- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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.head 0 +  Application Description: 
ScriptExecute (version 1.02)
Original function 'SalExecScript' from SALextension.apl
Author ???
Updated by Andrew, 31/07/2002
Description in functional class fcExecScript
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.34
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000
0020: 00000000000D0100 002C000000020000 0003000000FFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFCFFFF
0040: FFE9FFFFFFFFFFFF FF000000007C0200 004D010000010000 0000000000010000
0060: 000F4170706C6963 6174696F6E497465 6D0400000007436C 61737365730B6345
0080: 7865635363726970 740946756E637469 6F6E731145786563 5363726970744465
00A0: 636C617265
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0060: 0000000000000000 0000000000003200 0100000000000000 0000E91E800A0000
0080: DF00FFFF56617269 61626C6573000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
00A0: 3000010000000000 00000000F51E100D 0000F400FFFF436C 6173736573000000
00C0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0000: D000
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.head 2 +  Tool Palette Location
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.head 2 -  Fully Qualified External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
.head 2 -  Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
.head 2 -  Edit Fields Read Only On Disable? No
.head 1 +  Libraries
.head 2 -  ! File Include: vtstr.apl
.head 2 -  ! File Include: vtarray.apl
.head 1 +  Global Declarations
.head 2 +  Window Defaults
.head 3 +  Tool Bar
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 3 +  Form Window
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
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.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
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.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 3 +  Dialog Box
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
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.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
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.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 4 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 3 +  Picture
.head 4 -  Border Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
.head 2 +  Formats
.head 3 -  Number: 0'%'
.head 3 -  Number: #0
.head 3 -  Number: ###000
.head 3 -  Number: ###000;'($'###000')'
.head 3 -  Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: M/d/yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 2 -  External Functions
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 -  System
.head 3 +  User
.head 4 -  !
.head 4 -  ! String: CRLF = '
.head 4 -  Number: DT_WindowHandle 	= 0
.head 4 -  Number: DT_FileHandle 	= 4
.head 4 -  Number: DT_SqlHandle 	= 6
.head 4 -  Number: DT_SessionHandle 	= 8
.head 4 -  !
.head 4 -  Number: TL_IF		= 1
.head 4 -  Number: TL_LOOP	= 2
.head 4 -  Number: TL_WHILE	= 3
.head 4 -  Number: TL_SELECT	= 4
.head 4 -  Number: TL_CASE	= 5
.head 3 -  Enumerations
.head 2 -  Resources
.head 2 +  Variables
.head 3 -  Boolean: abTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Date/Time: adtTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  File Handle: afTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Long String: alsTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Number: anTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Session Handle: aSesTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Sql Handle: aSqlTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  String: asTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  Window Handle: ahWndTempVar[*]
.head 3 -  !
.head 3 -  Boolean: abTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  Date/Time: adtTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  File Handle: afTempVarArr[*, 99 ]
.head 3 -  Long String: alsTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  Number: anTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  Session Handle: aSesTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  Sql Handle: aSqlTempVarArr[*, 99 ]
.head 3 -  String: asTempVarArr[*, 999 ]
.head 3 -  Window Handle: ahWndTempVarArr[*, 99 ]
.head 3 -  ! ------------------------------------------------------- 
.head 2 +  Internal Functions
.head 3 +  Function: SalExecScript
.head 4 -  Description: 
ScriptExecute (version 1.02)
Original function 'SalExecScript' from SALextension.apl
Author ???
Updated by Andrew, 31/07/2002
Description in functional class fcExecScript
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: fpsFileName
.head 5 -  String: strContext
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  FunctionalVar: objExecScript
.head 6 -  Class: cExecScript
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Return objExecScript.ExecScript ( fpsFileName, strContext )
.head 3 +  Function: SetNumber
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Number: p
.head 5 -  Number: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetString
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive String: p
.head 5 -  String: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetBoolean
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Boolean: p
.head 5 -  Boolean: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetDateTime
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Date/Time: p
.head 5 -  Date/Time: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetFileHandle
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive File Handle: p
.head 5 -  File Handle: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetLongString
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Long String: p
.head 5 -  Long String: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetSessionHandle
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Session Handle: p
.head 5 -  Session Handle: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetSqlHandle
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Sql Handle: p
.head 5 -  Sql Handle: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 3 +  Function: SetWindowHandle
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Receive Window Handle: p
.head 5 -  Window Handle: p1
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set p = p1
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 +  Class Definitions
.data RESOURCE 0 0 1 2582542047
0000: 9100000065000000 0000000000000000 0200000100FFFF01 00160000436C6173
0020: 73566172004F7574 6C696E6552006567 496E666F1E003C00 000C660063457865
0040: 6353637200697074 5A00000003780000 0002200400000001 0000FFE080010000
0060: 009F0400C000010D 000000FF7F117000 00000100FFFF01
.head 3 +  Functional Class: cExecScript
.head 4 -  Description: 
version 1.02
Original function 'ExecScript' from SALextension.apl
Author ???
Updated by Andrew, 31/07/2002

