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  File Name:
.head 6 -  Storage: Class Default
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: Purple
.head 6 -  Fit: Class Default
.head 6 -  Scaling
.head 7 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 7 -  Height:  Class Default
.head 6 -  Corners: Class Default
.head 6 -  Border Style: Class Default
.head 6 -  Border Thickness: Class Default
.head 6 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 6 -  Border Color: Class Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 6 -  Message Actions
.head 5 +  Pushbutton: pbCancel
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 4
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Title:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 4.233"
.head 7 -  Top:    3.321"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.298"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Keyboard Accelerator: Esc
.head 6 -  Font Name: Default
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Picture File Name:
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Image Style: Single
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call Cancel()
.head 5 +  Pushbutton: pbFinish
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 19
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Title:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 2.8"
.head 7 -  Top:    3.321"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.292"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Keyboard Accelerator: Enter
.head 6 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Picture File Name:
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Image Style: Single
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call NextStep()
.head 5 +  Pushbutton: pbNext
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 2
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Title:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 1.433"
.head 7 -  Top:    3.321"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.292"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Keyboard Accelerator: Enter
.head 6 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Picture File Name:
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Image Style: Single
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call NextStep()
.head 5 +  Pushbutton: pbPrevious
.head 6 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 6 -  Class ChildKey: 3
.head 6 -  Class:
.head 6 -  Property Template:
.head 6 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 6 -  Title:
.head 6 -  Window Location and Size
.head 7 -  Left: 0.067"
.head 7 -  Top:    3.321"
.head 7 -  Width:  1.2"
.head 7 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 7 -  Height: 0.292"
.head 7 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 6 -  Visible? Yes
.head 6 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 6 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 6 -  Font Size: Default
.head 6 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 6 -  Picture File Name:
.head 6 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 6 -  Image Style: Single
.head 6 -  Text Color: Default
.head 6 -  Background Color: Default
.head 6 +  Message Actions
.head 7 +  On SAM_Click
.head 8 -  Call PreviousStep()
.head 7 +  On SAM_Create
.head 8 -  Call SalDisableWindow(hWndItem)
.head 4 +  Derived From
.head 5 -  Class: cQuickTabsDialog
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  Number: inStep
.head 5 -  Boolean: _ibFinish
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: _inWalkedSteps[*]
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: _inWalked
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  ! 
.head 5 +  Function: __SetStep
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: lnIdx
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call ptWizard.BringToTop(inStep, TRUE)
.head 7 -  ! Check, if last step
.head 7 +  If _ibFinish
.head 8 -  Call SalDisableWindow( pbNext )
.head 8 -  Call SalEnableWindow( pbFinish )
.head 8 -  Call SalBringWindowToTop( pbFinish )
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Call SalDisableWindow( pbFinish )
.head 8 -  Call SalEnableWindow( pbNext )
.head 8 -  Call SalBringWindowToTop( pbNext )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  If inStep = 0
.head 8 -  Call SalDisableWindow(pbPrevious)
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Call SalEnableWindow(pbPrevious)
.head 7 -  Call ..OnActivate(inStep)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  ! 
.head 5 +  Function: NextStep
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If not ..OnValidate( inStep )
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 7 +  If _ibFinish
.head 8 -  Call ..OnFinish( inStep )
.head 8 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, IDOK)
.head 7 -  Call ..OnNextStep( inStep )
.head 5 +  Function: PreviousStep
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If _inWalked > 0
.head 8 -  ! The last stored step is the current and so go 2 back
.head 8 -  Set _inWalked = _inWalked - 2
.head 8 -  Call SetStep( _inWalkedSteps[_inWalked], FALSE )
.head 5 +  Function: Cancel
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return SalEndDialog(hWndForm,IDCANCEL)
.head 5 +  Function: Finish
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call NextStep()
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: GetActiveStep
.head 6 -  Description: Returns the current step (Wizard-page)
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return inStep
.head 5 +  Function: SetStep
.head 6 -  Description: Sets the current step (Wizard-page)
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnStep
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Boolean: pbFinish
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set inStep = pnStep
.head 7 -  Set _inWalkedSteps[_inWalked] = inStep
.head 7 -  Set _inWalked = _inWalked + 1
.head 7 -  Set _ibFinish = pbFinish
.head 7 -  Call __SetStep()
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  ! Could be overridden !!
.head 5 +  Function: OnCreate
.head 6 -  Description: !! Could be overridden !!
Is called on creation of the dialog

example for overridden code:

Call SetStep(0,FALSE)

.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SetStep(0,FALSE)
.head 5 +  Function: OnActivate
.head 6 -  Description: !! Could be overridden !!
Is called on entering a new page

example for overridden code:

Select Case pnActiveStep
   Case 0
   Case 1
      Set ....
   Case 2
      Cal ....

.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnActiveStep
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 -  Actions
.head 5 +  Function: OnNextStep
.head 6 -  Description: !! Could be overridden !!
Is called when the next page should be entered

example for overridden code:

Select Case pnActiveStep
   Case 0
      If rbNew
	Return SetStep(1,TRUE)
      If rbDelete
	Return SetStep(2,TRUE)
   Case 1
      Set ....
   Case 2
      Cal ....

.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnActiveStep
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If GetActiveStep() <  ptWizard.GetCount()
.head 8 -  Set inStep = inStep + 1
.head 8 +  If GetActiveStep() = ptWizard.GetCount()  - 1
.head 9 -  Set _ibFinish = TRUE
.head 8 -  Call SetStep( inStep ,_ibFinish)
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 +  Function: OnValidate
.head 6 -  Description: !! Could be overridden !!
Is called before a page is left.
On TRUE or VALIDATE_Ok, the page is left, on FALSE or VALIDATE_Cancel not.

example for overridden code:

Select Case pnActiveStep
   Case 0
     If not SalValidateItem(cmbKey)
	Return FALSE
     If not SalValidateItem(dfName)
	Return FALSE
   Case 1
   Case 2
Return TRUE
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnActiveStep
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  Function: OnFinish
.head 6 -  Description: !! Could be overridden !!
Is called on finish.

example for overridden code:

Select Case pnActiveStep
   Case 0
   Case 1
      Call AddNewEntry()
   Case 2
      Call DeleteEntry().
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnActiveStep
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 -  Actions
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalCenterWindow(hWndForm)
.head 6 -  Call ..OnCreate()
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window: cBaseMDI
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button:
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Child Table:
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box:
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column:
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control:
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 2 -  Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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