SQLBase Starter Guide

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SQLBase Starter Guide

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SQLBase Starter Guide 20-2905-1005 1

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Trademarks Centura, Centura net. db, Centura Ranger, the Centura logo, Centura Web Developer, Gupta, the Gupta logo, Gupta Powered, the Gupta Powered logo, Fast Facts, Object Nationalizer, Quest, Quest/ Web, QuickObjects, SQL/ API, SQLBase, SQLBase Exchange, SQLConsole, SQLGateway, SQLHost, SQLNetwork, SQLRouter, SQLTalk, and Team Object Manager are trademarks of Centura Software Corporation and may be registered in the United States of America and/ or other countries. SQLWindows is a registered trademark and TeamWindows, ReportWindows and EditWindows are trademarks exclusively used and licensed by Centura Software Corporation.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT and Visual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and/ or other countries.

All other product or service names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Copyright: Copyright © 1999 by Centura Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

SQLBase Starter Guide 20-2905-1005 February 1999 2

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SQLBase Starter Guide iii

1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
What's new in SQLBase 7. 5.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
SQLBase platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
SQLBase packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
SQLBase Server package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
SQLBase Desktop package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Helpful resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Send comments to... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

2 Configuring SQLBase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Connectivity Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

SQL. INI file configuration settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
How SQLBase finds SQL. INI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
NetWare NDS configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Running SQLBase Server as an NT service. . . . . . . . 2-5

3 Running SQLBase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Starting and stopping the server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

Windows 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Windows NT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
NetWare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Uninstalling SQLBase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5

4 What now?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
Testing your installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2

SQLTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
National Language Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Loading database files into SQLBase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

Contents SQLBase Starter Guide 3

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SQLBase Starter Guide 1-1 Chapter 1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0

This chapter offers a general discussion of the new features of SQLBase 7.5. 0. Additionally, it describes the two SQLBase packages, SQLBase Server and SQLBase Desktop, and their respective components.

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Chapter 1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0 1-2 SQLBase Starter Guide What's new in SQLBase 7. 5. 0 SQLBase 7.5.0 standard offers a number of new features, including:
• Log optimization for non-updating transactions.
• Support for single file database of 512 gigabytes for 32 bit Window operating systems.
• Enhanced server security that controls which user can perform server administrative operations.
• Advanced password validation techniques protect against unauthorized data connections made by password "guessing" programs, and defend against denial of service attacks.
• Dependent NLMs load automatically when the server is started and unload automatically when the server is stopped.

In addition, SQLBase SafeGarde includes the following features:
• Database page encryption prevents unauthorized reading of data by viewing data files directly.
• Data page alteration protection prevents unauthorized changes to data by editing data files directly.
• Transmission security prevents unauthorized viewing of data directly as it is transmitted across a communication medium.

Note: Features vary depending upon the SQLBase edition.

SQLBase platforms SQLBase is available on these platforms:
• NetWare 4.11 and 5.0
• Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
• Windows NT 4. 0 or later
• Windows 95 and Windows 98 SQLBase supports multiple users with remote communication through a network as well as local communication. 6

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SQLBase packages SQLBase Starter Guide 1-3 SQLBase packages Centura offers two SQLBase packages: SQLBase Server and SQLBase Desktop. SQLBase Server and SQLBase Desktop are available in two editions offering various levels of security:
• SQLBase -Standard with no encryption
• SQLBase SafeGarde -56-bit encryption SQLBase SafeGarde Max offering 128-bit encryption is available as an Embedded Developer's Kit (EDK).

This section describes each of these packages and their components.

SQLBase Server package SQLBase Server is a multi-user database server that runs on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and NetWare 4. 11 and 5.0. SQLBase is licensed based on concurrent user connections and comes in the following user bands: 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-
and unlimited users. The following table describes the options in the SQLBase Server package:

Component option Description Windows 32 bit Server SQLBase Server is a 32 bit, multi-user database server program that can communicate both with local and remote client applications.

This option also includes the Connectivity Administrator and SQLBase Server Monitor (SSM).

