Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template Outline Version - 4.0.27 Design-time Settings .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000 0020: 0000000000A50000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF 0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0001000000010000 0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D00000000 .enddata Outline Window State: Normal Outline Window Location and Size .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E 0020: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000003B00010000 00000000000000E9 0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000 0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000 0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000 00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: D000 .enddata Left: -0.013" Top: 0.0" Width: 8.013" Height: 4.969" Options Box Location .data VIEWINFO 0000: D4180909B80B1A00 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: 0800 .enddata Visible? No Left: 4.15" Top: 1.885" Width: 3.8" Height: 2.073" Class Editor Location Visible? No Left: 0.575" Top: 0.094" Width: 5.063" Height: 2.719" Tool Palette Location Visible? No Left: 6.388" Top: 0.729" Fully Qualified External References? Yes Reject Multiple Window Instances? No Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No Libraries Global Declarations Window Defaults Tool Bar Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Form Window Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Dialog Box Display Style? Etched Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Top Level Table Window Font Name: MS Sans Serif Font Size: 8 Font Enhancement: System Default Text Color: System Default Background Color: System Default Data Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Multiline Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Spin Field Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Background Text Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Pushbutton Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Radio Button Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Check Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Option Button Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Group Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Child Table Window Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent List Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Combo Box Font Name: Use Parent Font Size: Use Parent Font Enhancement: Use Parent Text Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Line Line Color: Use Parent Frame Border Color: Use Parent Background Color: 3D Face Color Picture Border Color: Use Parent Background Color: Use Parent Formats Number: 0'%' Number: #0 Number: ###000 Number: ###000;'($'###000')' Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM Date/Time: M/d/yy Date/Time: MM-dd-yy Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM External Functions Constants .data CCDATA 0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000 .enddata .data CCSIZE 0000: 1400 .enddata System User Resources Variables Internal Functions Function: SalStrSeperate Description: author: tl date: 2000 version: 1.00 Trennt einen String nach EINEM Separierungszeichen, im Gegensatz zu SalStrTokenize, welches den gesamten String in viele kleine einzelen zerlegen wьrde ! Bsp: Y='A.B.C' SalStrSeperate: ('.', X, Y) X='A' Y='.B.C' Y='A.B.C' SalStrTokenize (Y,'.','',X) X[0] ='A', X[1] ='B', X[2] ='C' Returns Boolean: Parameters String: parstrSeperator Receive String: parstrLeft Receive String: parstrComplete_String Static Variables Local variables Number: lvnPos Actions Set lvnPos = SalStrScan( parstrComplete_String, parstrSeperator ) If lvnPos = -1 Set parstrLeft = parstrComplete_String Set parstrComplete_String = '' Else Set parstrLeft = SalStrLeftX( parstrComplete_String, lvnPos + 1 ) Set parstrComplete_String = SalStrRightX( parstrComplete_String, SalStrLength( parstrComplete_String) - lvnPos - 1 ) Return TRUE Function: SalStrFindRange Description: author: tl date: 2000 version: 1.00 desc: Checks if a char of the specified range occurs. The right char of the rang must have the higher ASCII-code than the left. when 'A..Z' is specified as range, the minimal ASCII-Code = 65, the maximal ASCII-Code = 90. The position of the first ASCII-char of this range