- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template
	Outline Version - 4.0.34
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0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0000000000010000
0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D0200000012496E 7465726E616C2046
0080: 756E6374696F6E73 0F53616C54626C43 53564578706F7274
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0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E
0020: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000003B00010000 00000000000000E9
0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000
0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000
0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000
00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000: D000
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0000: D4180909B80B1A00
0000: 0800
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			Width:  3.8"
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		Fully Qualified External References? Yes
		Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
		Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes
		Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
		Edit Fields Read Only On Disable? No
	Global Declarations
		Window Defaults
			Tool Bar
				Display Style? Etched
				Font Name: MS Sans Serif
				Font Size: 8
				Font Enhancement: System Default
				Text Color: System Default
				Background Color: System Default
			Form Window
				Display Style? Etched
				Font Name: MS Sans Serif
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			Dialog Box
				Display Style? Etched
				Font Name: MS Sans Serif
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			Top Level Table Window
				Font Name: MS Sans Serif
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				Background Color: System Default
			Data Field
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				Background Color: Use Parent
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			Radio Button
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				Font Enhancement: Use Parent
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				Background Color: Use Parent
			Check Box
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				Font Size: Use Parent
				Font Enhancement: Use Parent
				Text Color: Use Parent
				Background Color: Use Parent
			Option Button
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				Font Size: Use Parent
				Font Enhancement: Use Parent
			Group Box
				Font Name: Use Parent
				Font Size: Use Parent
				Font Enhancement: Use Parent
				Text Color: Use Parent
				Background Color: Use Parent
			Child Table Window
				Font Name: Use Parent
				Font Size: Use Parent
				Font Enhancement: Use Parent
				Text Color: Use Parent
				Background Color: Use Parent
			List Box
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			Number: 0'%'
			Number: #0
			Number: ###000
			Number: ###000;'($'###000')'
			Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
			Date/Time: M/d/yy
			Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
			Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
			Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
			Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
			Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
		External Functions
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
				Number: TBL_DeferPaint = 0x4000
					! defer repaint of table window to end of populating
				! ! Undocumented-- Table flags -
				Number: TBL_Flag_IgnoreInsert = 0x0010
				! ! Undocumented-- Column flags -
				Number: COL_Visible = 0x001
				Number: COL_Invisible = 0x010
				Number: COL_GrayedHeader = 0x020
				Number: COL_ReadOnly = 0x200
				Number: COL_UpperCase = 0x400
				Number: COL_LowerCase = 0x800
				Number: COL_Multiline = 0x00800000
				! ! ! !
				! ! Undocumented---- Combobox message -
				Number: COL_CB_SetMaxLines = 0x400 + 126
				! ! ! Table row Flags
				Number: ROW_UserFlag6 	= 0x01000
				Number: ROW_UserFlag7 	= 0x02000
				Number: ROW_UserFlag8 	= 0x04000
				Number: ROW_UserFlag9 	= 0x08000
				Number: PAM_COLUMN 	= SAM_User + 202
.data RESOURCE 0 0 1 1015567844
0000: B800000087000000 0000000000000000 0200000600000004 0000001019000000
0020: 01FE00F024000000 0073000000010000 00831D0000001925 0001FEA800BC0000
0040: 73D1000100006036 00000019000901FE A90000006F730034 0100004F00580000
0060: 190001C2FEAA0000 001B730001000D00 6800000096190001 FEF0AB0000004673
0080: 0001000083810000 0019250001FEAC00 BC000073D1000100 00
			Boolean: gbHTML
		Internal Functions
			Function: SalTblFindString
						author: 	tl
						date:	2000
						version:	1.00
						VisTblFindString executes a Substr-serach. This function looks for exact match,
						, the rest is like VisTblFindString !
						WindowHandle:     Tabellenhandle
						Number:                 Ab welcher Zeile die Suche beginnen soll
						WindowHandle:     Columnhandle der zu durchsuchenden Spalte
						String:                    Der zu suchende String
						Boolean:                TRUE = Case-Sensitive / FALSE = Case-Insensitive
					Window Handle: phWndTable
					Number: pnRow
					Window Handle: phWndCol
					String: psText
					Boolean: pbSensitive
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: lnSaveRow
					Set lnSaveRow = SalTblQueryContext( phWndTable )
					While SalTblSetContext(phWndTable, pnRow)
						If pbSensitive
							If VisTblGetCell(phWndTable, pnRow,  phWndCol) = psText
								Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTable,lnSaveRow)
								Return pnRow
							If SalStrLowerX(VisTblGetCell(phWndTable, pnRow,  phWndCol)) = SalStrLowerX(psText)
								Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTable,lnSaveRow)
								Return pnRow
						Set pnRow = pnRow + 1
					Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTable,lnSaveRow)
					Return -1
			Function: SalTblSort
				Description: Sorts a table
						On SAM_ColumnSelectClick
						    Call SalTblSort( hWndForm, SalNumberToWindowHandle( wParam ) )
						On SAM_CaptionDoubleClick
						   Call SalTblSort( hWndForm, SalNumberToWindowHandle( wParam )  )
						hWnd           Tabelle
					Window Handle: hWndTable
					Window Handle: hWndCol
0000: 0100
				Static Variables
					Boolean: Sort
				Local variables
					Number: lnCol_Id
					Window Handle: lhWndDummy
0000: 0100
					Number: lnRow
					Number: lnFocusRow
					Call SalTblSetColumnFlags( hWndCol, COL_Selected, FALSE )
					Set lnCol_Id = SalTblQueryColumnID( hWndCol )
					Call SalTblQueryFocus( hWndTable, lnFocusRow, lhWndDummy )
					Call SalTblSetFlagsAnyRows(hWndTable,ROW_UnusedFlag1,FALSE,0,0 )
					Call SalTblSetRowFlags(hWndTable, lnFocusRow, ROW_UnusedFlag1,TRUE )
					If Sort
						Call SalTblSortRows( hWndTable, lnCol_Id, TBL_SortDecreasing  )
						Set Sort = FALSE
						Call SalTblSortRows( hWndTable, lnCol_Id, TBL_SortIncreasing  )
						Set Sort = TRUE
					Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow
					While SalTblFindNextRow( hWndTable,lnRow,0,0 )
						If SalTblQueryRowFlags(hWndTable, lnRow, ROW_UnusedFlag1 ) = TRUE
							Call SalTblSetContext( hWndTable,lnRow )
							Call SalTblSetFocusRow( hWndTable,lnRow )
							Call SalTblSetRowFlags(hWndTable, lnRow, ROW_Selected,TRUE )
					Call SalTblSetFlagsAnyRows(hWndTable,ROW_UnusedFlag1,FALSE,0,0 )
			Function: SalTblContextMenu
				Description: author: 	Antonio Fernбndez Veloso, adapted by tl
						date:	2000
						version:	1.01 - 25.03.02 - tl 	asc and desc sorting title was false
							1.00		function integrated
						Erzeugt ein nьtzliches Contextmenь fьr Tabellen
						-Spaltensperrer ein/aus
						-Sortieren Asc/Desc
						phWndTable: Tabellenhandle/Name
						p_nWParam: wParam
						p_nLParam: lParam
						Child Table:ctbl1
						Message Actions
						  On SAM_ContextMenu
							Call SalTblContextMenu(hWndForm,wParam,lParam)
					Window Handle: phWndTable
0000: 0100
					Number: p_nWParam
					Number: p_nLParam
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: nRow
					Window Handle: hWndcol
					Number: lnFlags
					Number: nX
					Number: nY
					Number: hPic
					Number: hMenu
					String: lsEntry[*]
0000: 0100
					Number: lnPos
0000: 0100
					! Columnhandle und Row ermitteln
					Set nY		= p_nLParam
					Set nX		= p_nWParam
					! Koordinaten auf Tabelle konvertieren
					Call ScreenToClient( phWndTable, nX, nY )
					Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( phWndTable, nX, nY, nRow, hWndcol, lnFlags )
					! Wenn ьber Column ...
					If hWndcol != hWndNULL
						! Menьeintrдge
						Set lsEntry[0] = 'Autosize'
						Set lsEntry[1] = '----'
						Set lsEntry[2] = 'Sort asc'
						Set lsEntry[3] = 'Sort desc'
						Set lsEntry[4] = '----'
						Set lsEntry[5] = 'Column blocker on'
						Set lsEntry[6] = 'Column blocker off'
						If SalSendMsg( phWndTable, PAM_COLUMN, 1, 0 )
							Set lsEntry[7] = '----'
							Set lsEntry[8] = 'Properties...'
						! Menь generieren
						Select Case SalMenuPopup(lsEntry)
							Case 0
								Call VisTblAutoSizeColumn( phWndTable, hWndcol )
							Case 2
								Call SalTblSortRows (phWndTable,SalTblQueryColumnPos( hWndcol ),TBL_SortIncreasing)
							Case 3
								Call SalTblSortRows (phWndTable,SalTblQueryColumnPos( hWndcol ),TBL_SortDecreasing)
							Case 5
								Set lnPos = SalTblQueryColumnPos( hWndcol )
								Call SalTblSetLockedColumns( phWndTable, lnPos )
							Case 6
								Call SalTblSetLockedColumns( phWndTable, 0 )
							Case 8
								Call SalSendMsg( phWndTable, PAM_COLUMN, 0, 0 )
						! Set hMenu = VisMenuGetHandle (hWndItem)
						! Set hPic = VisPicLoad (PIC_LoadSWinRes | PIC_FormatBitmap, 'IC_INCIDENCIA', '')
						! Call VisMenuSetPicture (hWndItem, hMenu, 1, hPic,hPic, 'Desboquear')
			Function: SalTblMoveRow
				Description: author:	Catalin
						date:	???
						version:	V1.00
						Bewget eine Row um die angegebene Zahl nach oben (-1) oder unten (1)
						Table Message Actions  (fьr ALT+UP und DOWN)
							If wParam=VK_Down
							   Call SalTblMoveRow (hWndItem,1,SalTblQueryContext( hWndItem ))
							If wParam=VK_Up
							   Call SalTblMoveRow (hWndItem,-1,SalTblQueryContext( hWndItem ))
					Window Handle: phWndTbl
0000: 0100
					Number: FPnDirection
					Number: FPnContextRow
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					String: sTemp
					String: sTemp1
					Number: nColId
					Window Handle: hWndCol
					Boolean: lbSel
0000: 0100
					Set lbSel = SalTblQueryRowFlags( phWndTbl, FPnContextRow, ROW_Selected)
					Set nColId=1
						Set hWndCol = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTbl, nColId, COL_GetID )
						If hWndCol = hWndNULL
						Call SalTblGetColumnText( phWndTbl, nColId, sTemp )
						Call SalTblSetContext( phWndTbl,FPnContextRow+ FPnDirection )
						Call SalTblGetColumnText( phWndTbl, nColId, sTemp1 )
						Call SalTblSetColumnText( phWndTbl, nColId, sTemp )
						Call SalTblSetContext( phWndTbl,FPnContextRow )
						Call SalTblSetColumnText( phWndTbl, nColId, sTemp1 )
						Set nColId = nColId + 1
					Call SalTblSetFocusRow( phWndTbl,  FPnContextRow+ FPnDirection)
					Call SalTblSetRowFlags( phWndTbl, FPnContextRow, ROW_Selected, FALSE )
					Call SalTblSetRowFlags( phWndTbl, FPnContextRow+ FPnDirection, ROW_Selected, lbSel )
			Function: SalTblDrawFocusCell
				Description: author:	Andrew
						date:	???