v 1.02
- New operators added
	Select Case
	Else If
- Variables declaration added (one-dimensional arrays allowed)
ATTENTION: Any variable name must be UNIQUE!
I recommend use 2-3 underline in ALL variable names
	Long String
	Window Handle
	Sql Handle
	File Handle
- New section added
- Some constants added
- SalExecScript routine moved to functional class fcExecScript
- Changed

v 1.01
- New operators added
- Extended error message
- All variables was moved to global area
- You can set execution context now
- Comment line has an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of the line 
- New format: 
	Boolean ExecScript ( strScriptName, sContext )
- You can inverse quiet mode:
	bQuietMode = ExecScript ( '', '' )


Runs a script. (Like the expressiondialog of CTD in debugmode)
- comments start with a semicolon ';' or '!'
- no 'Call' in front of function calls (like in the expressions dialog)
- as variables for each datatype there are 3  variables and one array predefined
  (see down)
- you can also use normal variables which are accessible in the context
  (when not, full qualification should help)
- 'While' and 'Loop' supported until now !!!
-an 'If' construct must end with an 'Endif'

sTemp1,	sTemp2,	sTemp3,	asTemp[*]
strTemp1,	strTemp2,	strTemp3,	astrTemp[*]
nTemp1,	nTemp2,	nTemp3,	anTemp[*]
intTemp1,	intTemp2,	intTemp3,	aintTemp[*]
dTemp1,	dTemp2,	dTemp3,	adTemp[*]
dtTemp1,	dtTemp2,	dtTemp3,	adtTemp[*]
hWndTemp1,	hWndTemp2,	hWndTemp3,	ahWndTemp[*]
bTemp1,	 bTemp2,	bTemp3,	abTemp[*]
SqlTemp1,	SqlTemp2,	SqlTemp3,	aSqlTemp[*]
lsTemp1,	lsTemp2,	lsTemp3,	alsTemp[*]
fTemp1,	fTemp2,	fTemp3,	afTemp[*]

Example:  Test.sal

Set df1 = 'Test'
if strTemp1 = df1
    Set df1 = 'GehtXX !!!'
;Set df2 = df3
Set df1 = df1 || ' geht doch'
Set hWndTemp1 = df2
Set strTemp1 = 'Joh'
SalSetWindowText(hWndTemp1 ,strTemp1)
Set ahWndTemp[1] = df1
; -------------Sql-Test-----------------
SqlPrepareAndExecute(SqlTemp1,"SELECT count(*) into :strTemp1 From mis.TB_objects where rownum < 20")

Call ExecScript ( 'Test.sal', SalContextCurrent() )