Client Software The Client Software contains the following components:
• Communication libraries Front-end programs communicate with the server through support programs called communication libraries.
• Connectivity Administrator (32 bit clients and servers only) A tool for editing your SQL. INI file.
• DBError A utility for looking up SQLBase error messages. Provides the error text, reason for the error, and suggested solutions. This is typically used during the application development process.
• SQL/ API The application programming interface. Included with the SQL/ API is sample source code you can use to learn how to utilize the SQL/ API. 7

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Chapter 1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0 1-4 SQLBase Starter Guide Client Software (continued)
• SQLEdit A graphical configuration utility for SQLBase that helps you set up your environment by editing the SQL. INI file. This utility is provided for users configuring the 16 bit SQLBase Server. If you are running SQLBase Server

32 bit, you should use the Connectivity Administrator.
• SQLReplay Allows for the SQL/ API activity generated by an application to be replayed against a database server without need of the application. (16 bit only)
• SQLTalk A front-end interface for SQL. You can run SQLTalk from Windows (16 bit), Windows 95 and Windows NT.
• SQLTrace (16 bit only) SQL/ API trace and debugging utility.
• Release notes and certification description

SQLConsole DBA utility (32 bit) SQLConsole is a database administration and monitoring tool for SQLBase Servers and databases. From a single Windows desktop, SQLConsole lets you

perform administrative tasks for a local SQLBase server and all the SQLBase servers on a network.

Centura Books Online The Centura Books Online collection is created using Adobe Acrobat 3. 0 and lets you perform full-text indexed searches across the entire document suite, navigate the table of contents using the expandable/ collapsible browser, or print

any chapter. Open the collection by selecting the Centura Books Online icon from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the launcher icon in the program group.

ODBC Drivers 32 bit An industry-standard ODBC 3.11 driver that fully supports multi-threaded applications.

ODBC Drivers 16 bit An industry-standard ODBC 2.5 driver that fully supports multi-threaded applications. C Programmer's interface SQLBase C example programs and interface. C++ Programmer's Interface SQLBase C++ example programs and interface.

Component option Description 8

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SQLBase packages SQLBase Starter Guide 1-5 About SQLBase Server for NetWare SQLBase Server for NetWare is a NetWare Loadable Module (NLM). An NLM is a program that you can load into NetWare server memory while the NetWare server is running. When loaded, an NLM is part of the NetWare operating system. When unloaded, an NLM releases the memory and resources that were allocated to it.

Centura provides two versions of the SQLBase Server for NetWare, SQLBase Server for NetWare 4.11 or 5.0, supporting both NetWare Bindery database and NetWare Directory Services (NDS).

SQLBase Desktop package SQLBase Desktop is a single-user database server that runs on Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows NT. It is licensed by machine, and comes in the following machine packs: 1-, 5-, and 25-machine packs. The following table describes the installation options in the SQLBase Desktop package:

Component option Description Desktop Server (32 bit) SQLBase Server is a 32 bit database server program that runs under the Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 operating system. It can communicate both with local and remote client applications. Client software includes:
• Communication libraries Front-end programs communicate with the server through support programs called communication libraries.
• Connectivity Administrator A tool for editing your SQL. INI file.
• SQL/ API The application programming interface. Included with the SQL/ API is sample source code you can run to learn how the SQL/ API handles certain

SQLBase features.
• SQLTalk A front-end interface for SQL. You can run SQLTalk from Windows (16 bit), Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0.
• Release notes and certification description 9

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Chapter 1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0 1-6 SQLBase Starter Guide Desktop Server (16 bit) SQLBase Server multi-tasking server is a 16 bit database server program that runs under the Microsoft Windows (16 bit) operating system. It can communicate both with local and remote client applications. Client software includes:
• Communication libraries Front-end programs communicate with the server through support programs called communication libraries.
• SQL/ API The application programming interface. Included with the SQL/ API is sample source code you can run to learn how the SQL/ API handles certain SQLBase features.
• SQLEdit A graphical configuration utility for SQLBase that helps you set up your environment by editing the SQL. INI file. This utility is provided for users

configuring the 16 bit SQLBase Server. If you are running SQLBase Server 32 bit, you should use the Connectivity Administrator.
• SQLReplay Allows for the SQL/ API activity generated by an application to be replayed against a database server without need of the application.
• SQLTalk A front-end interface for SQL. You can run SQLTalk from Windows (16 bit), Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0.
• SQLTrace SQL/ API trace and debugging utility.
• Release notes and certification description Client software must be installed before a client application can access a SQLBase Server.

