- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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.head 0 +  Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.27
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000
0020: 0000000000AB0000 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF
0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0001000000010000
0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D00000000
.head 2 -  Outline Window State: Normal
.head 2 +  Outline Window Location and Size
0000: 6600040003002D00 0000000000000000 0000B71E5D0E0500 1D00FFFF4D61696E
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0040: 1E800A00008600FF FF496E7465726E61 6C2046756E637469 6F6E730000000000
0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000
0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000
00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000: D000
.head 3 -  Left: -0.013"
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.head 3 -  Height: 4.969"
.head 2 +  Options Box Location
0000: D4180909B80B1A00
0000: 0800
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 4.15"
.head 3 -  Top:    1.885"
.head 3 -  Width:  3.8"
.head 3 -  Height: 2.073"
.head 2 +  Class Editor Location
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 0.575"
.head 3 -  Top:    0.094"
.head 3 -  Width:  5.063"
.head 3 -  Height: 2.719"
.head 2 +  Tool Palette Location
.head 3 -  Visible? No
.head 3 -  Left: 6.388"
.head 3 -  Top:    0.729"
.head 2 -  Fully Qualified External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
.head 2 -  Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
.head 1 -  Libraries
.head 1 +  Global Declarations
.head 2 +  Window Defaults
.head 3 +  Tool Bar
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Form Window
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Dialog Box
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Top Level Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: System Default
.head 3 +  Data Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Multiline Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Spin Field
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Background Text
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Pushbutton
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Radio Button
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Check Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Option Button
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Group Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Child Table Window
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  List Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Combo Box
.head 4 -  Font Name: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Line
.head 4 -  Line Color: Use Parent
.head 3 +  Frame
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 3 +  Picture
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 2 +  Formats
.head 3 -  Number: 0'%'
.head 3 -  Number: #0
.head 3 -  Number: ###000
.head 3 -  Number: ###000;'($'###000')'
.head 3 -  Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: M/d/yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 2 -  External Functions
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 +  System
.head 4 -  Number: msgRichGet				= 0x400 + 1000
.head 4 -  Number: msgRichPut				= 0x400 + 1001
.head 4 -  ! !
.head 4 -  Number: CW_USEDEFAULT  = 0x80000000
.head 4 -  ! ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_BOLD				= 0x00000001
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_ITALIC				= 0x00000002
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_UNDERLINE				= 0x00000004
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_STRIKEOUT				= 0x00000008
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_PROTECTED				= 0x00000010
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_SIZE					= 0x80000000
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_COLOR				= 0x40000000
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_FACE				= 0x20000000
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_OFFSET				= 0x10000000
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_CHARSET				= 0x08000000
.head 4 -  ! ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: EM_CANPASTE				= 0x400 + 50
.head 4 -  Number: EM_DISPLAYBAND				= 0x400 + 51
.head 4 -  Number: EM_EXGETSEL				= 0x400 + 52
.head 4 -  Number: EM_EXLIMITTEXT				= 0x400 + 53
.head 4 -  Number: EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR			= 0x400 + 54
.head 4 -  Number: EM_EXSETSEL				= 0x400 + 55
.head 4 -  Number: EM_FINDTEXT				= 0x400 + 56
.head 4 -  Number: EM_FORMATRANGE			= 0x400 + 57
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETCHARFORMAT			= 0x400 + 58
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETEVENTMASK			= 0x400 + 59
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETOLEINTERFACE			= 0x400 + 60
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETPARAFORMAT			= 0x400 + 61
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETSELTEXT				= 0x400 + 62
.head 4 -  Number: EM_HIDESELECTION			= 0x400 + 63
.head 4 -  Number: EM_PASTESPECIAL			= 0x400 + 64
.head 4 -  Number: EM_REQUESTRESIZE			= 0x400 + 65
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SELECTIONTYPE			= 0x400 + 66