.head 4 -  Derived From
.head 4 +  Class Variables
.head 5 -  String: asVarToReal[*]
.head 5 -  Boolean: bInit
.head 5 -  Boolean: bQuietMode
.head 4 +  Instance Variables
.head 5 -  String: asVariables[*]
.head 5 -  String: asVariablesReal[*]
.head 5 -  Number: anVariables[8]
.head 5 -  Number: anArrays[8]
.head 5 -  Number: nMaxVariable
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Boolean: bLevelExecute[*]
.head 5 -  Number: nLevelType[*]
.head 5 -  Number: nGotoLine[*]
.head 5 -  Number: nLevel
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Long String: alsLine [ * ]
.head 5 -  Long String: lsLine
.head 5 -  Number: nCurLine
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: nError
.head 5 -  Number: nErrorPos
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  String: sFileName
.head 5 -  String: sContext
.head 4 +  Functions
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScript
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  String: sFileNamePar
.head 7 -  String: sContextPar
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Boolean: lbResult
.head 7 -  File Handle: lfhScript
.head 7 -  Number: nMaxLine
.head 7 -  Number: nLoop
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set sFileName = sFileNamePar
.head 7 -  Set sContext = sContextPar
.head 7 +  If NOT bInit
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptInit ( )
.head 8 -  Set bInit = TRUE
.head 7 +  If sFileName = ''
.head 8 -  Set bQuietMode = NOT bQuietMode
.head 8 -  Return bQuietMode
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set lbResult = FALSE
.head 8 -  Set bLevelExecute[0] = TRUE
.head 8 -  Set nGotoLine[0] = -1
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 +  If SalFileOpen(lfhScript, sFileName, OF_Read)
.head 9 -  Call SalWaitCursor( TRUE )
.head 9 -  Set lbResult = TRUE
.head 9 -  ! read Script
.head 9 +  While SalFileGetStr(lfhScript, lsLine, 4096)
.head 10 -  ! when comment, or nothing -> ignore
.head 10 +  If SalStrLeftX ( SalStrTrimX ( lsLine), 1 ) != ';' 
and SalStrLeftX ( SalStrTrimX ( lsLine), 1 ) != '!' 
and SalStrTrimX(lsLine) != ''
.head 11 -  !
.head 11 -  ! security Check
.head 11 +  If SalStrScan(lsLine,'SqlPassword') > -1
.head 12 -  Set lsLine =  VisStrSubstitute(lsLine, 'SqlPassword', '')
.head 12 +  If not bQuietMode
.head 13 -  Call SalMessageBox("Script '" || sFileName || "' Security Alert !", 
"Warning", MB_Ok | MB_IconExclamation)
.head 11 -  !
.head 11 -  ! ok Execute line
.head 11 +  Else
.head 12 -  Set nCurLine = nMaxLine
.head 12 -  Set nMaxLine = nMaxLine + 1
.head 12 -  Call ExecScriptReplaceVarReal ( lsLine )
.head 12 -  Set alsLine [ nMaxLine ] = lsLine
.head 12 +  Loop
.head 13 -  Set nCurLine = nCurLine + 1
.head 13 +  If nCurLine > nMaxLine
.head 14 -  Break
.head 13 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( alsLine [ nCurLine ] )
.head 13 +  If ExecScriptMain ( )
.head 14 -  Break
.head 12 -  !
.head 10 +  If nError != 0
.head 11 -  Break
.head 9 -  !
.head 9 -  Call SalWaitCursor( FALSE )
.head 9 -  Call SalFileClose(lfhScript)
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 +  If not bQuietMode
.head 10 -  Call SalMessageBox("Script '" || sFileName ||  "' not found !", 
"Error", MB_Ok | MB_IconExclamation)
.head 8 -  Return lbResult
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptAddVar
.head 6 -  Description: Add new variable
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Number: nType
.head 7 -  String: lsLine
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nPos
.head 7 -  Number: nIndex
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set nIndex = ExecScriptFindVar ( lsLine )
.head 7 +  If nIndex >= 0
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set nPos =  SalStrScan( lsLine, '[' )
.head 8 +  If nPos >= 0
.head 9 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrLeftX( lsLine, nPos ) )
.head 9 -  Set asVariablesReal [ nMaxVariable ] = asVarToReal [ nType ] || 'Arr[' ||
SalNumberToStrX( anArrays [ nType ], 0 ) || ']'
.head 9 -  Set anArrays [ nType ] = anArrays [ nType ] + 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set anVariables [ nType ] = anVariables [ nType ] + 1
.head 9 -  Set asVariablesReal [ nMaxVariable ] = asVarToReal [ nType ] || '[' ||
SalNumberToStrX( anVariables [ nType ], 0 ) || ']'
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Set asVariables [ nMaxVariable ] = lsLine
.head 8 -  Set nMaxVariable = nMaxVariable + 1
.head 8 -  !
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptReplaceVarReal
.head 6 -  Description: Add new variable
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Receive String: lsLine
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nCurVar
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  ! If SalStrScan( SalStrLowerX ( lsLine ), '\_\_' ) >= 0
.head 7 -  Set nCurVar = 0
.head 7 +  While nCurVar < nMaxVariable
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrSubstitute( lsLine, asVariables [ nCurVar ], asVariablesReal [ nCurVar ] )
.head 8 -  Set nCurVar = nCurVar + 1
.head 7 -  Set lsLine = VisStrSubstitute( lsLine, '][', ',' )
.head 7 -  Set lsLine = VisStrSubstitute( lsLine, '] [', ',' )
