.head 0 + Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template .head 1 - Outline Version - 4.0.27 .head 1 + Design-time Settings .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000 0020: 0000000000A50000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF 0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0001000000010000 0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D00000000 .enddata .head 2 - Outline Window State: Normal .head 2 + Outline Window Location and Size .data VIEWINFO 0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E 0020: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000003B00010000 00000000000000E9 0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000 0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000 0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000 00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: D000 .enddata .head 3 - Left: -0.013" .head 3 - Top: 0.0" .head 3 - Width: 8.013" .head 3 - Height: 4.969" .head 2 + Options Box Location .data VIEWINFO 0000: D4180909B80B1A00 .enddata .data VIEWSIZE 0000: 0800 .enddata .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 4.15" .head 3 - Top: 1.885" .head 3 - Width: 3.8" .head 3 - Height: 2.073" .head 2 + Class Editor Location .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 0.575" .head 3 - Top: 0.094" .head 3 - Width: 5.063" .head 3 - Height: 2.719" .head 2 + Tool Palette Location .head 3 - Visible? No .head 3 - Left: 6.388" .head 3 - Top: 0.729" .head 2 - Fully Qualified External References? Yes .head 2 - Reject Multiple Window Instances? No .head 2 - Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes .head 2 - Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No .head 1 - Libraries .head 1 + Global Declarations .head 2 + Window Defaults .head 3 + Tool Bar .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Form Window .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Dialog Box .head 4 - Display Style? Etched .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Top Level Table Window .head 4 - Font Name: MS Sans Serif .head 4 - Font Size: 8 .head 4 - Font Enhancement: System Default .head 4 - Text Color: System Default .head 4 - Background Color: System Default .head 3 + Data Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Multiline Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Spin Field .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Background Text .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Pushbutton .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 3 + Radio Button .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Check Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Option Button .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 3 + Group Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Child Table Window .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + List Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Combo Box .head 4 - Font Name: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Size: Use Parent .head 4 - Font Enhancement: Use Parent .head 4 - Text Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Line .head 4 - Line Color: Use Parent .head 3 + Frame .head 4 - Border Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: 3D Face Color .head 3 + Picture .head 4 - Border Color: Use Parent .head 4 - Background Color: Use Parent .head 2 + Formats .head 3 - Number: 0'%' .head 3 - Number: #0 .head 3 - Number: ###000 .head 3 - Number: ###000;'($'###000')' .head 3 - Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM .head 3 - Date/Time: M/d/yy .head 3 - Date/Time: MM-dd-yy .head 3 - Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy .head 3 - Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy .head 3 - Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM .head 3 - Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM .head 2 - External Functions .head 2 + Constants .data CCDATA 0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000 .enddata .data CCSIZE 0000: 1400 .enddata .head 3 - System .head 3 - User .head 2 - Resources .head 2 - Variables .head 2 + Internal Functions .head 3 + Function: SalNumberToHex .head 4 - Description: author: ??? date: 2000 version: 1.00 desc: Converts a number to a hex value example: .