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR			= 0x400 + 67
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETCHARFORMAT			= 0x400 + 68
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETEVENTMASK			= 0x400 + 69
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETOLECALLBACK			= 0x400 + 70
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETPARAFORMAT			= 0x400 + 71
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETTARGETDEVICE			= 0x400 + 72
.head 4 -  Number: EM_STREAMIN				= 0x400 + 73
.head 4 -  Number: EM_STREAMOUT				= 0x400 + 74
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETTEXTRANGE			= 0x400 + 75
.head 4 -  Number: EM_FINDWORDBREAK			= 0x400 + 76
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETOPTIONS				= 0x400 + 77
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETOPTIONS				= 0x400 + 78
.head 4 -  Number: EM_FINDTEXTEX				= 0x400 + 79
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETWORDBREAKPROCEX		= 0x400 + 80
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETWORDBREAKPROCEX		= 0x400 + 81
.head 4 -  Number: EM_AUTOURLDETECT		=  0x400 + 91
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX		= 0x400 + 95
.head 4 -  Number: EM_SETZOOM = 0x400 + 225
.head 4 -  Number: EM_GETZOOM = 0x400 + 224
.head 4 -  ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: EN_LINK			=		0x070b
.head 4 -  Number: ENM_LINK			=	0x04000000
.head 4 -  ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: SCF_DEFAULT    = 0x0000
.head 4 -  Number: SCF_SELECTION	= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: SCF_WORD	= 0x0002
.head 4 -  Number: SCF_ALL	= 0x0004
.head 4 -  ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: CFE_BOLD	= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: CFE_ITALIC	= 0x0002
.head 4 -  Number: CFE_UNDERLINE	= 0x0004
.head 4 -  Number: CFE_LINK	= 0x0020
.head 4 -  ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: CFM_LINK	=	0x00000020
.head 4 -  ! ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_AUTOWORDSELECTION		= 0x00000001
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_AUTOVSCROLL			= 0x00000040
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_AUTOHSCROLL			= 0x00000080
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_NOHIDESEL				= 0x00000100
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_READONLY				= 0x00000800
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_WANTRETURN			= 0x00001000
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_SAVESEL				= 0x00008000
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_SELECTIONBAR			= 0x01000000
.head 4 -  Number: ECO_VERTICAL				= 0x00400000
.head 4 -  Number: ECOOP_SET				= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: FR_WHOLEWORD                   		= 0x00000002
.head 4 -  Number: FR_MATCHCASE                    			= 0x00000004
.head 4 -  Number: PFA_LEFT					= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: PFA_RIGHT				= 0x0002
.head 4 -  Number: PFA_CENTER				= 0x0003
.head 4 -  Number: SF_TEXT					= 0x0001
.head 4 -  Number: SF_RTF					= 0x0002
.head 4 -  Number: SF_RTFNOOBJS				= 0x0003
.head 4 -  Number: SF_TEXTIZED				= 0x0004
.head 4 -  Number: SF_SELECTION				= 0x8000
.head 4 -  Number: SF_PLAINRTF				= 0x4000
.head 4 -  ! ! !
.head 4 -  Number: ES_SAVESEL		= 0x8000
.head 4 -  Number: EM_REDO		= 0x0400 + 84
.head 4 -  Number: EM_CANREDO		= 0x0400 + 85
.head 3 -  User
.head 2 -  Resources
.head 2 -  Variables
.head 2 -  Internal Functions
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 +  Class Definitions
.head 3 +  Custom Control Class: cRichEdit
.head 4 -  DLL Name: Riched32.dll
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  DLL Name: Riched32.dll
.head 5 -  MS Windows Class Name: RichEdit
.head 5 -  Style:  0x00000004
.head 5 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Title:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:   
.head 6 -  Width:  5.017"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: 2.226"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Border? Yes
.head 5 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  DLL Settings
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description: Bases on original code of Andrew K.
Modified by Thomas Lauzi

28.07.04 - tl
- bugfixing in SetFont/GetFont method
.head 4 -  Derived From
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  Boolean: i_bBold
.head 5 -  Boolean: i_bItalic
.head 5 -  Boolean: i_bUnderline
.head 5 -  Number: i_nAlign
.head 5 -  Number: i_nColor
.head 5 -  Long String: i_lsText
.head 5 -  Long String: i_lsRTF
.head 5 -  Boolean: i_bText
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: nEventMask
0000: 0100
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: __BoolRemove
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: p_nBool
.head 7 -  Number: p_nRemove
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If p_nBool&p_nRemove
.head 8 -  Return p_nBool&((p_nRemove+1)* -1)|(((p_nBool+1)* -1)&p_nRemove)
.head 7 -  Return p_nBool
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: SetSelAll
.head 6 -  Description: Selects all the text in the RTF control.
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SetSel(0,-1)
.head 5 +  Function: SetSel
.head 6 -  Description: Sets a selection.