will be returned, if it is found in the string. With the boolean parameter you can reverese the range, like .... the first char, not in the range of 'A..Z' example: Set lnPos = SalStrFindRange('121A353f','A..Z',FALSE) -> lnPos = 3 Set lnPos = SalStrFindRange('aA331','1..2',FALSE) -> lnPos = 4 Set lnPos = SalStrFindRange('aA33rtrt','1..2',FALSE) -> lnPos = -1 Set lnPos = SalStrFindRange('aA33rtrt','1..2',TRUE) -> lnPos = 0 Set lnPos = SalStrFindRange('aA33rtrt','a..A',TRUE) -> lnPos = 0 Returns Number: Parameters String: psString String: psRange Boolean: pbReverse Static Variables Local variables Boolean: lbFound Number: lnPos Number: lnLength Number: lnValue Number: lnMinValue Number: lnMaxValue String: lsValue String: lsRange Actions Set lsRange = SalStrLeftX(psRange,1) Set lnMinValue = SalStrLop( lsRange ) Set lsRange = SalStrRightX(psRange,1) Set lnMaxValue = SalStrLop( lsRange ) Set lnPos = 0 Set lbFound = FALSE Set lnLength = SalStrLength( psString ) While lnPos < lnLength Set lsValue = SalStrMidX( psString, lnPos, 1) Set lnValue = SalStrLop( lsValue ) ! Prьfen ob Bereichsumkehrung (alle auЯer ...) If not pbReverse If (lnValue >= lnMinValue) and (lnValue <= lnMaxValue) Set lbFound = TRUE Break Else If not ((lnValue >= lnMinValue) and (lnValue <= lnMaxValue)) Set lbFound = TRUE Break Set lnPos = lnPos + 1 If lbFound = FALSE Set lnPos = -1 Return lnPos Function: SalStrGetSize Description: author: gb date: 2000 version: 1.00 desc: Returns the width and height of a string in pixels (depends on the font of the control) parameter: Window Handle: phWnd ! the control String: psStr ! the string Receive Number: pnX ! the width Receive Number: pnY ! the height Returns Parameters Window Handle: phWnd ! the control String: psStr ! the string Receive Number: pnX ! the width Receive Number: pnY ! the height Static Variables Local variables Actions Call GetTextExtentPoint32A( GetDC( phWnd ), psStr, SalStrGetBufferLength( psStr ), pnX, pnY ) Function: SalStrBetweenChars Description: author: tl date: Version: 1.01- 25.03.02 - tl bug fixed (when chars longer than one character) 1.00 function integrated desc Liefert einen von zwei Zeichen eingeschlossenen String zurьck. Der Booleanparameter gibt an, ob der gefunden String im Originalstring enternt werden soll Bsp: Set lsText = " rtztztertghghghgh" Set lsResult = SalStrGetBetweenChars(lsText, "<", ">", FALSE ) -> lsResult = "Hallo" -> lsText = " rtztztert ghghghgh" Set lsText = " rtztztert ghghghgh" Set lsResult = SalStrGetBetweenChars(lsText, "<", ">", TRUE ) -> lsResult = "Hallo" -> lsText = " rtztztert ghghghgh" Set lsText = "Thomas Lauzi " Set lsResult = SalStrGetBetweenChars(lsText, " ", " ", TRUE ) -> lsResult = "Lauzi" -> lsText = "Thomas" Returns String: Parameters Receive Long String: psText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: psStartChar .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: psEndChar .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Boolean: pbDemount .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnFoundStart .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnFoundEnd .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsPiece .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set lnFoundStart = SalStrScan(psText, psStartChar ) ! Set lnFoundEnd = SalStrScan(SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFoundStart -1 ), psEndChar ) + 1 + lnFoundStart ! If (lnFoundStart > -1) and (lnFoundEnd > -1) and (lnFoundStart < lnFoundEnd) ! abmontieren Set lsPiece = SalStrMidX( psText, lnFoundStart+1, lnFoundEnd - lnFoundStart -1) If pbDemount ! Rausbauen Set psText = SalStrLeftX(psText,lnFoundStart) || SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFoundEnd -1) Return lsPiece Set lnFoundEnd = SalStrScan(SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFoundStart -SalStrLength(psStartChar) ), psEndChar ) + SalStrLength(psStartChar) + lnFoundStart If (lnFoundStart > -1) and (lnFoundEnd > -1) and (lnFoundStart < lnFoundEnd) ! abmontieren Set lsPiece = SalStrMidX( psText, lnFoundStart+SalStrLength(psStartChar), lnFoundEnd - lnFoundStart - SalStrLength(psStartChar) ) If pbDemount ! Rausbauen Set psText = SalStrLeftX(psText,lnFoundStart) || SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFoundEnd - SalStrLength(psEndChar) ) Return lsPiece Return STRING_Null Function: SalStrSeperatebyChar Description: author: gb date: 2000 version: 1.00 Trennt einen Teilstring anhand eines Trennzeichen ab Bsp: Set lsText = 'Dies ist ein Test! ....' Set lsPiece = SalStrSeperatebyChar(lsText, '!' ) -> lsPiece = 'Dies ist ein Test' -> lsText = ' ....' Returns String: Parameters Receive String: psText .