- примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)

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.head 0 +  Application Description: Centura SQLWindows/32 Standard Application Template
.head 1 -  Outline Version - 4.0.27
.head 1 +  Design-time Settings
0000: 6F00000001000000 FFFF01000D004347 5458566965775374 6174650400010000
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0000: D000
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.head 2 -  Fully Qualified External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Reject Multiple Window Instances? No
.head 2 -  Enable Runtime Checks Of External References? Yes
.head 2 -  Use Release 4.0 Scope Rules? No
.head 1 +  Libraries
.head 2 -  File Include: vtpic.apl
.head 1 +  Global Declarations
.head 2 +  Window Defaults
.head 3 +  Tool Bar
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
.head 4 -  Font Name: MS Sans Serif
.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: System Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
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.head 4 -  Font Size: 8
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.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 3 +  Dialog Box
.head 4 -  Display Style? Etched
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.head 4 -  Text Color: System Default
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.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
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.head 4 -  Text Color: Use Parent
.head 4 -  Background Color: Use Parent
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.head 4 -  Font Size: Use Parent
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.head 3 -  Number: ###000
.head 3 -  Number: ###000;'($'###000')'
.head 3 -  Date/Time: hh:mm:ss AMPM
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.head 3 -  Date/Time: MM-dd-yy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: dd-MMM-yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 3 -  Date/Time: MMMM d, yyyy hh:mm AMPM
.head 2 +  External Functions
.head 2 +  Constants
.data CCDATA
0000: 3000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000
.data CCSIZE
0000: 1400
.head 3 -  System
.head 3 -  User
.head 2 -  Resources
.head 2 -  Variables
.head 2 +  Internal Functions
.head 3 -  ! ! Dialogs
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgBox
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	gb
date:	2000
version:	1.00

Own configurable MessageBox

1. Text
2. Title
3. Text of the buttons (seperated with ; ), e.g.  'OK;Cancel;Retry;Ignore'
4. Number of the button which has the focus
5. Icon (the std constants like,..MB_IconQuestion, MB_Icon... or a icon handle of a own loaded icon)
6. Checkboxtext, only visible when the string is not null ("Donґt show this question again" )
7. Returns the Checkbox state (TRUE /FALSE )

Number of the button which was clicked (starting with 1)

Select Case SalDlgBox('This is the text...', 'and this is the title', 'OK;Cancel;Retry;Ignore', 4, MB_IconQuestion)
  Case 1
       !..OK clicked...
  Case 2
       !... Cancel clicked...

------with custom icons/bitmaps--------
Set lhPicCustom = VisPicLoad( PIC_FormatIcon | PIC_LoadSWinRes,'icoTest','')
Select Case SalDlgBox('This is the text...', 'and this is the title', 'OK', 1, lhPicCustom)
Call VisPicFree( lhPicCustom )
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Number:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 +  String: psMsg
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  ! Text to display
.head 5 +  String: psTitle
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  ! title of the window
.head 5 +  String: psBtnTxt
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  ! Text of the buttons (seperated with ; ), e.g.  'OK;Cancel;Retry;Ignore'
.head 5 +  Number: pnFocus
.head 6 -  ! Button, which has of default the focus
.head 5 +  Number: pnIcon
.head 6 -  ! Icon (the std constants like,..MB_IconQuestion, MB_Icon... or a icon handle of a own loaded icon)
.head 5 +  String: psCheckBoxText
.head 6 -  ! Checkboxtext, only visible when the string is not null ("Donґt show this question again" )
.head 5 +  Receive Boolean: rbCheckBoxState
0000: 0100
.head 6 -  ! Returns the Checkbox state (TRUE /FALSE )
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnReturn
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Boolean: lbCheckBoxState
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set lbCheckBoxState = rbCheckBoxState
.head 5 -  Set lnReturn = SalModalDialog(dlgMsgBox, hWndForm, psMsg, psTitle, psBtnTxt, pnFocus, pnIcon, psCheckBoxText, lbCheckBoxState )
.head 5 -  Set rbCheckBoxState = lbCheckBoxState
.head 5 -  Return lnReturn
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgODBCManage
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	T. Wiedmann
version:	1.00

Show the ODBC datasources dialog

 Call SalDlgODBC(hWndForm)

See also:
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: p_hWnd
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Boolean: lbRet
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set lbRet = SQLManageDataSources(p_hWnd)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Return lbRet
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgODBCCreate
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	T. Wiedmann
version:	1.00

Show the create dialog for ODBC datasources

 Call SalDlgODBCCreate(hWndForm, 'MyDatasource')

See also:
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: p_hWnd
.head 5 -  String: p_sDataSourceName
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Boolean: lbRet
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  ! !
.head 5 -  Set lbRet = SQLCreateDataSource(p_hWnd,p_sDataSourceName)
.head 5 -  ! !
.head 5 -  Return lbRet
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgShell
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	Thomas Wiedmann
date:	???
version:	1.00