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptFindVar
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Number:
.head 6 +  Parameters
.head 7 -  Receive String: lsLine
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nPos
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set nPos =  SalStrScan( lsLine, '!' )
.head 7 +  If nPos >= 0
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrLeftX( lsLine, nPos ) )
.head 7 -  Return VisArrayFindString ( asVariables, lsLine)
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptInit
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 -  Local variables
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_Boolean ] = 'abTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_DateTime ] = 'adtTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_Number ] = 'anTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_String ] = 'asTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_LongString ] = 'alsTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_WindowHandle ] = 'ahWndTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_FileHandle ] = 'afTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_SqlHandle ] = 'aSqlTempVar'
.head 7 -  Set asVarToReal [ DT_SessionHandle ] = 'aSesTempVar'
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptMain
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Number: nType
.head 7 -  Number: nReturn
.head 7 -  String: strReturn
.head 7 -  Date/Time: dtReturn
.head 7 -  Window Handle: hWndReturn
.head 7 -  String: sWord
.head 7 -  Number: nLevelBreak
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set sWord = ExecScriptGetWord ( )
.head 7 +  If sWord = 'if'
.head 8 -  Set nLevel = nLevel + 1
.head 8 -  Set nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_IF
.head 8 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute[ nLevel - 1]
.head 9 -  Set nType =  SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 9 -  ! when 'if' was true
.head 9 +  If nReturn = 1
.head 10 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = TRUE
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'else'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_IF
.head 9 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] 
.head 10 -  Set bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 9 +  Else If bLevelExecute [ nLevel - 1 ] 
.head 10 -  Set bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] = TRUE
.head 10 +  If SalStrLowerX ( SalStrLeftX( lsLine, 7 ) ) = 'else if'
.head 11 -  Set lsLine = 'if     ' || SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 7 )
.head 11 -  Set nType =  SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 11 -  ! when 'if' was false
.head 11 +  If nReturn != 1
.head 12 -  Set bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_IF
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'endif'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_IF
.head 9 -  Set nLevel = nLevel - 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_IF
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'loop'
.head 8 -  Set nLevel = nLevel + 1
.head 8 -  Set nGotoLine[ nLevel ] = nCurLine
.head 8 -  Set nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_LOOP
.head 8 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = bLevelExecute[ nLevel - 1 ]
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'endloop'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_LOOP
.head 9 +  If bLevelExecute[ nLevel ]
.head 10 -  Set nCurLine = nGotoLine[ nLevel ]
.head 9 +  Else
.head 10 -  Set nLevel = nLevel - 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_LOOP
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'break'
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] 
.head 9 -  Set nLevelBreak = nLevel
.head 9 +  While nLevelBreak > 0
.head 10 +  If bLevelExecute[ nLevelBreak ]
AND nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] = TL_CASE
.head 11 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevelBreak - 1 ] = FALSE
.head 10 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevelBreak ] = FALSE
.head 10 +  If nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] = TL_LOOP
OR nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] = TL_WHILE
OR nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] = TL_CASE
.head 11 -  Break
.head 10 -  Set nLevelBreak = nLevelBreak - 1
.head 9 +  If nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] != TL_LOOP
AND nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] != TL_WHILE
AND nLevelType[ nLevelBreak ] != TL_CASE
.head 10 -  Set nError = -TL_LOOP
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'return'
.head 8 -  Set nLevelBreak = nLevel
.head 8 +  While nLevelBreak >= 0
.head 9 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevelBreak ] = FALSE
.head 9 -  Set nLevelBreak = nLevelBreak - 1
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'while'
.head 8 -  Set nLevel = nLevel + 1
.head 8 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 8 -  Set nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_WHILE
.head 8 -  Set nGotoLine[ nLevel ] = nCurLine - 1