						version:	1.00 - function integrated
						Draws a focus rect on a cell
							Call SalTblDrawFocusCell ( SalNumberLow ( lParam ), SalNumberHigh ( lParam ), FALSE )
						On WM_PAINT
							Call SalTblDrawFocusCell ( 0, 0, TRUE )
					Number: nX
					Number: nY
					Boolean: bHideSelection
				Static Variables
					Number: nOldL
					Number: nOldT
					Number: nOldR
					Number: nOldB
					Boolean: bErase
				Local variables
					Number: hDC
					Number: nNewL
					Number: nNewT
					Number: nNewR
					Number: nNewB
					If bHideSelection
						If bErase
							Set hDC =GetDC(hWndForm)
							Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL, nOldT, nOldR, nOldB )
							Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+1, nOldT+1, nOldR-1, nOldB-1 )
							Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+2, nOldT+2, nOldR-2, nOldB-2 )
							Call ReleaseDC( hWndForm, hDC )
							Set bErase = FALSE
						If SalTblCellCoordFromPoint ( nX, nY, nNewL, nNewT, nNewR, nNewB )
							If nNewL != nOldL OR nNewT != nOldT OR nNewR != nOldR OR nNewB != nOldB
								Set hDC =GetDC(hWndForm)
								If bErase
									Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL, nOldT, nOldR, nOldB )
									Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+1, nOldT+1, nOldR-1, nOldB-1 )
									Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+2, nOldT+2, nOldR-2, nOldB-2 )
									Set bErase = TRUE
								Set nOldL = nNewL
								Set nOldT = nNewT
								Set nOldR = nNewR
								Set nOldB = nNewB
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL, nOldT, nOldR, nOldB )
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+1, nOldT+1, nOldR-1, nOldB-1 )
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+2, nOldT+2, nOldR-2, nOldB-2 )
								Call ReleaseDC( hWndForm, hDC )
							If bErase
								Set hDC =GetDC(hWndForm)
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL, nOldT, nOldR, nOldB )
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+1, nOldT+1, nOldR-1, nOldB-1 )
								Call DrawFocusRect ( hDC, nOldL+2, nOldT+2, nOldR-2, nOldB-2 )
								Call ReleaseDC( hWndForm, hDC )
								Set bErase = FALSE
			Function: SalTblCellCoordFromPoint
				Description: author:	Andrew
						date:	???
						version:	V1.00
					Number: nX
					Number: nY
					Receive Number: nL
					Receive Number: nT
					Receive Number: nR
					Receive Number: nB
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: nFlags
					Number: nRow
					Number: nRow1
					Number: nX1
					Window Handle: hWndCol
					Window Handle: hWndCol1
					Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( hWndForm, nX, nY, nRow, hWndCol, nFlags )
					If nRow = TBL_Error OR hWndCol = hWndNULL
						Return FALSE
					Set nB = nY + 1
						Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( hWndForm, nX, nB, nRow1, hWndCol1, nFlags )
						If nRow1 != nRow
						Set nB = nB + 1
					Set nB = nB - 1
					Set nT = nY - 1
						Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( hWndForm, nX, nT, nRow1, hWndCol1, nFlags )
						If nRow1 != nRow
						Set nT = nT - 1
					Set nT = nT + 1
					Set nR = nX + 1
						Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( hWndForm, nR, nY, nRow1, hWndCol1, nFlags )
						If hWndCol1 != hWndCol
						Set nR = nR + 1
					Set nR = nR - 1
					Set nL = nX - 1
						Call SalTblObjectsFromPoint( hWndForm, nL, nY, nRow1, hWndCol1, nFlags )
						If hWndCol1 != hWndCol
						Set nL = nL - 1
					Set nL = nL + 1
					Return TRUE
			Function: SalTblScrollOnWheel
				Description: author:	Didier Tourneur (i think)
						date:	???
						version:	1.00
						function is OBSOLETE -> see new function SalScrollOnWheel
					Number: wParam
					Number: lParam
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Return SalScrollOnWheel( hWndItem, wParam, lParam )
			Function: SalTblSearchQuick
						Sucht im Window nach dem Parameterstring und markiert diese Zeile
						Call SalTblSearchQuick(tbl1,col1, 'Test')
					Window Handle: phWndTblSearch
0000: 0100
					Window Handle: colSearch
0000: 0100
					String: psSearch
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: lnRowNew
					! erst alles alte lцschen
					Call SalTblClearSelection(phWndTblSearch)
					! Jetzt suchen
					Set lnRowNew = VisTblFindString( phWndTblSearch, lnRowNew, colSearch, SalStrTrimX(psSearch) )
					If lnRowNew <0
						Set lnRowNew = 0
					Call SalTblSetContext( phWndTblSearch, lnRowNew )
					Call SalTblSetFocusRow( phWndTblSearch, lnRowNew )
					Call SalTblSetRowFlags( phWndTblSearch, lnRowNew, ROW_Selected, TRUE )
			Function: SalTblCSVExport0
				Description: author: 	Petra Zamburek (modified by tl)
						date:  	2000-03-10
						version 	1.1- 01.03.02
							- format for excel changed from (dd.M.yyyy hh:mm) to  (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm)
							1.0 - ???
							- function integrated
						Corrector: 	Andrew,
						date:	2002-08-03
						version:	1.11
						This function exports the contents of the table to a file.
						The reason, why SalTblCopyRows can't be used is, because SalTblCopyRows stops after 64KB
						From help:
							The copy stops, without indicating a failure, after copying 64 Kbytes of text.