Opens the shell run dialog

Call SalDlgShell(hWndForm,0,TRUE,'Centura say run..','Do it..!',0)       --custom
Call SalDlgShell(hWndForm,0,TRUE,STRING_Null,STRING_Null,0)	  --default
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: p_hOwner
.head 5 -  Number: p_nIcon
.head 5 -  ! Boolean: p_bMRUString
.head 5 -  String: p_sTitle
.head 5 -  String: p_sPrompt
.head 5 -  Number: p_nFlags
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnSize
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 +  ! If p_bMRUString = TRUE    -- commented because of crashs
.head 6 -  Set p_nFlags = 0x2
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set lnSize = SalStrLength(p_sTitle)
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength(p_sTitle,lnSize+1)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set lnSize = SalStrLength(p_sPrompt)
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength(p_sPrompt,lnSize+1)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Call SHRunDialog(p_hOwner,p_nIcon,STRING_Null,p_sTitle,p_sPrompt,p_nFlags)
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgConnectToPrinter
.head 4 -  Description: author: Based on "Peter Pietzk, BasicPro 5/2001, Windows-Standarddialoge, S.67f

19.02.2002 Thomas Wiedmann

RUNDLL32.APT show some more Windows Dialogs :
date:	???
Version:	???

Opens the printer config dialog

Call SalDlgConnectToPrinter()
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Number:
.head 4 -  Parameters
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 +  If SalLoadApp('rundll32.exe', 'shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter' )
.head 6 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgConnectToNet
.head 4 -  Description:
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: phWndParent
0000: 0100
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Call WNetConnectionDialog(phWndParent, RESOURCETYPE_DISK )
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgCopyDisk
.head 4 -  Description: author: Based on "Peter Pietzk, BasicPro 5/2001, Windows-Standarddialoge, S.67f

19.02.2002 Thomas Wiedmann

RUNDLL32.APT show some more Windows Dialogs :
date:	???
Version:	???

Opens the copy dialog

Call SalDlgCopyDisk( 'A:', 'C:' )
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: p_sFromDisk
.head 5 -  String: p_sToDisk
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnRet
.head 5 -  String: lsFromDisk
.head 5 -  String: lsToDisk
.head 5 -  String: lsFrom
.head 5 -  String: lsTo
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Set lsFromDisk = SalStrUpperX(SalStrTrimX(p_sFromDisk))
.head 5 -  Set lsToDisk = SalStrUpperX(SalStrTrimX(p_sToDisk))
.head 5 -  Set lsFromDisk = SalStrLeftX(lsFromDisk,1)
.head 5 -  Set lsToDisk = SalStrLeftX(lsToDisk,1)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  If lsFromDisk = 'A'
.head 6 -  Set lsFrom = '0'
.head 5 +  Else If lsFromDisk = 'B'
.head 6 -  Set lsFrom = '1'
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  If lsToDisk = 'A'
.head 6 -  Set lsTo = '0'
.head 5 +  Else If lsToDisk = 'B'
.head 6 -  Set lsTo = '1'
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  If SalLoadApp('rundll32.exe', 'diskcopy.dll,DiskCopyRunDll ' || lsFrom || ', ' || lsTo)
.head 6 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 5 -  !
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgOpenWith
.head 4 -  Description: author: Based on "Peter Pietzk, BasicPro 5/2001, Windows-Standarddialoge, S.67f

19.02.2002 Thomas Wiedmann

RUNDLL32.APT show some more Windows Dialogs :
date:	???
Version:	???

Opens the "OpenWith"- dialog

Call SalDlgOpenWith( 'C:\Temp\Test.txt')
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Number:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: p_sFilename
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnRet
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 +  If SalLoadApp('rundll32.exe', 'shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL ' || p_sFilename)
.head 6 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Return FALSE
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgOpenFileStd
.head 4 -  Description: author:	Marco Sanchez (
	Based on by : © Christian Astor
date:	02.05.2002
version:	1.00

Displays Standard Open File Dialog
Use it instead of SalDlgOpenFile()


hWndOwner	Window Handle. The handle (or name) of the owner of the dialog box. Specify hWndNULL if it has no owner.
sDlgTitle	String. The title of the Open file dialog box.
sFilters	String. An array of file filters and their descriptions. Each filter must have a description that precedes the filter in the array.
			as in SalDlgOpenFile()
sInitialDir	String. Initial Dir for the dialog
sDefaultExtension	String. Default extension in case the user doesn't type it
nFlags		Number.  Combination of OFN_ constantsT
bPlacesBar	Boolean. Specifies wheter to display the "Places" bar when using the explorer style
sSelectedDirectory Receive String. The directory where the file(s) where selected
sSelectedFiles[*]   Receive String.  The selected file(s)

Return Value
bRet is TRUE if the user specifies a file name and FALSE if the user clicks the Cancel push button.