SQLConsole DBA Utility SQLConsole is a database administration and monitoring tool for SQLBase servers and databases. From a single Windows desktop, SQLConsole lets you perform administrative tasks for a local SQLBase server and all the SQLBase servers on a network.

SQLBase Programmers Interface Contains the SQL/ API software and SQLBase ++. The SQL/ API is a language interface that lets you develop a client application that uses SQL. You embed

SQL/ API functions within your C program, which allows you to use SQL without giving up the power and flexibility of either programming language.

You can create and run SQL/ API applications on any of the server platforms. SQLBase ++ is a C++ based source library for application development.

Component option Description 10

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Helpful resources SQLBase Starter Guide 1-7 Helpful resources Centura Books Online. The Centura document suite is available online. This document collection lets you perform full-text indexed searches across the entire document suite, navigate the table of contents using the expandable/ collapsible browser, or print any chapter. Open the collection by selecting the Centura Books Online icon from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the launcher icon in the program group.

World Wide Web. Centura Software's world wide Web site contains information about Centura Software Corporation's partners, products, sales, support, training, and users. The URL is http:// www. centurasoft. com.

The technical services section of our Web site is a valuable resource for customers with technical support issues, and addresses a variety of topics and services, including technical support case status, commonly asked questions, access to Centura's online newsgroups, links to shareware tools, product bulletins, white papers, and downloadable product updates.

Our Web site also includes information on training, including course descriptions, class schedules, and certified training partners.

SQLBase Documentation Set.
• SQLBase Database Administrator's Guide
This book contains information for DBAs creating and maintaining SQLBase databases.
SQLBase SQL Language Reference This book describes the SQL commands that you can execute in applications such as SQLTalk.

SQLBase ODBC Driver An industry-standard ODBC 3. 11 and 2.5 drivers that fully supports multi-threaded applications. Centura Books Online The Centura Books Online collection is created using Adobe Acrobat 3.0 and lets you perform full-text indexed searches across the entire document suite, navigate the table of contents using the expandable/ collapsible browser, or print

any chapter. Open the collection by selecting the Centura Books Online icon from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the launcher icon in the program group.

Component option Description 11

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Chapter 1 Introducing SQLBase 7.5.0 1-8 SQLBase Starter Guide
• SQLBase SQLTalk Command Reference
This book describes the SQLTalk interface and commands.
• SQLBase SQL Application Programming Interface Reference This book is for application developers using Centura's SQL/ API to write programs that access SQLBase databases.
• SQLBase Advanced Topics Guide This book includes sections on database design, SQLBase internals, and performance.
• SQLConsole Guide This book describes how to use SQLConsole, an online database monitoring and maintenance tool. SQLConsole also has an extensive on-line help facility.
• SQLTalk Help System This online documentation provides SQLBase users with a context-sensitive help system.

Send comments to... Anyone reading this manual can contribute to it. If you have any comments or suggestions, please send them to:

Technical Publications Department Centura Software Corporation 975 Island Drive Redwood Shores, CA 94065

or send email, with comments or suggestions to: techpubs@ centurasoft. com 12

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SQLBase Starter Guide 2-1 Chapter 2 Configuring SQLBase This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for configuring SQLBase. Topics include:
• Connectivity Administrator
• SQL. INI file
• NetWare NDS configurations
• Starting and stopping the server
• Uninstalling SQLBase

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Chapter 2 Configuring SQLBase 2-2 SQLBase Starter Guide Connectivity Administrator Note: This section applies only if you are installing SQLBase Server (32 bit). If you are installing the SQLBase Multi-tasking Server (16 bit), you must edit your SQL. INI file using SQLEdit. For information, read SQL. INI file configuration settings on page 2-3.

The Connectivity Administrator lets you edit your SQL. INI file, adding databases and routers. Using this tool, you can set the configuration for SQLBase Server, including:
• Setting the options for a SQLBase server
• Enabling and disabling communication protocols
• Adding or removing a database name
• Viewing a list of database names The Connectivity Administrator detects all relevant software installed on your computer, including network protocols and configurations. The automated configuration also sets simple and advanced parameters of the database server. You can configure connectivity for both your client and server during the same Connectivity Administrator session. To configure your server, click the Server tab.

