- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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.head 0 +  Application Description: Centura SDK Function 
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.34
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
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.head 1 -  Libraries
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.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Picture
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 2 +  Formats
.head 3 -  Number: 0%
.head 3 -  Number: #0
.head 3 -  Number: #
.head 3 -  Number: '$'#
.head 3 -  Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: M/d/yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 2 +  External Functions
.head 3 +  Library name: SQLWNTM.DLL
.head 4 -  ThreadSafe: No
.head 4 +  Function: sqlcnc
.head 5 -  Description: Connect curser
Paramatre :
Number  : Curserhandle
String  : DataBaseName/Username/Password ( DEMO/SYSADM/SYSADM )
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 80
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlget
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Sql Handle: HSQLHANDLE
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlgetString
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 110
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Sql Handle: HSQLHANDLE
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlnsi
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Sql Handle: HSQLHANDLE
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPBYTE
.head 6 -  ! war bis 4.9.96 LPINT
.head 4 +  Function: sqldes
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Sql Handle: HSQLHANDLE
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPINT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlxer
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 0
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Sql Handle: HSQLHANDLE
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPLONG
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPBYTE
.head 4 +  Function: sqlcsv
.head 5 -  Description: Connect to Database Server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle
String  : Servername  ( lokal database '' )
String  : ServerPassword ( lokal database '' )
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 98
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 4 +  Function: sqldsv
.head 5 -  Description: Disconnect from Server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 106
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlcre
.head 5 -  Description: Create Database on a connected server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle ( Receive Number from sqlcvs )
String  : DataBaseName
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 96
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlded
.head 5 -  Description: Deinstall Database on a connected server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle ( Receive Number from sqlcvs )
String  : DataBaseName
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 100
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqldel
.head 5 -  Description: Delete Database on a connected server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle ( Receive Number from sqlcvs )
String  : DataBaseName
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 101
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlcnr
.head 5 -  Description: Connect curser
Paramatre :
Number  : Curserhandle
String  : DataBaseName/Username/Password ( DEMO/SYSADM/SYSADM )
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 80
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlldp
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 148
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  ! Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlunl
.head 5 -  Description:
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 148
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  ! Receive Number: LPWORD
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqldis
.head 5 -  Description: Disconnect from Curser
Paramatre :
Number  : Curser
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 17
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: sqlind
.head 5 -  Description: Install Database on a connected networkserver ( Put databasename in sql.ini )
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle ( Receive Number from sqlcvs )
String  : DataBaseName
Number  : 0
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 113
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 4 +  Function: sqlstm
.head 5 -  Description: Terminate server
Paramatre :
Number  : Serverhandle
Returns : Number  ( 0 if function was successful )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 129
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 3 +  Library name: STRCI40.DLL
.head 4 -  ThreadSafe: No
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetByte
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a byte from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetByte( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 1
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: BYTE
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetInt
.head 5 -  Description: Extract an integer from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetInt( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 5
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetWord
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a word from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetWord( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 3
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetLong
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a long from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetLong( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 5
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetLong2
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a long from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetLong2( nAddress, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 5
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: DWORD
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetFloat
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a float from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetFloat( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 7
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: FLOAT
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetDouble
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a double from a buffer.
nResult = CStructGetDouble( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 9
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: DOUBLE
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetBFloat
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a BFloat from a buffer and convert to double.
nResult = CStructGetBFloat( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 21
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: DOUBLE
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetString
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a string from a buffer.
nLength = CStructGetString( strBuffer, nOffset, nMaxWidth, strExtract )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 11
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPSTR
.head 4 +  Function: CStructGetFarPointer
.head 5 -  Description: Extract a far pointer from a buffer.
nFarPointer = CStructGetFarPointer( strBuffer, nOffset )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 17
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: ULONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutByte
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a byte into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutByte( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 2
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: BYTE
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutInt
.head 5 -  Description: Insert an integer into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutInt( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 6
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: INT
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutWord
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a word into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutWord( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 4
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: WORD
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutLong
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a long into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutLong( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 6
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutFloat
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a byte into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutFloat( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 8
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: FLOAT
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutDouble
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a double into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutDouble( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 10
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: DOUBLE
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutBFloat
.head 5 -  Description: Convert double to BFloat and insert it into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutBFloat( strBuffer, nOffset, nInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 22
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: DOUBLE
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutString
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a string into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutString( strBuffer, nOffset, nMaxWidth, strInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 12
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutString2
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a string into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutString( strBuffer, nOffset, nMaxWidth, strInsert )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 12
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: DWORD
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  String: LPSTR
.head 4 +  Function: CStructPutFarPointer
.head 5 -  Description: Insert a far pointer into a buffer.
bOK = CStructPutFarPointer( strBuffer, nOffset, nFarPointer )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 18
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructCopyBuffer
.head 5 -  Description: Copy data from one String to another.
bOK = CStructCopyBuffer( strDest, nDestOffset,
                         strSrc, nSrcOffset, nCopyLen )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 19
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructAllocFarMem
.head 5 -  Description: Allocate memory and return a far pointer.
nFarPointer = CStructAllocFarMem( nBytes )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 13
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Number: ULONG
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructFreeFarMem
.head 5 -  Description: Free memory allocated by CStructAllocFarMem.
bOK = CStructFreeFarMem( nFarPointer )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 14
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructCopyToFarMem
.head 5 -  Description: Copy data from far memory to a String.
bOK = CStructCopyToFarMem( nFarPointer, strData, nDataLen  )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 15
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 4 +  Function: CStructCopyFromFarMem
.head 5 -  Description: Copy from a String to far memory.
bOK = CStructCopyFromFarMem( nFarPointer, strData, nMaxLen )
.head 5 -  Export Ordinal: 16
.head 5 +  Returns
.head 6 -  Boolean: BOOL
.head 5 +  Parameters
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 6 -  Receive String: LPVOID
.head 6 -  Number: LONG
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 -  System
.head 3 +  User
.head 4 -  Number: CENTURA_STATUS_ID = 0x7FF1
.head 3 -  Enumerations
.head 2 -  Resources
.head 2 -  Variables
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 -  Internal Functions
.head 2 -  Class Definitions
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window:
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  Child Table:
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window:
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box:
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column:
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control:
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 2 -  Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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