NOTE: the selection is not visible, when you have called HideSel (TRUE )
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: nStart
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nEnd
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 9 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 9 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, nStart )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, nEnd )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 9 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: GetSel
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Receive Number: nStart
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Receive Number: nEnd
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMin
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nLength
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 9 )
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 9 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 9 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 9 )
.head 7 -  Set nStart = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 0 )
.head 7 -  Set nEnd = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 4 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Set nLength = nEnd - nStart
.head 7 -  Return nLength
.head 5 +  Function: HideSel
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Boolean: pbHide
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg(hWndItem, EM_HIDESELECTION,  pbHide, 0)
.head 5 +  Function: Find
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: sSearchText
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Boolean: bWholeWord
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Boolean: bMatchCase
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hFind
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMin
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMax
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nPos
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMatch
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  ! Set search flags
.head 7 -  Set nMatch = 0
.head 7 +  If bWholeWord
.head 8 -  Set nMatch = nMatch | FR_WHOLEWORD
.head 7 +  If bMatchCase
.head 8 -  Set nMatch = nMatch | FR_MATCHCASE
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Set hFind = CStructAllocFarMem( SalStrLength( sSearchText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, SalStrLength( sSearchText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 0, SalStrLength( sSearchText ), sSearchText )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hFind, sBuf, SalStrLength( sSearchText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call GetSel(nMin,nMax )
.head 7 -  Set nMin = nMin + 1
.head 7 -  Set nMax = -1
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 21 )
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 21 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, nMin )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, nMax )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, hFind )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 21 )
.head 7 -  Set nPos = SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_FINDTEXTEX, nMatch, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 21 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  If nPos > -1
.head 8 -  ! found
.head 8 -  Set nMin = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 12 )
.head 8 -  Set nMax = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 16 )
.head 8 -  Call SetSel(nMin,nMax)
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  ! not found
.head 8 -  Set nMin = -1
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hFind )
.head 7 -  Return nMin
.head 5 +  Function: SetFont
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: sFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nSize
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nEnh
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nColor
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nFormat
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Boolean: bOK
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMask
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnEnh
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! Fontenh Mappings
.head 7 +  If nEnh  & FONT_EnhBold = FONT_EnhBold
.head 8 -  Set lnEnh = lnEnh | CFM_BOLD
.head 7 +  If nEnh & FONT_EnhItalic  = FONT_EnhItalic
.head 8 -  Set lnEnh = lnEnh | CFM_ITALIC
.head 7 +  If nEnh & FONT_EnhUnderline = FONT_EnhUnderline
.head 8 -  Set lnEnh = lnEnh | CFM_UNDERLINE
.head 7 +  If nEnh & FONT_EnhStrikeOut = FONT_EnhStrikeOut
.head 8 -  Set lnEnh = lnEnh | CFM_STRIKEOUT
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 +  If nColor != NUMBER_Null
.head 8 -  Set nMask = nMask | CFM_COLOR
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, nMask )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, lnEnh )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 20*nSize )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 +  If nColor != NUMBER_Null
.head 8 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, nColor )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, sFont )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set bOK = SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Return bOK
.head 5 +  Function: GetFont
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Receive String: sFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Receive Number: nSize
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Receive Number: nEnh
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Receive Number: nColor
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Boolean: bOK
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nMask
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnEnh
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, ' ' )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set bOK =SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set nColor = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 20 )
.head 7 -  Set lnEnh =  CStructGetLong( sBuf, 8 )
.head 7 -  Set nSize =  CStructGetLong( sBuf, 12 ) / 20
.head 7 -  Call CStructGetString(sBuf,26,32,sFont )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! Fontenh Mappings
.head 7 +  If lnEnh  & CFM_BOLD = CFM_BOLD
.head 8 -  Set nEnh = nEnh | FONT_EnhBold
.head 7 +  If lnEnh & CFM_ITALIC  = CFM_ITALIC
.head 8 -  Set nEnh = nEnh | FONT_EnhItalic
.head 8 -  Set nEnh = nEnh | FONT_EnhUnderline
.head 8 -  Set nEnh = nEnh | FONT_EnhUnderline
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Return bOK
.head 5 +  Function: GetText
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Long String:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
.head 7 -  Number: nProc
.head 7 -  Number: nLib
.head 7 -  Number: nLength
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Long String: sRet
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Set nLength = GetTextLength()
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, WM_GETTEXT, nLength, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sRet, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructGetString( sBuf, 0, nLength, sRet )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Set i_lsText =  sRet
.head 7 -  Return sRet
.head 7 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: SetText
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Long String: psText
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
.head 7 -  Number: nProc
.head 7 -  Number: nLib
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, SalStrLength( psText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 0, SalStrLength( psText ) , psText )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( SalStrLength( psText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, SalStrLength( psText ) + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, WM_SETTEXT, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! If p_nFormat = SF_TEXT
.head 7 +  ! Else
.head 8 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 13 )
.head 8 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 13)
.head 8 +  If hMem != 0
.head 9 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, SalWindowHandleToNumber( hWndItem ) )
.head 9 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 9 -  Set nLib = LoadLibraryA( 'richedt.dll' )
.head 9 +  If nLib != 0
.head 10 -  Set nProc = GetProcAddress( nLib, 'RichPut' )
.head 10 +  If nProc != 0
.head 11 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, nProc )
.head 11 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 13 )
.head 11 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_STREAMIN, p_nFormat, hMem )
.head 10 -  Call FreeLibrary( nLib )
.head 9 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 5 +  Function: GetFormat