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: psChar .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnFound .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsPiece .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set lnFound = SalStrScan(psText, psChar ) If lnFound > -1 Set lsPiece = SalStrLeftX(psText,lnFound) Set psText = SalStrRightX( psText, SalStrLength(psText) - lnFound -1) Return lsPiece Return STRING_Null Function: SalStrUnTokenize Description: author: tl date: 5.11.2001 version 1.1 bugfix (detected by M. Bostel) 1.0 function implemented desc: Works in the opposite direction like SalStrTokenize example: Call VisListArrayGetFieldData(lb1,wsArray) Call SalStrUnTokenize(wsArray, '', ';', lsLine ) Returns Number: Parameters String: psTokenArray[*] .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: psStartDel .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: psEndDel .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive String: psTarget .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnBound .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions If SalArrayIsEmpty( psTokenArray ) Return NUMBER_Null Call SalArrayGetUpperBound(psTokenArray,1,lnBound) While lnIdx <= lnBound Set psTarget = psTarget || psStartDel || psTokenArray[lnIdx] || psEndDel Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1 Return lnBound Function: SalStrReplaceCRLF Description: author: Petra Zamburek date: 1995 version 1.0 desc: this function replaces all carriage-return and line-feeds with a given character, the default string is a blank example: Call SalStrReplaceCRLF('fdsdfssfdfdfs', ' ') Returns Parameters Receive String: sRPString String: psReplacedby .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions If psReplacedby = STRING_Null Set psReplacedby = ' ' Set sRPString = VisStrSubstitute (sRPString, SalNumberToChar (0x0D) || SalNumberToChar (0x0A), psReplacedby) Set sRPString = VisStrSubstitute (sRPString, SalNumberToChar (0x0D), psReplacedby) Set sRPString = VisStrSubstitute (sRPString, SalNumberToChar (0x0A), psReplacedby) Function: SalStrSoundex Description: author: ?? (iceteagroup, i think ) date: ?? version 1.0 desc: SOUNDEX is an algorithm that converts strings to a 4-byte code. It can be used to encrypt a surname and do searching only on the code. This will eliminate most variations of different spelling. Example: Meyer=M600, Meier=M600, Mayer=M600, Smith=S530, SMYTHE=S530. The algorithm can be used for blurred search and dublett matching example: Set sSearchbySoundex = SalStrSoundex( 'Meier' ) Returns String: Parameters String: p_sOrgString .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables String: s .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: result .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: PrevChar .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: Ch .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: i .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set s=SalStrUpperX( SalStrTrimX( p_sOrgString ) ) If s !=STRING_Null Set PrevChar=STRING_Null Set result=SalStrLeftX( s, 1 ) ! Set i=1 While i < SalStrLength( s ) If SalStrLength( result )=4 Break Set Ch=SalStrMidX( s, i, 1 ) If Ch !=PrevChar If SalStrScan( 'BPFV', Ch ) >=0 Set result=result || '1' Else If SalStrScan( 'CSKGJQXZ', Ch ) >=0 Set result=result || '2' Else If SalStrScan( 'DT', Ch ) >=0 Set result=result || '3' Else If Ch='L' Set result=result || '4' Else If SalStrScan( 'MN', Ch ) >=0 Set result=result || '5' Else If Ch='R' Set result=result || '6' Set PrevChar=Ch Set i=i + 1 ! While SalStrLength( result ) < 4 Set result=result || '0' Return result Function: SalStrGetBlockArray Description: author: tl date: ?? version 1.0 desc: Splits a String into blocks of a max given length. (the last block is shorter). The number of blocks is returned. Return: the number of blocks example: Set nBlocks = SalStrGetBlockArray( '123456789',4, lsBlocks ) -> 3 blocks lsBlocks[0] = '1234' lsBlocks[1] = '5678' lsBlocks[2] = '9' Returns Number: Parameters Long String: psStr .