						Call SalTblCSVExport(tbl1, 'C:\\Temp\\Test.txt', ';', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE )
					Window Handle: phWndTable
					! export-options
					String: sFileName
					String: sDelimiter
					Boolean: bDoubleQuote
					Boolean: bHeader
					Boolean: bClearString
					Boolean: bExportHiddenColumns
					Boolean: bConvertDateToExcel
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					Number: _nTableIndex
					Window Handle: _hWndColumn
					File Handle: _hFileCopyFile
					Number: _nLaenge
					Long String: _lsBuffer
					Boolean: _bNewLine
					String: _sDummy
					Number: _nTyp
					Number: _nError
					Number: _nErrorPosition
					Number: _nReturn
					String: _sReturn
					Date/Time: _dtReturn
					Window Handle: _hWndReturn
					Number: nGPos
					Number: nGMinPos
					Number: nGMaxPos
					String: sText
					! count rows
					Call SalTblQueryScroll (phWndTable, nGPos, nGMinPos, nGMaxPos)
					Set nGMaxPos = nGMaxPos + 1
					! create / open file
					If NOT SalFileOpen (_hFileCopyFile, sFileName, OF_Create | OF_Share_Deny_Write)
						Return FALSE
					If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
						Return FALSE
					If NOT SalFileOpen (_hFileCopyFile, sFileName, OF_Append | OF_Share_Deny_Write)
						Return FALSE
					Call SalGetWindowText(phWndTable,_lsBuffer, 200)
					Set _lsBuffer = _lsBuffer || '
					Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer)
					! write column-header
					If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge
						If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
							Return FALSE
					! optional: export header
					If bHeader
						! query handle of the 1. column
						Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn)
						Set _bNewLine = TRUE
							If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL
							If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn))
								Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _lsBuffer, 200)
								If bClearString
									! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank
									Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
									Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ')
									Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
								! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter
								If _bNewLine
									Set _bNewLine = FALSE
									If sDelimiter != ''
										Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer
								Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer)
								! write column-header
								If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge
									If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
										Return FALSE
							! query handle of the next column
							Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn)
						! write line feed after the header
						If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, '
								', 1) != 1
							If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
								Return FALSE
					! loop in table to export rows
					Set _nTableIndex = TBL_MinRow
						If SalTblFindNextRow (phWndTable, _nTableIndex, 0, ROW_Hidden )
							If _nTableIndex >= 0
								Call SalTblSetContext (phWndTable, _nTableIndex)
								Call SalStatusSetText (SalParentWindow (phWndTable),
										'export row ' || SalNumberToStrX (_nTableIndex + 1, 0) || ' (' || SalNumberToStrX ((_nTableIndex + 1) / nGMaxPos * 100, 0) || '%)')
								Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn)
								Set _bNewLine = TRUE
									If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL
										If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn))
											! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, SalGetDataType always returns DT_String
											! query data type and prepare content
											If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Number
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200)
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute ( _lsBuffer, ' ', '' )
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_DateTime
												If bConvertDateToExcel
													! format for excel: 29.7.1999 13:42 (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm)
													! der ermittelte Text liegt in unterschiedlichen Formaten vor. Dieses muЯ ermittelt werden, um das Datum richtig zu zerlegen
													Call SalGetItemName(_hWndColumn,sText)
													Set _nTyp = SalCompileAndEvaluate (sText,
															_nError, _nErrorPosition, _nReturn, _sReturn, _dtReturn, _hWndReturn, TRUE, SalContextCurrent ())
													If _nError = 0
														Select Case _nTyp
															Case EVAL_Date
																! modified 01.03.02 TL ( told by Petra Z. )
																Set _lsBuffer = SalFmtFormatDateTime (_dtReturn, 'd.M.yyyy hhh:mm')
																! Set _lsBuffer = "'" || _lsBuffer
																! Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
														! query column-header
														Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, sText, 100)
														Call SalMessageBox ("The date of column '" || sText || "' can't be converted to excel-format. The conversion will be deactivated for ALL date-columns.
																Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconAsterisk)
														Set bConvertDateToExcel = FALSE
													Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 30)
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Boolean
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200)
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_LongString
												Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn)
												If _nLaenge = -1
													Set _nLaenge = 32000
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge)
												! optional: enclose text with double quotes
												If bDoubleQuote
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_String
												Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn)
												If _nLaenge = -1
													Set _nLaenge = 100
												! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, length is always 0.
														Default for this case: 32000
												If _nLaenge = 0
													Set _nLaenge =  32000
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge)
												! optional: enclose text with double quotes
												! Set _lsBuffer = ' ' || _lsBuffer
												If bDoubleQuote
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
													Set _lsBuffer = " " || _lsBuffer
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
												Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _sDummy, 50)
												Call SalMessageBox ("'" || sText || "': unknown data type.
														Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconStop)
												Return FALSE
											If bClearString
												! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ')
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
											! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter
											If _bNewLine
												Set _bNewLine = FALSE
												If sDelimiter != ''
													Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer
											Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer)
											! write column
											If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge
												If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
													Return FALSE
										! query handle of the next column
										Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn)
								! write line feed after the header
								If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, '
										', 1) != 1
									If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
										Return FALSE
					Set _nTableIndex = TBL_MinRow
						If SalTblFindNextRow (phWndTable, _nTableIndex, 0, ROW_Hidden )
							If _nTableIndex < 0
								Call SalTblSetContext (phWndTable, _nTableIndex)
								! Call SalStatusSetText (SalParentWindow (phWndTable),
										'export row ' || SalNumberToStrX (_nTableIndex + 1, 0) || ' (' || SalNumberToStrX ((_nTableIndex + 1) / nGMaxPos * 100, 0) || '%)')
								Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn)
								Set _bNewLine = TRUE
									If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL
										If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn))
											! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, SalGetDataType always returns DT_String
											! query data type and prepare content
											If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Number
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200)
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_DateTime
												If bConvertDateToExcel
													! format for excel: 29.7.1999 13:42 (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm)
													! der ermittelte Text liegt in unterschiedlichen Formaten vor. Dieses muЯ ermittelt werden, um das Datum richtig zu zerlegen
													Call SalGetItemName(_hWndColumn,sText)
													Set _nTyp = SalCompileAndEvaluate (sText,
															_nError, _nErrorPosition, _nReturn, _sReturn, _dtReturn, _hWndReturn, TRUE, SalContextCurrent ())
													If _nError = 0
														Select Case _nTyp
															Case EVAL_Date
																! modified 01.03.02 TL ( told by Petra Z. )
																Set _lsBuffer = SalFmtFormatDateTime (_dtReturn, 'd.M.yyyy hhh:mm')
																! Set _lsBuffer = "'" || _lsBuffer
																! Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
														! query column-header
														Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, sText, 100)
														Call SalMessageBox ("The date of column '" || sText || "' can't be converted to excel-format. The conversion will be deactivated for ALL date-columns.
																Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconAsterisk)
														Set bConvertDateToExcel = FALSE
													Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 30)
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Boolean
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200)
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_LongString
												Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn)
												If _nLaenge = -1
													Set _nLaenge = 32000
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge)
												! optional: enclose text with double quotes
												If bDoubleQuote
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
											Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_String
												Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn)
												If _nLaenge = -1
													Set _nLaenge = 100
												! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, length is always 0.
														Default for this case: 32000
												If _nLaenge = 0
													Set _nLaenge =  32000
												Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge)
												! optional: enclose text with double quotes
												! Set _lsBuffer = ' ' || _lsBuffer
												If bDoubleQuote
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
													Set _lsBuffer = " " || _lsBuffer
													Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"'
												Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _sDummy, 50)
												Call SalMessageBox ("'" || sText || "': unknown data type.
														Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconStop)
												Return FALSE
											If bClearString
												! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ')
												Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ')
											! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter
											If _bNewLine
												Set _bNewLine = FALSE
												If sDelimiter != ''
													Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer
											Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer)
											! write column
											If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge
												If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
													Return FALSE
										! query handle of the next column
										Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn)
								! write line feed after the header
								If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, '
										', 1) != 1
									If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
										Return FALSE
					If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
						Return FALSE
					Return TRUE
			Function: SalTblCSVExport
				Description: author: 	Petra Zamburek (modified by tl)
						date:  	2000-03-10
						version 	1.1- 01.03.02
							- format for excel changed from (dd.M.yyyy hh:mm) to  (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm)
							1.0 - ???
							- function integrated
						Corrector: 	Andrew,
						date:	2002-08-03
						version:	1.11
						This function exports the contents of the table to a file.
						The reason, why SalTblCopyRows can't be used is, because SalTblCopyRows stops after 64KB
						From help:
							The copy stops, without indicating a failure, after copying 64 Kbytes of text.
						Call SalTblCSVExport(tbl1, 'C:\\Temp\\Test.txt', ';', TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE )
					Window Handle: phWndTable
					! export-options
					String: sFileName
					String: sDelimiter
					Boolean: bDoubleQuote
					Boolean: bHeader
					Boolean: bClearString
					Boolean: bExportHiddenColumns
					Boolean: bConvertDateToExcel
				Static Variables
				Local variables
					! nColID
					Number: nColID
					Number: _nTableIndex
					Window Handle: _hWndColumn
					File Handle: _hFileCopyFile
					Number: _nLaenge
					Long String: _lsBuffer
					Boolean: _bNewLine
					String: _sDummy
					Number: _nTyp
					Number: _nError
					Number: _nErrorPosition
					Number: _nReturn
					String: _sReturn
					Date/Time: _dtReturn
					Window Handle: _hWndReturn
					Number: nGPos
					Number: nGMinPos
					Number: nGMaxPos
					String: sText
					String: sHTML
					! count rows
					Call SalTblQueryScroll (phWndTable, nGPos, nGMinPos, nGMaxPos)
					Set nGMaxPos = nGMaxPos + 1
					! create / open file
					If NOT SalFileOpen (_hFileCopyFile, sFileName, OF_Create | OF_Share_Deny_Write)
						Return FALSE
					If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile)
						Return FALSE
					If NOT SalFileOpen (_hFileCopyFile, sFileName, OF_Append | OF_Share_Deny_Write)
						Return FALSE
					Call SalGetWindowText(phWndTable,_lsBuffer, 200)
					If gbHTML
						Set sHTML = ''
						Set sHTML = sHTML || '
						Set sHTML = sHTML || _lsBuffer
						Set sHTML = sHTML || '
' Set sHTML = sHTML || _lsBuffer Set sHTML = sHTML || '
  Database: ' Set sHTML = sHTML || SqlDatabase Set sHTML = sHTML || ' 


Date: ' Set sHTML = sHTML || SalFmtFormatDateTime( SalDateCurrent( ), 'MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM' ) ! Call SalFmtFormatDateTime( SalDateCurrent( ), 'dd/MM/yyyy hhh:mm' ) Set sHTML = sHTML || ' 

' ! Set sHTML = sHTML || '' Set sDelimiter = ' ' Set _lsBuffer = sHTML Else Set _lsBuffer = _lsBuffer || ' ' Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column-header If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE ! ! optional: export header If bHeader ! query handle of the 1. column ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) Set _bNewLine = TRUE Loop If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL Break If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn)) Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _lsBuffer, 200) If bClearString ! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, ' ', ' ') ! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter If _bNewLine Set _bNewLine = FALSE Else If sDelimiter != '' Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column-header If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE ! query handle of the next column ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = nColID + 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) ! write line feed after the header If NOT gbHTML If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, ' ', 1) != 1 If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE If gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '
' Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column-header If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE Set sDelimiter = ' ' ! loop in table to export rows Set _nTableIndex = TBL_MinRow Loop If SalTblFindNextRow (phWndTable, _nTableIndex, 0, ROW_Hidden ) If _nTableIndex >= 0 Call SalTblSetContext (phWndTable, _nTableIndex) If SalParentWindow (phWndTable) = hWndNULL Call SalStatusSetText ( phWndTable, 'export row ' || SalNumberToStrX (_nTableIndex + 1, 0) || ' (' || SalNumberToStrX ((_nTableIndex + 1) / nGMaxPos * 100, 0) || '%)') Else Call SalStatusSetText (SalParentWindow (phWndTable), 'export row ' || SalNumberToStrX (_nTableIndex + 1, 0) || ' (' || SalNumberToStrX ((_nTableIndex + 1) / nGMaxPos * 100, 0) || '%)') ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) Set _bNewLine = TRUE Loop If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL Break Else If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn)) ! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, SalGetDataType always returns DT_String ! query data type and prepare content If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Number Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200) Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute ( _lsBuffer, ' ', '' ) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_DateTime If bConvertDateToExcel ! format for excel: 29.7.1999 13:42 (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm) ! der ermittelte Text liegt in unterschiedlichen Formaten vor. Dieses muЯ ermittelt werden, um das Datum richtig zu zerlegen Call SalGetItemName(_hWndColumn,sText) Set _nTyp = SalCompileAndEvaluate (sText, _nError, _nErrorPosition, _nReturn, _sReturn, _dtReturn, _hWndReturn, TRUE, SalContextCurrent ()) If _nError = 0 Select Case _nTyp Case EVAL_Date ! modified 01.03.02 TL ( told by Petra Z. ) Set _lsBuffer = SalFmtFormatDateTime (_dtReturn, 'd.M.yyyy hhh:mm') ! Set _lsBuffer = "'" || _lsBuffer ! Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Break Default Break Else ! query column-header Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, sText, 100) Call SalMessageBox ("The date of column '" || sText || "' can't be converted to excel-format. The conversion will be deactivated for ALL date-columns. Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconAsterisk) Set bConvertDateToExcel = FALSE Else Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 30) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Boolean Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_LongString Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn) If _nLaenge = -1 Set _nLaenge = 32000 Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge) ! optional: enclose text with double quotes If bDoubleQuote AND NOT gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_String Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn) If _nLaenge = -1 Set _nLaenge = 100 ! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, length is always 0. Default for this case: 32000 If _nLaenge = 0 Set _nLaenge = 32000 Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge) ! optional: enclose text with double quotes ! Set _lsBuffer = ' ' || _lsBuffer If NOT gbHTML If bDoubleQuote Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else Set _lsBuffer = " " || _lsBuffer Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _sDummy, 50) Call SalMessageBox ("'" || sText || "': unknown data type. Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconStop) Return FALSE If gbHTML AND ( _lsBuffer = '' or _lsBuffer = ' ' ) Set _lsBuffer = ' ' If bClearString ! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') ! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter If _bNewLine Set _bNewLine = FALSE Else If sDelimiter != '' Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE ! query handle of the next column ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = nColID + 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) ! write line feed after the header If gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '
' Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column-header If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE Else If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, ' ', 1) != 1 If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE Else Break ! Set _nTableIndex = TBL_MinRow Loop If SalTblFindNextRow (phWndTable, _nTableIndex, 0, ROW_Hidden ) If _nTableIndex < 0 Call SalTblSetContext (phWndTable, _nTableIndex) ! Call SalStatusSetText (SalParentWindow (phWndTable), 'export row ' || SalNumberToStrX (_nTableIndex + 1, 0) || ' (' || SalNumberToStrX ((_nTableIndex + 1) / nGMaxPos * 100, 0) || '%)') ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetFirstChild (phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) Set _bNewLine = TRUE Loop If _hWndColumn = hWndNULL Break Else If bExportHiddenColumns OR (NOT bExportHiddenColumns AND SalIsWindowVisible (_hWndColumn)) ! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, SalGetDataType always returns DT_String ! query data type and prepare content ! If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Number Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200) If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Number Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200) Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute ( _lsBuffer, ' ', '' ) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_DateTime If bConvertDateToExcel ! format for excel: 29.7.1999 13:42 (dd.M.yyyy hhh:mm) ! der ermittelte Text liegt in unterschiedlichen Formaten vor. Dieses muЯ ermittelt werden, um das Datum richtig zu zerlegen Call SalGetItemName(_hWndColumn,sText) Set _nTyp = SalCompileAndEvaluate (sText, _nError, _nErrorPosition, _nReturn, _sReturn, _dtReturn, _hWndReturn, TRUE, SalContextCurrent ()) If _nError = 0 Select Case _nTyp Case EVAL_Date ! modified 01.03.02 TL ( told by Petra Z. ) Set _lsBuffer = SalFmtFormatDateTime (_dtReturn, 'd.M.yyyy hhh:mm') ! Set _lsBuffer = "'" || _lsBuffer ! Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Break Default Break Else ! query column-header Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, sText, 100) Call SalMessageBox ("The date of column '" || sText || "' can't be converted to excel-format. The conversion will be deactivated for ALL date-columns. Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconAsterisk) Set bConvertDateToExcel = FALSE Else Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 30) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_Boolean Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, 200) Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_LongString Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn) If _nLaenge = -1 Set _nLaenge = 32000 Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge) ! optional: enclose text with double quotes If bDoubleQuote AND NOT gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else If SalGetDataType (_hWndColumn) = DT_String Set _nLaenge = SalGetMaxDataLength (_hWndColumn) If _nLaenge = -1 Set _nLaenge = 100 ! if columns were created through SalTblPopulate, length is always 0. Default for this case: 32000 If _nLaenge = 0 Set _nLaenge = 32000 Call SalGetWindowText(_hWndColumn,_lsBuffer, _nLaenge) ! optional: enclose text with double quotes ! Set _lsBuffer = ' ' || _lsBuffer If NOT gbHTML If bDoubleQuote Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else Set _lsBuffer = " " || _lsBuffer Set _lsBuffer = '"' || _lsBuffer || '"' Else Call SalTblGetColumnTitle (_hWndColumn, _sDummy, 