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nFormat
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  ! Enhancement
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, ' ' )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  ! Set i_nColor = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 20 )
.head 7 -  Set nFormat =  CStructGetLong( sBuf, 8 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Return nFormat
.head 5 +  Function: SetFormat
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 +  Number: p_nFormat
0000: 0100
.head 8 -  ! CFM_BOLD
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nFormat
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, ' ' )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, p_nFormat )
.head 7 -  Set nFormat =  CStructGetLong( sBuf, 8 )
.head 7 +  If nFormat & p_nFormat = p_nFormat
.head 8 -  Set nFormat = __BoolRemove( nFormat, p_nFormat )
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set nFormat = nFormat | p_nFormat
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, nFormat )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 5 +  Function: GetZoom
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nNumerator
.head 7 -  Number: nDenominator
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETZOOM, nNumerator, nDenominator )
.head 7 -  Return (nNumerator / nDenominator)
.head 5 +  Function: SetZoom
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnZoom
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nNumerator
.head 7 -  Number: nDenominator
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If pnZoom > 1
.head 8 -  Set nNumerator = 0x7FFF
.head 8 -  Set nDenominator = ( nNumerator / pnZoom )
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set nDenominator = 0x7FFF
.head 8 -  Set nNumerator = ( nDenominator * pnZoom )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETZOOM, nNumerator, nDenominator )
.head 5 +  Function: GetColor
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nColor
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, ' ' )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set nColor = CStructGetLong( sBuf, 20 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Return nColor
.head 5 +  Function: SetColor
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: p_nColor
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 61)
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 60 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 24, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutByte( sBuf, 25, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutString( sBuf, 26, 32, '' )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, CFM_FACE|CFM_OFFSET|CFM_SIZE|CFM_COLOR )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, p_nColor )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 61 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 5 +  Function: GetAlign
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nAlign
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  ! Alignment
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 157 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 157 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 156 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 10, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 1244668 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 2012767215 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 1244580 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 24, 24 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 26, 0 )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 28, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 32, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 36, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 40, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 44, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 48, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 52, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 56, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 60, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 64, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 68, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 72, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 76, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 80, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 84, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 88, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 92, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 96, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 100, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 104, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 108, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 112, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 116, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 120, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 124, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 128, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 132, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 136, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 140, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 144, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 148, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 152, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 157 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 157 )
.head 7 -  Set nAlign = CStructGetWord( sBuf, 24 )
.head 7 -  Return nAlign
.head 5 +  Function: SetAlign
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 +  Number: p_nAlign
0000: 0100
.head 8 -  ! PFA_LEFT
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, 157 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( 157 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 0, 156 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 8, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 10, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 12, 1244668 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 16, 2012767215 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 20, 1244580 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 24, 24 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 26, 0 )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 28, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 32, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 36, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 40, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 44, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 48, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 52, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 56, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 60, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 64, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 68, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 72, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 76, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 80, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 84, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 88, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 92, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 96, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 100, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 104, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 108, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 112, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 116, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 120, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 124, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 128, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 132, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 136, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 140, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 144, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 148, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 152, 0 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutLong( sBuf, 4, 8 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructPutWord( sBuf, 24, p_nAlign )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyToFarMem( hMem, sBuf, 157 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 5 +  Function: GetSelStart
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nStart
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy1
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call GetSel(nStart,nDummy1 )
.head 7 -  Return nStart
.head 5 +  Function: SetSelStart
.head 6 -  Description: Sets the start of a selection.
The endpos is set to the startpos,so the selction is 0 chars long and the current selections is destroyed.