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! In Number: pnBlockLength .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Receive String: rsBlock[*] .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! Out Static Variables Local variables Number: nIdx .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata String: lsTemp .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Actions Set nIdx = 0 Loop Set lsTemp = SalStrMidX( psStr, nIdx * pnBlockLength, pnBlockLength) If lsTemp != STRING_Null Set rsBlock[nIdx] = lsTemp Else Break Set nIdx = nIdx + 1 Return nIdx Function: SalStrLeftLongX Description: author: tl date: ?? version 1.0 desc: Returns a substring ( also greater than 65536 chars ),of a specified length starting at position zero (0), the left-most character in the string. Parameters strSource String. The string from which to extract characters. nExtract Number. The number of characters to extract from strSource. Returns Long String: Parameters Long String: strSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nExtract .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Number: lnIdx Long String: lsLeft Actions Return SalStrMidLongX(strSource,0, nExtract ) Function: SalStrRightLongX Description: author: tl date: ?? version 1.0 desc: Returns a substring ( also greater than 65536 chars ), starting with the last character in the string. Parameters strSource String. The string from which to extract characters. nExtract Number. The number of characters to extract from strSource. Returns Long String: Parameters Long String: strSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: nExtract .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Static Variables Local variables Actions Return SalStrMidLongX(strSource,SalStrLength(strSource) - nExtract, nExtract ) Function: SalStrMidLongX Description: author: tl date: ?? version 1.0 desc: Returns a substring (possible greater than 65536 than normal SalStrMidX), starting at a specified position and containing a specified number of characters. Parameters strSource String. The source string. nStartPos Number. The starting position of the substring (zero is the first position) in strSource. nLength Number. The number of characters to put in the substring. Returns Long String: Parameters Long String: strSource .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! The source string. Number: nStartPos .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! The starting position of the substring (zero is the first position) in strSource. Number: nLength .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata ! The number of characters to put in the substring. Static Variables Local variables Number: lnIdx Number: lnMod Long String: lsMid .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata Number: lnLoop Number: lnLength Number: lnStart Actions Set lnLoop = SalNumberTruncate( nLength/ 0x8000,10,0) Set lnMod = SalNumberMod( nLength, 0x8000 ) While lnIdx <= lnLoop If lnIdx = lnLoop Set lnLength = lnMod Else Set lnLength = 0x8000 Set lsMid = lsMid || SalStrMidX( strSource, nStartPos + lnIdx * 0x8000, lnLength ) Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1 Return lsMid Function: SalStrCreateHash Description: Author: Gьnther Feldzahn Version/Date: 1.0 - 24.07.2003 Purpose: Creates a number out of a string with the help of a hash-algorithm. Those numbers are highly but of course not always unique Return: Numeric value the "stuff" *LOL* Any warranty excluded! Returns Number: Parameters String: p_strToHash Static Variables Local variables Number: nHash Number: nCounter Number: nChar Actions Set nHash = 0 Set nCounter = 1 Loop Set nChar = SalStrLop( p_strToHash ) If nChar > 0 Set nHash = SalNumberBitXor( nHash, nChar ) Set nHash = nHash * 3 Set nHash = SalNumberMod( nHash, 4294967295 ) Set nCounter = nCounter + 1 Else ! End of string - leave loop Break Return nHash ! Now deliver the stuff *LOL* Named Menus Class Definitions Default Classes MDI Window: cBaseMDI Form Window: Dialog Box: Table Window: Quest Window: Data Field: Spin Field: Multiline Field: Pushbutton: Radio Button: Option Button: Check Box: Child Table: Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase List Box: Combo Box: Picture: Vertical Scroll Bar: Horizontal Scroll Bar: Column: Background Text: Group Box: Line: Frame: Custom Control: ActiveX: Application Actions
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