50) Call SalMessageBox ("'" || sText || "': unknown data type. Please inform your administrator.", 'Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconStop) Return FALSE If gbHTML AND ( _lsBuffer = '' or _lsBuffer = ' ' ) Set _lsBuffer = ' ' If gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '' || _lsBuffer || '' If bClearString ! CR / LF und CRLF ersetzen durch blank Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), ' ') Set _lsBuffer = VisStrSubstitute (_lsBuffer, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), ' ') ! after the 1. column: optional insert a delimiter If _bNewLine Set _bNewLine = FALSE Else If sDelimiter != '' Set _lsBuffer = sDelimiter || _lsBuffer Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE ! query handle of the next column ! Set _hWndColumn = SalGetNextChild (_hWndColumn, TYPE_TableColumn) Set nColID = nColID + 1 Set _hWndColumn = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) ! write line feed after the header If NOT gbHTML If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, ' ', 1) != 1 If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE Else Break ! If gbHTML Set _lsBuffer = '

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' Set _nLaenge = SalStrLength (_lsBuffer) ! write column-header If SalFileWrite (_hFileCopyFile, _lsBuffer, _nLaenge) != _nLaenge If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE If NOT SalFileClose (_hFileCopyFile) Return FALSE Return TRUE Function: SalTblSelectString Description: author: Philip Hautekiet date 16.1.2002 version: V1.00 desc: Works like SalListSelectString,but in tables example: Call SalTblSelectString( hWndTable, col1, 'abc' ) Returns Parameters Window Handle: hWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: hWndColumn .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: sSearch .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: nRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Call SalTblSetFlagsAnyRows( hWndTable,ROW_Selected,FALSE,0,0) Set nRow = VisTblFindString (hWndTable, 0, hWndColumn, sSearch ) If nRow >=0 Call SalTblSetRowFlags( hWndTable, nRow, ROW_Selected, TRUE ) Call SalTblSetContext( hWndForm,nRow) Call SalTblScroll ( hWndTable, nRow, hWndNULL, TBL_AutoScroll ) Return nRow Return NUMBER_Null Function: SalTblDrawCornerBitmap Description: author: © Christian Astor - Adresse E-mail : - Adresse ICQ (UIN) : 4396797 date: ® 7 Novembre 2000 version: 1.00 desc: Draws a bitmap in the corner of a given table example: On SAM_Create Set hBitmap = LoadImageA( 0, 'tiger.bmp', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE ) On SAM_CreateComplete Call SalTblDrawCornerBitmap(hWndForm , hBitmap, SalColorFromRGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ) On WM_Paint Call SalTblDrawCornerBitmap(hWndForm , hBitmap, SalColorFromRGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ) On SAM_Destroy Call DeleteObject( hBitmap ) Returns Parameters Window Handle: hTable Number: hBitmap Number: nTransparentColor Static Variables Local variables String: sBuffer Number: hDCSrc Number: hBitmapOld Number: hDCMask Number: hBitmapMask Number: hBitmapMaskOld Number: hDCMem Number: hBitmapMem Number: hBitmapMemOld Number: nBkColorOld Number: nTextColorOld Number: hDCDest .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nBitmapWidth .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nBitmapHeight .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nXSrc .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nYSrc .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nXDest .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nYDest .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set hDCDest = GetDC(hTable) Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuffer, 24 ) Call GetObjectA( hBitmap, 24, sBuffer ) If nBitmapWidth = 0 Set nBitmapWidth = CStructGetInt( sBuffer, 4 ) If nBitmapHeight = 0 Set nBitmapHeight = CStructGetInt( sBuffer, 8 ) Set hDCSrc = CreateCompatibleDC( hDCDest ) Set hBitmapOld = SelectObject( hDCSrc, hBitmap ) Set hDCMask = CreateCompatibleDC( hDCDest ) Set hBitmapMask = CreateBitmap( nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, 1, 1, 0 ) Set hBitmapMaskOld = SelectObject( hDCMask, hBitmapMask ) Set hDCMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hDCDest ) Set hBitmapMem = CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDCDest, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight ) Set hBitmapMemOld = SelectObject( hDCMem, hBitmapMem ) Set nBkColorOld = SetBkColor( hDCSrc, nTransparentColor ) Call BitBlt( hDCMask, 0, 0, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCCOPY ) Call SetBkColor( hDCSrc, nBkColorOld ) Set nBkColorOld = SetBkColor( hDCDest, SalColorFromRGB(255,255,255) ) Set nTextColorOld = SetTextColor( hDCDest, SalColorFromRGB(0,0,0) ) Call BitBlt( hDCMem, 0, 0, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCDest, nXDest, nYDest, SRCCOPY ) Call BitBlt( hDCMem, 0, 0, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCINVERT ) Call BitBlt( hDCMem, 0, 0, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCMask, 0, 0, SRCAND ) Call BitBlt( hDCMem, 0, 0, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCSrc, nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCINVERT ) Call BitBlt( hDCDest, nXDest, nYDest, nBitmapWidth, nBitmapHeight, hDCMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) Call SetBkColor( hDCDest, nBkColorOld ) Call SetTextColor( hDCDest, nTextColorOld ) Call SelectObject( hDCMem, hBitmapMemOld ) Call DeleteDC( hDCMem ) Call DeleteObject( hBitmapMem ) Call SelectObject( hDCMask, hBitmapMaskOld ) Call DeleteDC( hDCMask ) Call DeleteObject( hBitmapMask ) Call SelectObject( hDCSrc, hBitmapOld ) Call DeleteDC( hDCSrc ) Call ReleaseDC(hTable, hDCDest) Function: SalTblRowCount Description: author: tl date: version: 1.00 desc Counts the rows of a tablewindow example: nRows = SalTblRowCount( tbl1 ) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnRows Actions Set lnRows = TBL_MaxRow Call SalTblFindPrevRow( phWndTable, lnRows, 0, 0) If lnRows = TBL_MaxRow Return 0 ! Return lnRows + 1 Function: SalTblDefineStandardColumn Description: author: Centura or Neil Rashbrook ?? date: version: 1.00 desc: Resets a table window column style Returns Parameters Window Handle: p_hWndColumn .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Boolean: bRetVal .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: hWndParentTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nColID .