Using the Connectivity Administrator 1. Select Programs, Centura, Connectivity Administrator from the Start menu.

2. Click the Server tab to show the installed server. 14

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SQL. INI file configuration settings SQLBase Starter Guide 2-3 3. Click the + symbol next to the server name to display listening protocols and databases.

The following actions are available when using the Connectivity Administrator.
• Left-click to select an item
• Double-click to change properties
• Right-click to display a menu of connectivity functions For detailed information about the Connectivity Administrator, read the online help that is provided with this tool.

SQL. INI file configuration settings Centura products read the SQL. INI file at program start-up. The SQL. INI file is the common file containing software configuration settings. Each client and server machine must have a SQL. INI file.

How SQLBase finds SQL. INI SQLBase Server (16 bit) and NetWare SQLBase retrieves operational parameters from the sql. ini file stored in the same directory as the SQLBase executable.

SQLBase clients and pre-7.0 versions of SQLBase server look for the configuration file only in the directory you specify in the SQLBASE environment variable. Otherwise, the search order for this file is:

1. Current directory. 2. \sqlbase directory on the current drive. 3. Root directory on the current drive. 4. Directories specified by the PATH environment variable.

SQBase Server (32 bit) When SQLBase starts, it checks the SQLBase registry key to obtain the location of the SQL. INI file. The registry locations used by SQLBase are:

HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Centura\ SQLBase\ 1 HKEY_ LOCAL_ MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Centura\ SQLBase\ 2 Although there can be two registry entries for SQLBase, only one of these entries is active at any given time. You can change the status of your servers using the SQLBase Server Monitor (SSM) tool. For information, read Chapter 13, Running SQLBase as an NT Service in the Database Administrator's Guide. 15

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Chapter 2 Configuring SQLBase 2-4 SQLBase Starter Guide NetWare NDS configurations After you install SQLBase, and before you load the SQLBase Server for NetWare, you must add the classes to the NDS tree that SQLBase requires. To do this, load the Centura NDSSCHMA. NLM at the server console. This NLM allows you to add or delete classes to the NDS tree. You must have a NetWare account and ADMIN privileges on the NDS tree you are modifying. Note that you only need to add these objects once.

You can also use the NDSSCHMA. NLM to delete the classes from the NDS tree before uninstalling SQLBase.

1. Load NDSSCHMA. NLM. The Warning dialog appears:

2. Type Y. The SQLBase Schema Extension Program screen appears. Type 1 to add the SQLBase classes. 16

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Running SQLBase Server as an NT service SQLBase Starter Guide 2-5 The NDS Login ID appears. You must have sufficient privileges on the NDS tree you are modifying. Type in your login ID and press Enter. The NLM prompts you for a password. Press Enter.

A message appears confirming that the SQLBase classes have been defined.

Note: If you select option 2 (Delete), a message appears stating that the SQLBase classes have been removed.

Running SQLBase Server as an NT service Note: In order to install SQLBase Server for Windows NT as a service, you must have Administrator privileges.

Running SQLBase Server for Windows NT as a service is supported on the Windows NT 4. 0 operating system platforms, including the server and workstation versions of Windows NT.

SQLBase Server for Windows NT always installs as a service program, but with SQLBase disabled as a service. During installation, SQLBase is set to run as a system account and to interact with the desktop.

Only one instance of SQLBase Server can be run on an NT machine at any given time, regardless of whether it is being run as a service program or an application program. You can use the SQLBase Server Monitor (SSM) to start and stop SQLBase as an NT service. For information, read Chapter 13, Running SQLBase as an NT Service in the Database Administrator's Guide. 17

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Chapter 2 Configuring SQLBase 2-6 SQLBase Starter Guide For more information on running SQLBase Server for Windows NT as a service, read Chapter 13, Running SQLBase Server as an NT Service in the Database Administrator's Guide.

Note: SQLBase cannot run as a service automatically if you are using the user account in the Services setup. 18

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SQLBase Starter Guide 3-1 Chapter 3 Running SQLBase This chapter provides step-by-step starting and stopping the SQLBase Server. It also includes information on uninstalling SQLBase.