It can be good used in combination SetSelLength.

SetSelStart( 15)
Now the chars from pos 15 to 35 are selected.
The same can be dome with.

.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnStart
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call SetSel( pnStart, pnStart )
.head 5 +  Function: GetSelLength
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy1
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy2
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return GetSel( nDummy1, nDummy2 )
.head 5 +  Function: SetSelLength
.head 6 -  Description: Sets the length of the current selection.
Only the endpos is changed, the startpos not.
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnLength
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nDummy1
.head 7 -  Number: nStart
.head 7 -  Number: nEnd
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call GetSel ( nStart, nDummy1)
.head 7 -  Set nEnd = nStart + pnLength
.head 7 -  Call SetSel ( nStart, nEnd )
.head 5 +  Function: GetSelText
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Long String:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sBuf
.head 7 -  Number: hMem
.head 7 -  Number: nProc
.head 7 -  Number: nLib
.head 7 -  Number: nLength
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Long String: sRet
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Set nLength = GetTextLength()
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuf, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Set hMem = CStructAllocFarMem( nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, hMem )
.head 7 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( hMem, sBuf, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sRet, nLength + 1 )
.head 7 -  Call CStructGetString( sBuf, 0, nLength, sRet )
.head 7 -  Call CStructFreeFarMem( hMem )
.head 7 -  Return sRet
.head 7 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: SetSelText
.head 6 -  Description: Replaces the selected text with the given text.
If no text is selected, the text is set to the position of the selection begin.
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Long String: psStr
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call VisSendMsgString(hWndItem, EM_REPLACESEL, TRUE, psStr )
.head 5 +  Function: GetTextLength
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return SalSendMsg( hWndItem, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ) + 1
.head 5 +  Function: GetLineIndex
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 +  Number: nLineNr
0000: 0100
.head 8 -  ! -1 for the current line
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return SalSendMsg(hWndItem,EM_LINEINDEX,nLineNr,0 )
.head 5 +  Function: GetLineIndexCurrent
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return GetLineIndex( -1 )
.head 5 +  Function: GetLineLength
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 +  Number: nLineNr
0000: 0100
.head 8 -  ! -1 for the current line
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nPos
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set nPos = GetLineIndex( nLineNr )
.head 7 -  Return SalSendMsg(hWndItem,EM_LINELENGTH,nPos,0 )
.head 5 +  Function: GetLineLengthCurrent
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Return GetLineLength( -1 )
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On WM_GETDLGCODE
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalSendMsg( hWndItem, EM_SETOPTIONS, ECOOP_SET,
.head 6 -  ! // set auto url detect to true
.head 6 -  ! Call SalSendMsg(hWndItem, EM_AUTOURLDETECT, TRUE, 0)
.head 6 -  Set nEventMask = SalSendMsg(hWndItem, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0,0)
.head 6 -  ! // Set the Event Mask to request that EN_LINK messages are sent
.head 6 -  Set nEventMask = SalSendMsg(hWndItem, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, nEventMask | ENM_LINK)
.head 6 -  !
.head 6 -  Call VisWinSetStyle( hWndItem, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD |
.head 6 -  ! Call VisWinSetStyle( hWndItem, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD |
.head 6 -  !
.head 5 +  On WM_MOUSEWHEEL
.head 6 -  Call SalTblScrollOnWheel(wParam,lParam)
.head 5 +  On WM_KEYDOWN
.head 6 -  Call SalTimerKill(hWndItem,99)
.head 6 -  Call SalPostMsg(hWndItem,SAM_AnyEdit,wParam,lParam )
.head 3 +  Custom Control Class: cRichEditHighlight
.head 4 -  DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  DLL Name:
.head 5 -  MS Windows Class Name:
.head 5 -  Style:  Class Default
.head 5 -  ExStyle:  Class Default
.head 5 -  Title:
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left:
.head 6 -  Top:   
.head 6 -  Width:  Class Default
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: Class Default
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Etched Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Hollow? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Horizontal Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tab Stop? Class Default
.head 5 -  Tile To Parent? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  DLL Settings
.head 4 -  List in Tool Palette? Yes
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Description: author: Thomas Lauzi
.head 4 +  Derived From
.head 5 -  Class: cRichEdit
.head 4 -  Class Variables
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  ! Colorizer Defaults
.head 5 -  Boolean: ibColorMatchCase
.head 5 -  Number: inKeyWordFormat
.head 5 -  String: isDefFont
.head 5 -  Number: inDefColor
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: inDefSize
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: inDefEnh
.head 5 -  ! Colorizer KeyWords
.head 5 -  Number: inKeyWordCount
.head 5 -  String: isKeyWord[*]
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  String: isKeyFont[*]
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: inKeyColor[*]
.head 5 -  Number: inKeySize[*]
.head 5 -  Number: inKeyEnh[*]
.head 5 -  ! Colorizer Blocks
.head 5 -  String: isColorBlockBegin[*]
.head 5 -  String: isColorBlockEnd[*]
.head 5 -  String: isColorBlockFont[*]
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: inColorBlockSize[*]
.head 5 -  Number: inColorBlockEnh[*]
.head 5 -  Number: inColorBlockCol[*]
.head 5 -  Number: inColorBlockCount
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: __nDummy
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: __nStart
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: __nEnd
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Boolean: __bKeyIsDown
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Boolean: ibColorizeEnabled
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  !