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - String: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: p_nValue .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: nRemainder .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - String: sHex .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Set p_nValue=SalNumberAbs( p_nValue ) .head 5 + If p_nValue > 15 .head 6 - Set sHex=SalNumberToHex( SalNumberTruncate( p_nValue/16, 18, 0 )) .head 5 - Set nRemainder=SalNumberMod( p_nValue, 16 ) .head 5 + If nRemainder > 9 .head 6 - Set nRemainder=nRemainder + 7 .head 5 - Set sHex=sHex || SalNumberToChar( nRemainder + 48 ) .head 5 - Return sHex .head 3 + Function: SalNumberCeil .head 4 - Description: author: Philippe Gibone date: 10/07/2002 version 1.0 desc: Calculates the lowest int above or equal n example: SalNumberCeil (3.00001) = 4 SalNumberCeil (3.99999) = 4 SalNumberCeil (-3.00001) = -3 SalNumberCeil (-3.99999) = -3 .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: nNumber .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 + If SalNumberModulo(nNumber, 1) = 0 .head 6 - Return nNumber .head 5 - Set nNumber = nNumber + (1 - SalNumberModulo( nNumber, 1 )) .head 5 - Return nNumber .head 3 + Function: SalNumberFloor .head 4 - Description: author: Philippe Gibone date: 10/07/2002 version 1.0 desc: Calculates the biggest int below or equal n example: SalNumberFloor (3.00001) = 3 SalNumberFloor (3.99999) = 3 SalNumberFloor (-3.00001) = -4 SalNumberFloor (-3.99999) = -4 .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: nNumber .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 + If SalNumberModulo(nNumber, 1) = 0 .head 6 - Return nNumber .head 5 - Set nNumber = nNumber - SalNumberModulo( nNumber, 1 ) .head 5 - Return nNumber .head 3 + Function: SalNumberModulo .head 4 - Description: author: Philippe Gibone date: 10/07/2002 version 1.0 desc: Calculates the mathematical modulo function ie SalNumberModulo(-5, 8) = 3, not -5 example: .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: nNumber .head 5 - Number: nNumberMod .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Return SalNumberMod(SalNumberMod(nNumber, nNumberMod) + nNumberMod, nNumberMod) .head 3 + Function: SalNumberToInt .head 4 - Description: author: gb date: 2000 version: 1.00 description: Rounds a float to a integer (with the individual option to round up or down) parameter: 1. Number: Decimal value 2. Boolean: True = round up; False = round down Return: 1. Number: The rounded value example: Set lnText = SalNumberToInt( 37.14, TRUE ) lnTest -> 38 Set lnText = SalNumberToInt( 37.14, FALSE ) lnTest -> 37 .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: pnNumber .head 5 - Boolean: pbRound .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: lnNumber .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Set lnNumber = SalNumberTruncate( pnNumber, 10, 0 ) .head 5 + If SalNumberMod( pnNumber, 1 ) And pbRound .head 6 - Set lnNumber = lnNumber + 1 .head 5 - Return lnNumber .head 3 + Function: SalNumberDiv .head 4 - Description: author: David DL date: 22.03.2004 version: 1.00 desc: Returns the value of a integer division. example: SalNumberDiv(25,6) = 4 SalNumberDiv(6,4) = 1 .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: nInput .head 5 - Number: nQuotient .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: nTmp .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Set nTmp=SalNumberMod( nInput, nQuotient ) .head 5 - Set nTmp=nInput-nTmp .head 5 - Set nTmp=nTmp/nQuotient .head 5 - Return nTmp .head 3 + Function: SalNumberRandomRange .head 4 - Description: author: tl (Thomas Lauzi) date: 8.09.2003 version: 1.00 desc: Generates a random number in the range of the given bounds. SalNumberRandInit() is not needed, because the function initializes itself. example: Call SalNumberRange(0,5) returns numbers like 0, 3, 5, 2,1 ,5 ,4 ,2 ,5 ,2 ,0 , .... .head 4 - Returns .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: pnMin .head 5 - Number: pnMax .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: lnRandom .