.head 0 + Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template .head 1 - Outline Version - 4.0.27 .head 1 + Design-time Settings .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000 0020: 0000000000A50000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF 0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0000000000010000 0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D0100000007436C 6173736573 .enddata .head 2 - Outline Window State: Normal .head 2 + Outline Window Location and Size .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E 0020: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000003B00010000 00000000000000E9 0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000 0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000 0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000 00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: D000 .enddata .head 3 - Left: -0.013" .head 3 - Top: 0.0" .head 3 - Width: 8.013" .head 3 - Height: 4.969" .head 2 + Options Box Location .data VIEWINFO 0000: D4180909B80B1A00 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: 0800 .enddata .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 4.15" .head 3 - Top: 1.885" .head 3 - Width: 3.8" .head 3 - Height: 2.073" .head 2 + Class Editor Location .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 0.575" .head 3 - Top: 0.094" .head 3 - Width: 5.063" .head 3 - Height: 2.719" .head 2 + Tool Palette Location .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 6.388" .head 3 - Top: 0.729" .head 2 - Fully Qualified External References? Yes .head 2 - Reject Multiple Window Instances? No .head 2 - Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes .head 2 - Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No .head 1 - Libraries .head 1 + Global Declarations .head 2 + Window Defaults .head 3 + Tool Bar .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Form Window .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Dialog Box .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Top Level Table Window .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Data Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Multiline Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Spin Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Background Text .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Pushbutton .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 3 + Radio Button .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Check Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Option Button .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 3 + Group Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Child Table Window .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + List Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Combo Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Line .head 4 - Line Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Frame .head 4 - Border Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: 3D Face Color .head 3 + Picture .head 4 - Border Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 2 + Formats .head 3 - Number: 0'%' .head 3 - Number: #0 .head 3 - Number: ###000 .head 3 - Number: ###000;'($'###000')' .head 3 - Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM .head 3 - Date/Time: M/d/yy .head 3 - Date/Time: MM-dd-yy .head 3 - Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy .head 3 - Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy .head 3 - Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM .head 3 - Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM .head 2 - External Functions .head 2 + Constants .data CCDATA 0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000 .enddata .data CCSIZE 0000: 1400 .enddata .head 3 - System .head 3 - User .head 2 - Resources .head 2 - Variables .head 2 - Internal Functions .head 2 - Named Menus .head 2 + Class Definitions .head 3 + Custom Control Class: cTransparentText .head 4 - DLL Name: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\user32.dll .head 4 - Display Settings .head 5 - DLL Name: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\user32.dll .head 5 - MS Windows Class Name: static .head 5 - Style: Class Default .head 5 - ExStyle: Class Default .head 5 - Title: .head 5 - Window Location and Size .head 6 - Left: .head 6 - Top: .head 6 - Width: 0.383" .head 6 - Width Editable? Class Default .head 6 - Height: 0.25" .head 6 - Height Editable? Class Default .head 5 - Visible? Class Default .head 5 - Border? No .head 5 - Etched Border? Class Default .head 5 - Hollow? Yes .head 5 - Vertical Scroll? Class Default .head 5 - Horizontal Scroll? Class Default .head 5 - Tab Stop? Class Default .head 5 - Tile To Parent? Class Default .head 5 - Font Name: Class Default .head 5 - Font Size: Class Default .head 5 - Font Enhancement: Class Default .head 5 - Text Color: Class Default .head 5 - Background Color: Class Default .head 5 - DLL Settings .head 4 - List in Tool Palette? Yes .head 4 - Property Template: .head 4 - Class DLL Name: .head 4 - Description: .head 4 - Derived From .head 4 - Class Variables .head 4 + Instance Variables .head 5 - Number: nCenter ! а initialiser dans le PAM_Create .head 5 - String: sPaintStruct .head 4 + Functions .head 5 + Function: SetJustification .head 6 - Description: Paramиtres : DT_CENTER, DT_VCENTER, DT_LEFT, DT_TOP, DT_RIGHT, DT_BOTTOM .head 6 - Returns .head 6 + Parameters .head 7 - Number: nJustification .head 6 - Static Variables .head 6 - Local variables .head 6 + Actions .head 7 - Set nCenter = nJustification .head 5 + Function: __OnPaint .head 6 - Description: .head 6 - Returns .head 6 - Parameters .head 6 - Static Variables .head 6 + Local variables .head 7 - Number: hDC .head 7 - Number: nLeft .head 7 - Number: nTop .head 7 - Number: nRight .head 7 - Number: nBottom .head 7 - String: sString .head 6 + Actions .head 7 - Call SalGetWindowText( hWndItem, sString, 2000 ) .head 7 - Call GetClientRect( hWndItem, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom ) .head 7 - Set hDC =GetDC(hWndItem) .head 7 - Call SetBkMode(hDC,TRANSPARENT) .head 7 - Call SetTextColor(hDC,SalColorGet( hWndItem, COLOR_IndexWindowText )) .head 7 - Call SelectObject( hDC, SalSendMsg( hWndItem, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ) ) .head 7 + If SalStrScan( sString, ' ' ) = -1 .head 8 - Set nCenter = nCenter | DT_SINGLELINE .head 7 - Call DrawTextA( hDC, sString, -1, nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, nCenter ) .head 7 - Call ReleaseDC( hWndItem, hDC ) .head 4 + Message Actions .head 5 + On WM_PAINT .head 6 - Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sPaintStruct, 64 ) .head 6 - Call BeginPaint( hWndItem, sPaintStruct ) .head 6 - Call __OnPaint() .head 6 - Call EndPaint( hWndItem, sPaintStruct ) .head 5 + On WM_ERASEBKGND .head 6 - Return TRUE .head 2 + Default Classes .head 3 - MDI Window: cBaseMDI .head 3 - Form Window: .head 3 - Dialog Box: .head 3 - Table Window: .head 3 - Quest Window: .head 3 - Data Field: .head 3 - Spin Field: .head 3 - Multiline Field: .head 3 - Pushbutton: .head 3 - Radio Button: .head 3 - Option Button: .head 3 - Check Box: .head 3 - Child Table: .head 3 - Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase .head 3 - List Box: .head 3 - Combo Box: .head 3 - Picture: .head 3 - Vertical Scroll Bar: .head 3 - Horizontal Scroll Bar: .head 3 - Column: .head 3 - Background Text: .head 3 - Group Box: .head 3 - Line: .head 3 - Frame: .head 3 - Custom Control: .head 3 - ActiveX: .head 2 - Application Actions
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