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Chapter 3 Running SQLBase 3-2 SQLBase Starter Guide Starting and stopping the server Windows 95 This section describes how to start and stop the SQLBase Server for Windows 95. You must start the database server before clients can access a database, with the exception of the Anonymous Pipes protocol. When this protocol is used, SQLBase will be started automatically when an application attempts to connect to a database on the same machine.

Starting To start the server, select Programs, Centura, and SQLBase 5-User Server from the Start menu. This item changes depending upon your installation directory and the server installed.

Stopping It is recommended that you disconnect all applications prior to stopping SQLBase. If however, applications are still connected when you stop the server, SQLBase automatically performs recovery on these databases during the next connection. If RECOVERY is set to off, SQLBase will be unable to recover the affected database.

To stop SQLBase Server, do one of the following: For Windows 95. Windows 98, and Windows NT 4. 0
• Select File, Exit from the SQLBase menu bar.
• Click the Close box on the SQLBase Server window.
• Programmatically shut down the server using either SQLTalk or using the SQLBase API. For information on the SQLBase API, read the SQLBase SQL Application Programming Interface Reference.

For Windows 3. x
• Click the Close box on the SQLBase Server window.
• Programmatically shut down the server using either SQLTalk or using the SQLBase API. For information on the SQLBase API, read the SQLBase SQL Application Programming Interface Reference.

Windows NT This section describes how to start and stop the SQLBase Server for Windows NT. You must start the database server before clients can access a database, with the exception of Anonymous Pipes. When this protocol is used, SQLBase will be started automatically when an application attempts to connect to a database on the same machine. 20

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Starting and stopping the server SQLBase Starter Guide 3-3 Starting By default, the setup installs SQLBase as an application. If you choose to run SQLBase Server as a Windows NT service, you should use SQLBase Server Monitor or the Windows NT Service Manager to make sure SQLBase is enabled to run as a service.

You can also manually start SQLBase as a service using either SQLBase Server Monitor or the NT Service Manager.

For more information on running SQLBase Server as a service program, read Chapter 13 of the Database Administrator's Guide.

To start SQLBase as an application on NT, select Programs, Centura, and SQLBase 5-User Server from the Start menu. This item changes depending upon your installation directory and the server installed.

Stopping It is recommended that you disconnect all users prior to stopping SQLBase. If however, users are still connected when you stop the server, SQLBase automatically performs recovery on these databases during the next connection. If RECOVERY is set to off, SQLBase will be unable to recover the affected databases.

SQLBase as a Windows NT service SQLBase can be stopped by using either SQLBase Server Monitor or the NT Service Manager. Centura recommends you use SQLBase Server Monitor since this tool enables you to verify that there are no users connected before you stop the server.

SQLBase as an application To stop SQLBase Server, do one of the following:
• Select File, Exit from the SQLBase menu bar.
• Close the SQLBase Server window.
• Select File, Exit from the SQLBase menu bar.
• Close the SQLBase Server window.
• Programmatically shut down the server using either SQLTalk or using the SQLBase API. For information on the SQLBase API, read the SQLBase SQL Application Programming Interface Reference. 21

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Chapter 3 Running SQLBase 3-4 SQLBase Starter Guide NetWare This section describes how to start and stop the SQLBase Server for NetWare, both the 4.11 and 5.0 versions. You must start the database server before clients can access a database.

Starting SQLBase Server for NetWare is a NetWare Loadable Module (NLM) that runs on Novell's NetWare server operating system. An NLM is a program that you can load into or unload from server memory while the server is running. When loaded, an NLM is part of the NetWare operating system. When unloaded, an NLM releases the memory and resources that were allocated for it.

Loading SQLBase Server for NetWare To load SQLBase Server for Netware, use the LOAD command. The following examples illustrate how to load a multi-user server for 4. 11 and 5. 0. Note that you must substitute your server name. The following examples assume that nlm:\ centura is the NetWare volume you installed into.

To load the multi-user server for 4. 11 and 5. 0: load nlm:\ centura\ dbnwsrv The default file system driver is dfd. This driver loads automatically, unless you specify otherwise. To use dfs instead of dfd, you would add dfs to the end of the load statement. For example:

load nlm:\ centura\ dbnwsrv dfs The database server is removed from memory when the computer is switched off or rebooted. You must start the database server after each startup or reboot.