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 -  ! ------------- Colorizer-----------------
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeEnable
.head 6 -  Description: 
Enables or disables the colorizer (the colorizer slows down a lot )
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Boolean: pbColorizeEnabled
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set ibColorizeEnabled = pbColorizeEnabled
.head 5 +  Function: Colorize
.head 6 -  Description: author: tl (Thomas Lauzi)

Colorizes the given section.For colorizing all specify a -1 for endposition.

Call reEditor.Colorize(0, -1 )
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: pnStart
.head 7 -  Number: pnEnd
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Long String: lsText
.head 7 -  Number: lnLength
.head 7 -  String: lsPiece
.head 7 -  Number: lnIdx
.head 7 -  String: lsKey
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnKeyLength
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnPos
.head 7 -  Boolean: lbStepped
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnStartOriginal
.head 7 -  Number: lnEndOriginal
.head 7 -  String: lsTextPiece
.head 7 -  String: lsBlockBegin
.head 7 -  String: lsBlockEnd
.head 7 -  Boolean: lbBlockIsActive
.head 7 -  Number: lnBlockBegin
.head 7 -  Number: lnBlockIdx
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: lnLeftCharCode
.head 7 -  String: lsLeftChar
.head 7 -  Number: lnRightCharCode
.head 7 -  String: lsRightChar
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Call HideSel( TRUE )
.head 7 -  Call GetSel(lnStartOriginal,lnEndOriginal)
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SetSel(pnStart,pnEnd )
.head 7 -  Set lnLength = GetSelLength ()
.head 7 -  Set lsText = GetSelText ()
.head 7 -  ! Set the defaults
.head 7 -  Call SetColor( inDefColor )
.head 7 -  Call SetFont( isDefFont, inDefSize,inDefEnh,NUMBER_Null )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Set lnPos = 0
.head 7 +  While lnPos < lnLength
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  ! ******** compare blockmarker *********
.head 8 -  Set lnIdx = 0
.head 8 +  While lnIdx < inColorBlockCount
.head 9 -  !
.head 9 +  If lbBlockIsActive
.head 10 -  ! when block is active, look only for end markers
.head 10 -  Set lsKey = isColorBlockEnd[lnIdx]
.head 9 +  Else
.head 10 -  ! when block is inactive, look only for begin markers
.head 10 -  Set lsKey = isColorBlockBegin[lnIdx]
.head 9 -  Set lnKeyLength = SalStrLength( lsKey )
.head 9 -  Set lsTextPiece = SalStrMidX(lsText,lnPos,lnKeyLength )
.head 9 -  !
.head 9 -  ! compare textpiece with key
.head 9 +  If lsTextPiece = lsKey OR ( NOT ibColorMatchCase AND SalStrLowerX(lsTextPiece) = SalStrLowerX(lsKey ) )
.head 10 +  If lbBlockIsActive
.head 11 -  ! look if the ending key correspondend to the equivalent startkey
.head 11 +  If lnBlockIdx != lnIdx
.head 12 -  Break
.head 10 -  ! toogle block
.head 10 -  Set lbBlockIsActive = ( NOT lbBlockIsActive )
.head 10 +  If lbBlockIsActive
.head 11 -  ! store the startpos.