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - ! initalize .head 5 - Set lnRandom = SalNumberRandom () .head 5 - Call SalNumberRandInit( lnRandom/2 + (SalDateSecond( SalDateCurrent () )*500 + SalDateMinute( SalDateCurrent () ))/2 ) .head 5 - ! calcute the random number in the given range .head 5 - Set lnRandom = ( lnRandom * ( pnMax - pnMin ) / 0x7FFF ) + pnMin .head 5 - Return SalNumberRound( lnRandom ) .head 3 + Function: SalHexToNumber .head 4 - Description: author: ??? date: 2000 version: 1.00 desc: Converts a hexvalue in a number example: Set lnNr = SalHexToNumber('0x1a') -> lnNr = 26 .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - String: p_sHex .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: nDec .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - Number: nLen .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - Number: nLower .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Set p_sHex=SalStrUpperX( SalStrTrimX( p_sHex ) ) .head 5 + If SalStrLeftX( p_sHex, 2 )='0X' .head 6 - Set p_sHex=SalStrRightX( p_sHex, SalStrLength( p_sHex ) - 2 ) .head 5 - Set nDec=SalStrLop( p_sHex ) .head 5 - Set nLen=SalStrLength( p_sHex ) .head 5 + If (nDec > 47) and (nDec < 58) .head 6 - Set nDec=nDec - 48 .head 5 + Else If (nDec > 64) and (nDec < 71) .head 6 - Set nDec=nDec - 55 .head 5 + Else .head 6 - Set nDec=NUMBER_Null .head 5 + If (nLen > 0) and (nDec !=NUMBER_Null) .head 6 - Set nLower=SalHexToNumber( p_sHex ) .head 6 + If nLower !=NUMBER_Null .head 7 - Set nDec=nDec * SalNumberPower( 16, nLen ) + nLower .head 6 + Else .head 7 - Set nDec=NUMBER_Null .head 5 - Return nDec .head 3 + Function: SalNumberToBaseX .head 4 - Description: author: tl (Thomas Lauzi) date: 28.08.2003 version: 1.00 desc: Converts a number to a value of the given base. If you specify 2 the you convert to binary,8 then to ocal, 16 then to hexadecimal example: sVal = SalNumberToBaseX( 17,2 ) -> sVal = 10001 binary sVal = SalNumberToBaseX( 17,8 ) -> sVal = 21 octal sVal = SalNumberToBaseX( 17,10 ) -> sVal = 17 decimal sVal = SalNumberToBaseX( 17,16 ) -> sVal = 11 hexadecimal See also: SalBaseXToNumber(...) .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - String: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: nValue .head 5 - Number: nBase .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: nMod .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - String: sCodedNum .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - String: sChar .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - ! .head 5 + While nValue > 0 .head 6 - Set nMod = SalNumberMod( nValue, nBase ) .head 6 - Set nValue = SalNumberTruncate( (nValue - nMod) / nBase, 1000000,0 ) .head 6 - ! .head 6 + If nMod > 9 .head 7 - Set sChar = SalNumberToChar( nMod + 65 - 10) .head 6 + Else .head 7 - Set sChar = SalNumberToStrX( nMod,0) .head 6 - ! .head 6 - Set sCodedNum = sChar || sCodedNum .head 5 - ! .head 5 - Return sCodedNum .head 3 + Function: SalBaseXToNumber .head 4 - Description: author: tl (Thomas Lauzi) date: 28.08.2003 version: 1.00 desc: Converts a value to a number of the given base. If you specify 2 the you convert from binary,8 then from ocal, 16 then from hexadecimal example: sVal = SalBaseXToNumber( '10001',2 ) -> sVal = 17 binary sVal = SalBaseXToNumber( '10001',8 ) -> sVal = 4097 octal sVal = SalBaseXToNumber( '10001',10 ) -> sVal = 10001 decimal sVal = SalBaseXToNumber( '10001',16 ) -> sVal = 65537 hexadecimal See also: SalBaseXToNumber(...) .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - String: sCodedNum .head 5 - Number: nBase .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 + Local variables .head 5 - Number: nLength .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - Number: nValue .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - String: sValue .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - Number: nPos .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 5 - Number: nNumber .data INHERITPROPS 0000: 0100 .enddata .