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set bRetVal=FALSE If SalGetType( p_hWndColumn )=TYPE_TableColumn Set hWndParentTable=SalParentWindow( p_hWndColumn ) Set bRetVal=SalSendMsg( hWndParentTable, WM_USER + 122, SalTblQueryColumnID( p_hWndColumn ) - 1, 0 ) Return bRetVal Function: SalTblRowFlagsCountWithHalf Description: author: tl date: version: 1.00 desc Counts the rows of a tablewindow with a specific flag (not very performant) example: nRows = SalTblRowFlagsCount( tbl1, ROW_Selected ) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: pnFlagsOn Number: pnFlagsOff Static Variables Local variables Number: lnRow Number: lnCount Actions Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow Set lnCount = 0 While SalTblFindNextRow(phWndTable, lnRow,pnFlagsOn, pnFlagsOff ) Set lnCount = lnCount + 1 Return lnCount Function: SalTblRowFlagsCount Description: author: tl date: version: 1.00 desc Counts the rows of a tablewindow with a specific flag (not very performant) example: nRows = SalTblRowFlagsCount( tbl1, ROW_Selected ) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: pnFlagsOn Number: pnFlagsOff Static Variables Local variables Number: lnRow Number: lnCount Actions Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow Set lnCount = 0 While SalTblFindNextRow(phWndTable, lnRow,pnFlagsOn, pnFlagsOff ) If lnRow >= 0 Set lnCount = lnCount + 1 Return lnCount Function: SalTblAutoSize Description: author: gb date: 01.04.2002 version: 1.00 description: Autosize of all visible columns in a table Parameter: Window Handle: Tabelle Return: Boolean: TRUE if one or more columns autosized wurde, else FALSE example: Call SalTblAutosize( lhWndTabelle ) Returns Boolean: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTable Static Variables Local variables Actions Return VisTblAutoSizeColumn( phWndTable, hWndNULL ) Function: SalTblColumnCount Description: author: Tibor date: 27.06.2002 version: 1.00 description: Counts the columns in achildtable example: Set nColumns = SalTblColumnCount( tbl1 ) Returns Number: Parameters Window Handle: phWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: nCols .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: hWndChild .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set nCols = 0 Set hWndChild = SalGetFirstChild( phWndTable, TYPE_TableColumn ) While hWndChild Set hWndChild = SalGetNextChild( hWndChild, TYPE_TableColumn ) ! Set hWndChild = SalTblGetColumnWindow ( phWndTable, nColID, COL_GetPos ) Set nCols = nCols + 1 ! Set nColID = nColID + 1 Return nCols Function: SalTblCopyColumn Description: author: tl date: 1.11.01 version: 1.00 Kopiert den Inhalt der Quellspalte in die Zielspalte (falls dort die Zeilen noch nicht exisitieren, werden diese angelegt) example: Call SalTblCopyColumn(tbl1, tbl1.col1, tbl2, tbl2.col1) Returns Parameters Window Handle: phWndTblSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: phWndColSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! Window Handle: phWndTblTarget .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: phWndColTarget .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnContextOldSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnContextOldTarget .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set lnContextOldSource = SalTblQueryContext(phWndTblSource) Set lnContextOldTarget = SalTblQueryContext(phWndTblTarget) ! Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow While SalTblFindNextRow(phWndTblSource,lnRow,0,0) Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTblSource,lnRow) Call SalGetWindowText(phWndColSource,lsText,254) ! If not SalTblSetContext(phWndTblTarget,lnRow) Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTblTarget,SalTblInsertRow(phWndTblTarget,lnRow) ) Call SalSetWindowText(phWndColTarget,lsText) ! Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTblSource,lnContextOldSource) Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTblTarget,lnContextOldTarget) Function: SalTblClearColumn Description: author: tl date: 1.11.01 version: 1.00 desc: Clears a column example: Call SalTblClearColumn(tbl1, col1) Returns Parameters Window Handle: phWndTbl .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Window Handle: phWndCol .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnContextOld .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set lnContextOld = SalTblQueryContext(phWndTbl) ! Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow While SalTblFindNextRow(phWndTbl,lnRow,0,0) Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTbl,lnRow) Call SalSetWindowText(phWndCol,STRING_Null) ! Call SalTblSetContext(phWndTbl,lnContextOld) Function: SalTblTraverseRows Description: author: Philip Hautekiet (Tip of the month contribution ) date: 06.2003 Version 1.0 Version 1.01 modified by tl (added Msg as parameter ) desc: Loops through all rows with the given Flags and sends a message to the table for each row. example: Call SalTblTraverseRows( ctbl1,ROW_New,0,PM_TraverseRows,1 ) Child Table:ctbl1 On PM_TraverseRows Select Case wParam Case1 If colCity='Boston' Call SalTblSetCellTextColor(colNaam,COLOR_Red,TRUE) Break Case 2 If colAmount < 0 ........... BReak Returns Parameters Window Handle: hWndTable .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFlagsOn .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFlagsOff .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nMsg .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nWparam .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: nRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nContextRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set nContextRow = SalTblQueryContext( hWndTable ) Set nRow = TBL_MinRow While SalTblFindNextRow(hWndTable,nRow,nFlagsOn,nFlagsOff) Call SalTblSetContext(hWndTable,nRow) Call SalSendMsg(hWndTable,nMsg,nWparam,0) Call SalTblSetContext(hWndTable,nContextRow) Function: SalTblFindNextRowContext Description: author: Armin Pokorny date: 19.11.2003 Version 1.0 desc: Works like SalTblFindNextRow, but also sets the context to the found fow See also: SalTblSetContext SalTblFindNextRow Returns Parameters Window Handle: hWndTbl .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive Number: nRow .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFlagsOn .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nFlagsOff .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Boolean: bResult .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions If not SalTblFindNextRow( hWndTbl, nRow, nFlagsOn, nFlagsOff ) Return FALSE Return SalTblSetContext( hWndTbl, nRow ) Function: SalTblDeleteRows Description: author: tl date: 19.11.2004 Version 1.0 Deletes all rows with the given flags Returns Parameters Window Handle: phWndTbl Number: pnFlagsOn Number: pnFlagsOff Static Variables Local variables Number: lnRow Actions Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow While SalTblFindNextRow(phWndTbl, lnRow, pnFlagsOn, pnFlagsOff) Call SalTblDeleteRow(phWndTbl, lnRow, TBL_NoAdjust) ! Suche immer vom Anfang sonst werden zu lцschene Zeilen ьbersprungen Set lnRow = TBL_MinRow ! Named Menus Class Definitions Default Classes MDI Window: cBaseMDI Form Window: Dialog Box: Table Window: Quest Window: Data Field: Spin Field: Multiline Field: Pushbutton: Radio Button: Option Button: Check Box: Child Table: Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase List Box: Combo Box: Picture: Vertical Scroll Bar: Horizontal Scroll Bar: Column: Background Text: Group Box: Line: Frame: Custom Control: ActiveX: Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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