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel - 1 ] 
.head 9 -  Set lsLine = 'if   ' || SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 5 )
.head 9 -  Set nType =  SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 9 -  ! when 'while' was true
.head 9 +  If nReturn = 1
.head 10 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = TRUE
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'endwhile'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_WHILE
.head 9 +  If bLevelExecute[ nLevel ]
.head 10 -  Set nCurLine = nGotoLine[ nLevel ]
.head 9 -  Set nLevel = nLevel - 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_WHILE
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'select' 
AND SalStrLowerX ( SalStrLeftX( lsLine, 11 ) ) = 'select case'
.head 8 -  Set nLevel = nLevel + 1
.head 8 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 8 -  Set nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_SELECT
.head 8 -  Set nGotoLine[ nLevel ] = nCurLine
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel - 1 ] 
.head 9 -  Set alsLine [ nCurLine ] = SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 11 )
.head 9 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = TRUE
.head 9 +  !
.head 10 +  Select Case nVar
.head 11 +  Case 1
.head 12 -  ...
.head 12 -  Break 
.head 11 -  EndCase
.head 11 +  Default 
.head 12 -  ...
.head 10 -  EndSelectCase
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'case'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_SELECT
.head 9 -  Set nLevel = nLevel + 1
.head 9 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = FALSE
.head 9 -  Set nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_CASE
.head 9 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel - 1 ] 
.head 10 -  Set lsLine = 'if ' || alsLine [ nGotoLine[ nLevel - 1 ] ] || '=' || 
SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 5 )
.head 10 -  Set nType =  SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 10 +  If nReturn = 1
.head 11 -  Set bLevelExecute[ nLevel ] = TRUE
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_SELECT
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'endcase'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_CASE
.head 9 -  Set nLevel = nLevel - 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_CASE
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'endselectcase'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] = TL_SELECT
.head 9 -  Set nLevel = nLevel - 1
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_SELECT
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'default'
.head 8 +  If nLevelType[ nLevel ] != TL_SELECT
.head 9 -  Set nError = -TL_SELECT
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'call'
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel ] 
.head 9 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 5 ) )
.head 9 -  Set nType = SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 9 +  If nError > 0
.head 10 -  Set nErrorPos = nErrorPos + 5
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'variables'
.head 8 -  !
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'actions'
.head 8 -  !
.head 7 +  ! Else If sWord = 'set'
.head 8 +  If bLevelExecute [ nLevel ]
.head 9 -  Set nType = SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 7 +  Else If bLevelExecute [ nLevel ]
.head 8 +  If nLevel != 0 OR NOT ExecScriptDeclare ( )
.head 9 -  Set nType = SalCompileAndEvaluate(lsLine ,nError, nErrorPos, nReturn, strReturn, dtReturn, hWndReturn, bQuietMode, sContext )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  If nError = 0
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Return ExecScriptError ( )
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptError
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  Boolean:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sCurLine
.head 7 -  Number: nLen
.head 7 -  String: sError
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set sCurLine = alsLine [ nCurLine ]
.head 7 +  If nErrorPos > 0
.head 8 -  Set nLen = SalStrLength( sCurLine )
.head 8 +  If nErrorPos <= nLen
.head 9 -  Set sCurLine = SalStrLeftX( sCurLine, nErrorPos ) || "***" ||
SalStrRightX( sCurLine, nLen - nErrorPos )
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set sCurLine = sCurLine || "***"
.head 7 +  If nError > 0
.head 8 -  Set sError = "number: " || SalNumberToStrX( nError, 0 )
.head 7 +  Else If nError < 0
.head 8 +  Select Case -nError
.head 9 +  Case TL_IF
.head 10 -  Set sError = 'IF not found'
.head 10 -  Break
.head 9 +  Case TL_LOOP
.head 10 -  Set sError = 'LOOP not found'
.head 10 -  Break
.head 9 +  Case TL_WHILE
.head 10 -  Set sError = 'WHILE not found'
.head 10 -  Break
.head 9 +  Case TL_CASE
.head 10 -  Set sError = 'CASE not found'
.head 10 -  Break
.head 9 +  Case TL_SELECT
.head 10 -  Set sError = 'SELECT not found'
.head 10 -  Break
.head 7 +  If SalMessageBox(
"Script name: " || sFileName || '
' || "Line number: " || SalNumberToStrX( nCurLine, 0 ) || '
|| "Error " || sError || '
|| "Position: "
|| SalNumberToStrX( nErrorPos, 0 ) || ' (marked ***).