.head 11 -  Set lnBlockBegin = lnPos + pnStart
.head 11 -  Call SetSel(lnBlockBegin, lnPos + pnStart +lnKeyLength )
.head 11 -  Call SetColor( inColorBlockCol[lnIdx] )
.head 11 -  Set lnPos = lnPos + lnKeyLength
.head 11 -  Set lnBlockIdx = lnIdx
.head 11 -  Set lbStepped = TRUE
.head 11 -  Break
.head 10 +  Else
.head 11 -  ! mark the found block and set the block properties
.head 11 -  Call SetSel(lnBlockBegin, lnPos + pnStart +lnKeyLength )
.head 11 -  Call SetColor( inColorBlockCol[lnBlockIdx] )
.head 11 +  If isColorBlockFont[lnBlockIdx] != STRING_Null
.head 12 -  Call SetFont( isColorBlockFont[lnBlockIdx], inColorBlockSize[lnBlockIdx],inColorBlockEnh[lnBlockIdx],NUMBER_Null )
.head 11 -  ! Keyword found, add position and stop searching here
.head 11 -  Set lnPos = lnPos + lnKeyLength
.head 11 -  ! Set marker, that it is already increased to the next position
.head 11 -  Set lbStepped = TRUE
.head 11 -  Break
.head 10 -  Break
.head 9 -  Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 +  If NOT lbBlockIsActive
.head 9 -  ! *********compare all keywords*********
.head 9 -  ! when space then skip..
.head 9 +  If SalStrMidX(lsText,lnPos,1 ) != " "
.head 10 -  Set lnIdx = 0
.head 10 +  While lnIdx < inKeyWordCount
.head 11 -  !
.head 11 -  Set lsKey = isKeyWord[lnIdx]
.head 11 -  Set lnKeyLength = SalStrLength( lsKey )
.head 11 -  Set lsTextPiece = SalStrMidX(lsText,lnPos,lnKeyLength )
.head 11 -  !
.head 11 -  ! compare textpiece with key
.head 11 +  If lsTextPiece = lsKey OR ( NOT ibColorMatchCase AND SalStrLowerX(lsTextPiece) = SalStrLowerX(lsKey ) )
.head 12 -  Set lsRightChar = SalStrMidX(lsText,lnPos + lnKeyLength,1 )
.head 12 -  Set lnRightCharCode = SalStrLop( lsRightChar )
.head 12 +  If lnPos > 0
.head 13 -  Set lsLeftChar = SalStrMidX(lsText,lnPos-1,1 )
.head 13 -  Set lnLeftCharCode = SalStrLop( lsLeftChar )
.head 12 +  Else
.head 13 -  Set lnLeftCharCode = 0
.head 12 +  If ( NOT ( (lnRightCharCode >= 65 AND lnRightCharCode <= 90) OR (lnRightCharCode >= 97 AND lnRightCharCode <= 122)  )
AND  NOT ( (lnLeftCharCode >= 65 AND lnLeftCharCode <= 90) OR (lnLeftCharCode >= 97 AND lnLeftCharCode <= 122)  ) ) OR lnKeyLength = 1
.head 13 -  ! mark the found key and set the key properties
.head 13 -  Call SetSel(lnPos + pnStart, lnPos + pnStart + lnKeyLength )
.head 13 -  Call SetColor( inKeyColor[lnIdx] )
.head 13 +  If isKeyFont[lnIdx] != STRING_Null
.head 14 -  Call SetFont( isKeyFont[lnIdx], inKeySize[lnIdx],inKeyEnh[lnIdx],NUMBER_Null )
.head 13 -  ! Keyword found, add position and stop searching here
.head 13 -  Set lnPos = lnPos + lnKeyLength
.head 13 -  ! Set marker, that it is already increased to the next position
.head 13 -  Set lbStepped = TRUE
.head 13 -  Break
.head 12 -  ! If lsRightChar = " " OR lsRightChar = "" OR lsRightChar = CRLF
.head 11 -  Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 +  If NOT lbStepped
.head 9 -  ! Only when nothing was found increase to the next position
.head 9 -  Set lnPos = lnPos + 1
.head 8 -  Set lbStepped = FALSE
.head 7 -  ! when the block never ends, the colorize to the end
.head 7 +  If lbBlockIsActive
.head 8 -  ! mark the found block and set the block properties
.head 8 -  Call SetSel(lnBlockBegin, lnPos + pnStart +lnKeyLength )
.head 8 -  Call SetColor( inColorBlockCol[lnBlockIdx] )
.head 8 +  If isColorBlockFont[lnBlockIdx] != STRING_Null
.head 9 -  Call SetFont( isColorBlockFont[lnBlockIdx], inColorBlockSize[lnBlockIdx],inColorBlockEnh[lnBlockIdx],NUMBER_Null )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SetSel(lnStartOriginal,lnEndOriginal)
.head 7 -  Call HideSel( FALSE )
.head 7 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeAddKeyWord
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: psKeyWord
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  String: psKeyFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeySize
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeyEnh
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeyColor
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set isKeyWord[inKeyWordCount] = psKeyWord
.head 7 -  Set isKeyFont[inKeyWordCount] = psKeyFont
.head 7 -  Set inKeySize[inKeyWordCount] = pnKeySize
.head 7 -  Set inKeyEnh[inKeyWordCount] = pnKeyEnh
.head 7 -  Set inKeyColor[inKeyWordCount] = pnKeyColor
.head 7 -  Set inKeyWordCount = inKeyWordCount + 1