Stopping You should stop the SQLBase server before turning the database server computer off. To stop the SQLBase server:

1. Press the Esc key. 2. If there are users connected to the server, a dialog box appears asking you to confirm that you want to stop the server. Press Y to bring the server down gracefully.

After stopping SQLBase, the server unloads itself and associated SQLBase support NLMs. 22

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Uninstalling SQLBase SQLBase Starter Guide 3-5 Note: You cannot unload the SQLBase NLM from the console prompt of the NetWare server; you must always use the ESC key to bring down the server. Once loaded, the SQLBase NLM becomes a NetWare resource and must be closed before it can be unloaded.

Uninstalling SQLBase To remove the SQLBase software from your computer, use the Add/ Remove Programs applet in the systems Control Panel. Note: If you are uninstalling SQLBase Server for NetWare, the above procedure only works correctly if the same drive is mapped during the uninstall as was mapped during the install. Otherwise, the files on the NetWare volume should be deleted manually. 23

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SQLBase Starter Guide 4-1 Chapter 4 What now? This chapter contains information on testing your configuration using SQLTalk, National Language Support, and loading database files to SQLBase Server 7. 5.

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Chapter 4 What n ow? 4-2 SQLBase Starter Guide Testing your installation You can test the connection between your server and client using SQLTalk or SQLConsole. SQLTalk Starting the SQLTalk program

Note: You cannot run SQLTalk from the NetWare platform.

To connect to a remote SQLBase client, you must first enable the appropriate communication libraries by setting the correct comdll value in the sql. ini file. The easiest way to do this is by setting the communications interfaces through the Centura Connectivity Administrator if you are on Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95, Windows 98, or your preferred text editor. Read the online help for the Centura Connectivity Administrator for more information.

To start SQLTalk, invoke the SQLTalk icon on the Centura program group.

Using SQLTalk This section describes how to run SQLTalk.

1. Start the server program on the server machine. For example, if you are running the SQLBase Server for Windows NT, start the dbntsrv. exe program on the server machine by clicking on its icon.

2. Start SQLTalk. Start SQLTalk on the client machine. For example, on an NT client machine, click on the SQLTalk icon.

3. Select Connect from the Session menu. 4. In the dialog box, enter a database name (for example ISLAND), and click Connect.

Note: ISLAND is the standard default database that ships with SQLBase 7. 5. 26

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Testing your installation SQLBase Starter Guide 4-3 If your network and software components are configured correctly, a connection will be added to the list as shown below.

The Current Connections box displays ISLAND as the database name, which confirms your connection to this database. Click Close.

5. Enter SQLTalk commands. You can start entering commands at the cursor in the top pane of the SQLTalk window. For example:

To execute the command that the cursor is currently over, press Ctrl+ Enter. You can enter SQL and SQLTalk commands as described in the SQL Language Reference Manual and the SQLTalk Reference Manual. 27

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Chapter 4 What n ow? 4-4 SQLBase Starter Guide Note: You can also connect to a database by entering the following command in a SQLTalk window. For example:


6. End SQLTalk. When you are ready to end your SQLTalk session, enter this command at the cursor:


National Language Support SQLBase supports English as its standard language, but it also supports many international languages including those spoken in Europe and Asia. Please read Chapter 11, National Language Support of the Database Administrator's Guide for information on creating databases that support languages other than English.

Loading database files into SQLBase If you are upgrading from SQLBase 6. x, it is important that you unload your old database files with your old version of SQLBase client then load them to the new SQLBase Server.

You can also load a non-SQLBase database to SQLBase using a common file format, such as .CSV. For information on loading and unloading, read the LOAD and UNLOAD command documentation in the SQL Language Reference.

You can improve the performance of the load by performing the following tasks: 1. Defragment your disk. 2. Run SET RECOVERY OFF before you run LOAD. Be aware that when you set recovery off, SQLBase does not generate log files and this speeds up the load. When you are finished with the load, run SET RECOVERY ON.

3. Run the LOCK DATABASE command to place an exclusive lock on the database. When you are finished with the load, run UNLOCK DATABASE.

4. Use the ON SERVER clause of the LOAD and UNLOAD command. This decreases network traffic by performing the operation on the server machine, if the load file is local to the server.

5. Set the server screen to show the minimal level of process detail (level 0). 28

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