' || "String (ANSI): " || sCurLine || '

' || "String (OEM): " || SalFmtOemToAnsi ( sCurLine ) || '

' || "Continue?",
MB_YesNo | MB_IconQuestion ) = IDNO
.head 8 -  Return TRUE
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptDeclare
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 -  Returns
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  Boolean: bDeclare
.head 7 -  String: sWord
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set bDeclare = TRUE
.head 7 -  Set sWord = ExecScriptGetWord ( )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'Number' ??
.head 7 +  If sWord = 'number:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 7 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_Number, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'Boolean' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'boolean:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 8 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_Boolean, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'String' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'string:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 7 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_String, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'DateTime' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'date/time:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 10 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_DateTime, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'LongString' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'longstring:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 11 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_LongString, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'WindowHandle' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'windowhandle:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 13 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_WindowHandle, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'FileHandle' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'filehandle:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 11 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_FileHandle, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'SqlHandle' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'sqlhandle:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 11 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_SqlHandle, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  ! 'SessionHandle' ??
.head 7 +  Else If sWord = 'sessionhandle:'
.head 8 -  Set lsLine = VisStrTrim( SalStrRightX( lsLine, SalStrLength( lsLine ) - 14 ) )
.head 8 -  Call ExecScriptAddVar ( DT_SessionHandle, lsLine )
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set bDeclare = FALSE
.head 7 -  !
.head 7 -  Return bDeclare
.head 5 +  Function: ExecScriptGetWord
.head 6 -  Description:
.head 6 +  Returns
.head 7 -  String:
.head 6 -  Parameters
.head 6 -  Static Variables
.head 6 +  Local variables
.head 7 -  String: sLine
.head 7 -  Number: nPos
.head 6 +  Actions
.head 7 -  Set sLine = SalStrLowerX ( lsLine )
.head 7 -  Set nPos = SalStrScan( sLine, ' ' )
.head 7 +  If nPos < 0
.head 8 -  Set nPos = SalStrScan( sLine, '	' )
.head 7 +  If nPos < 0
.head 8 -  Return sLine
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Return SalStrLeftX( sLine, nPos )
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window: cBaseMDI
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button:
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Child Table:
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box:
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column:
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control:
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 2 -  Application Actions - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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