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - ! .head 5 - Set sCodedNum = SalStrUpperX( sCodedNum ) .head 5 - Set nLength = SalStrLength( sCodedNum ) .head 5 + While nPos < nLength .head 6 - Set sValue = SalStrMidX( sCodedNum,nPos,1 ) .head 6 - ! .head 6 + If NOT SalStrIsValidNumber( sValue) .head 7 - ! Calculate the value by ASCII code .head 7 - Set nValue = ( SalStrLop( sValue ) - 65 ) + 10 .head 6 + Else .head 7 - Set nValue = SalStrToNumber( sValue ) .head 6 - ! .head 6 - Set nNumber = nNumber * nBase + nValue .head 6 - Set nPos = nPos + 1 .head 6 - ! .head 5 - ! .head 5 - Return nNumber .head 3 - ! ! ! Flag/Bit .head 3 + Function: SalNumberBitNegation .head 4 - Description: Author: Gьnther Feldzahn Version/Date: 1.0 - 24.07.2003 Purpose: Bitwise Negation operation on a numeric value. Return: Bitwise Negated value Any warranty excluded! .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: p_nV .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Return SalNumberBitXor( p_nV, -1 ) .head 3 + Function: SalNumberBitXor .head 4 - Description: Author: Gьnther Feldzahn Version/Date: 1.0 - 24.07.2003 Purpose: Bitwise XOR operation on two numeric values. Return: Bitwise XORred value Any warranty excluded! .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: p_nV1 .head 5 - Number: p_nV2 .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Return (p_nV1 | p_nV2) - (p_nV1 & p_nV2) .head 3 + Function: SalNumberBitIsSet .head 4 - Description: author: jh date: ??? version: 1.00 function integrated desc: Returns TRUE if the flags are set. The function checks if bits are set. example: lnMask = 5 lnFlag1 = 1 lnFlag2 = 2 lnFlag4 = 4 SalNumberBitIsSet( lnMask, lnFlag1) returns TRUE lnMask = 5 lnFlag1 = 1 lnFlag2 = 2 lnFlag4 = 4 SalNumberBitIsSet( lnMask, lnFlag1 | Flag4) returns TRUE lnMask = 5 lnFlag1 = 1 lnFlag2 = 2 lnFlag4 = 4 SalNumberBitIsSet( lnMask, lnFlag2) returns FALSE See also: SalNumberBitClear SalNumberBitSet .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Boolean: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: pnMask .head 5 - Number: pnFlag .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 + If (pnMask & pnFlag) = pnFlag .head 6 - Return TRUE .head 5 + Else .head 6 - Return FALSE .head 3 + Function: SalNumberBitSet .head 4 - Description: author: tl date: 3.7.2002 version: 1.00 function integrated desc: Sets a flag in a bitmask example: 32 16 8 4 2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 = 0 0 1 0 1 0 14= 0 0 1 1 1 0 Set lmMask = SalNumberBitSet(10,3) -> gives 11 Set lmMask = SalNumberBitSet(14,20) -> gives 40 See also: SalNumberBitIsSet SalNumberBitClear .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: pnMask .head 5 - Number: pnFlag .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - Return pnMask = pnMask | pnFlag .head 3 + Function: SalNumberBitClear .head 4 - Description: author: tl date: 3.7.2002 version: 1.00 function integrated desc: Clears flag in a bitmask example: 32 16 8 4 2 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 = 0 0 1 0 1 0 14= 0 0 1 1 1 0 Set lmMask = SalNumberBitClear(10,2) -> gives 8 Set lmMask = SalNumberBitClear(14,3) -> gives 12 See also: SalNumberBitIsSet SalNumberBitSet .head 4 + Returns .head 5 - Number: .head 4 + Parameters .head 5 - Number: pnMask .head 5 - Number: pnFlag .head 4 - Static Variables .head 4 - Local variables .head 4 + Actions .head 5 - ! this must be done because not Number returns false and not the complement -> so -Number makes the 2-complement and subtracting 1 is the normal complement .head 5 - Return (pnMask & (-pnFlag-1)) .head 2 - Named Menus .head 2 - Class Definitions .head 2 + Default Classes .head 3 - MDI Window: cBaseMDI .head 3 - Form Window: .head 3 - Dialog Box: .head 3 - Table Window: .head 3 - Quest Window: .head 3 - Data Field: .head 3 - Spin Field: .head 3 - Multiline Field: .head 3 - Pushbutton: .head 3 - Radio Button: .head 3 - Option Button: .head 3 - Check Box: .head 3 - Child Table: .head 3 - Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase .head 3 - List Box: .head 3 - Combo Box: .head 3 - Picture: .head 3 - Vertical Scroll Bar: .head 3 - Horizontal Scroll Bar: .head 3 - Column: .head 3 - Background Text: .head 3 - Group Box: .head 3 - Line: .head 3 - Frame: .head 3 - Custom Control: .head 3 - ActiveX: .head 2 - Application Actions
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