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeAddKeyWords
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: psKeyWords[*]
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  String: psKeyFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeySize
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeyEnh
.head 7 -  Number: pnKeyColor
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: lnIdx
.head 7 -  Number: lnUpperBound
0000: 0100
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 +  If SalArrayIsEmpty( psKeyWords )
.head 8 -  Return -1
.head 7 -  ! sort, so that the longest kewords are on the lowest index
.head 7 -  Call VisArraySort(psKeyWords,SORT_Descending, DT_String)
.head 7 -  Call SalArrayGetUpperBound( psKeyWords,1, lnUpperBound )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  While lnIdx <= lnUpperBound
.head 8 -  Call ColorizeAddKeyWord( psKeyWords[lnIdx], psKeyFont, pnKeySize, pnKeyEnh, pnKeyColor )
.head 8 -  Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Return lnIdx
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeClearKeys
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set inColorBlockCount = 0
.head 7 -  Set inKeyWordCount = 0
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeSetDefault
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: psDefFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: pnDefSize
.head 7 -  Number: pnDefEnh
.head 7 -  Number: pnDefColor
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set isDefFont = psDefFont
.head 7 -  Set inDefSize = pnDefSize
.head 7 -  Set inDefEnh = pnDefEnh
.head 7 -  Set inDefColor = pnDefColor
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Call SetColor( inDefColor )
.head 7 -  Call SetFont( isDefFont, inDefSize,inDefEnh,NUMBER_Null )
.head 7 -  !
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeSetProps
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Boolean: pbColorMatchCase
.head 7 +  ! Number: pnKeyWordFormat
0000: 0100
.head 8 -  ! FMT_Format_LowerCase
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set ibColorMatchCase = pbColorMatchCase
.head 7 -  ! Set inKeyWordFormat = pnKeyWordFormat
.head 5 +  Function: ColorizeAddBlock
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: psBlockBegin
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  String: psBlockEnd
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  String: psColorBlockFont
0000: 0100
.head 7 -  Number: pnColorBlockSize
.head 7 -  Number: pnColorBlockEnh
.head 7 -  Number: pnColorBlockCol
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set isColorBlockBegin[ inColorBlockCount ] = psBlockBegin
.head 7 -  Set isColorBlockEnd[ inColorBlockCount ] = psBlockEnd
.head 7 -  Set isColorBlockFont[ inColorBlockCount ] = psColorBlockFont
.head 7 -  Set inColorBlockSize[ inColorBlockCount ] = pnColorBlockSize
.head 7 -  Set inColorBlockEnh[ inColorBlockCount ] = pnColorBlockEnh
.head 7 -  Set inColorBlockCol[ inColorBlockCount ] = pnColorBlockCol
.head 7 -  Set inColorBlockCount = inColorBlockCount + 1
.head 5 -  ! ---------------------------------------------
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Timer
.head 6 +  Select Case wParam
.head 7 +  Case 99
.head 8 -  Call SalTimerKill(hWndItem,99)
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Set __nStart = GetLineIndexCurrent ()
.head 8 -  Set __nEnd = GetLineLengthCurrent () + __nStart
.head 8 +  If ibColorizeEnabled
.head 9 -  Call Colorize( __nStart, __nEnd )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 5 +  On WM_KEYUP
.head 6 -  ! ! ignore these keys
.head 6 +  Select Case wParam
.head 7 -  Case VK_Left
.head 7 -  Case VK_Right
.head 7 -  Case VK_Up
.head 7 +  Case VK_Down
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 6 -  Call SalTimerSet(hWndItem,99,20 )
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window: cBaseMDI
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button:
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Child Table:
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box:
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column:
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control: cRicheditHighlight
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 2 -  Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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