Set sTab[0] = "All Files"
Set sTab[1] = "*.*"
Set sTab[2] = "Text Files (*.txt)"
Set sTab[3] = "*.txt"
Set nFlags = 0
If cbMultipleSelection
	Set nFlags = nFlags |  OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
If cbMustExist
	Set nFlags = nFlags |  OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST
If cbExplorer
	Set nFlags = nFlags |  OFN_EXPLORER
If Not  cbRead_Only
	Set nFlags = nFlags |  OFN_HIDEREADONLY
Call SalArraySetUpperBound( strFiles, 1, -1 )
If SalDlgOpenFileX(hWndForm,dfTitle, sTab,dfInitialDir,dfDefaultExtension,nFlags, cbPlacesBar, strDirectory, strFiles )

.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean:
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: hWndOwner
.head 5 -  String: sDlgTitle
.head 5 -  String: sFilters[*]
.head 5 -  String: sInitialDir
.head 5 -  ! String: psFile
.head 5 -  String: sDefaultExtension
.head 5 -  Number: nFlags
.head 5 -  Boolean: bPlacesBar
.head 5 -  Receive String: sSelectedDirectory
.head 5 -  Receive String: sSelectedFiles[*]
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: nIndex
.head 5 -  Number: nCpt
.head 5 -  Number: nAddr
.head 5 -  String: sFilter
.head 5 -  String: sFile
.head 5 -  String: sFileTitle
.head 5 -  String: sFileArray[*]
.head 5 -  Number: nFileOffset
.head 5 -  Number: nFileExtension
.head 5 -  Number: nLength
.head 5 -  String: sBuffer
.head 5 -  Number: ncMonikers
.head 5 -  Number: nFlagsEx
.head 5 -  Number: hLibrary
.head 5 -  String: sTemplate
.head 5 -  Number: nIndexSelected
.head 5 -  Boolean: bResult
.head 5 -  Number: nDim
.head 5 -  Number: nOffset
.head 5 -  Boolean: bInclude
.head 5 -  Number: nStructSize
.head 5 -  Boolean: bFinish
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Call SalArrayGetUpperBound( sFilters, 1, nDim )
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sFilter, 260 )
.head 5 -  Set nCpt = 0
.head 5 -  Set nOffset = 0
.head 5 +  While nCpt <= nDim
.head 6 -  Call CStructPutString( sFilter, nOffset, SalStrLength(sFilters[nCpt])+ 1, sFilters[nCpt] )
.head 6 -  Set nOffset = nOffset + SalStrLength(sFilters[nCpt])+ 1
.head 6 -  Set nCpt = nCpt + 1
.head 5 -  Call CStructPutByte( sFilter, nOffset, 0 )
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set nIndex = 1
.head 5 -  Set nAddr = CStructAllocFarMem( 1000 )
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sFile, 1000 )
.head 5 -  Call CStructCopyFromFarMem( nAddr, sFile, 1000 )
.head 5 -  Call CStructPutString( sFile, 0,    1, "" )
.head 5 -  Call CStructPutByte( sFile, 2, 0 )
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sFileTitle, 260 )
.head 5 -  Call CStructPutString( sFileTitle, 0,  1,"" )
.head 5 -  Call CStructPutByte( sFileTitle, 2, 0 )
.head 5 +  If (nFlags & OFN_EXPLORER)
.head 6 -  Set sTemplate = "#101"
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Set sTemplate = "#1536"
.head 5 +  If bPlacesBar
.head 6 -  Set nFlagsEx = OFN_EX_NOPLACESBAR
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Set nFlagsEx = 0
.head 5 -  Set ncMonikers = 0
.head 5 -  Set nStructSize = 76
.head 5 +  If VisDosGetVersion(  ) >= 5! For W2K, WXP
.head 6 -  Set nStructSize = 88
.head 5 +  If GetOpenFileNameA( nStructSize, hWndOwner, hLibrary, sFilter,
 STRING_Null, 0, nIndex, sFile, 1000, sFileTitle, 260,
 sInitialDir, sDlgTitle, nFlags, nFileOffset, nFileExtension,
 sDefaultExtension, 0, 0, sTemplate,0,0,nFlagsEx )
.head 6 -  Set bResult=TRUE
.head 6 +  If ((nFlags & OFN_EXPLORER) and (nFlags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT)) or
 ((nFlags & OFN_EXPLORER) and (nFlags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK)) or
((nFlags & OFN_EXPLORER) and (nFlags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE)) or
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuffer, 260 )
.head 7 -  Set nLength = CStructGetString( sFile,  0, 260, sBuffer )
.head 7 +  If nLength
.head 8 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=sBuffer
.head 8 -  ! sSelectedFiles
.head 7 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuffer, 260 )
.head 7 -  Set nLength = CStructGetString( sFile,  nFileOffset, 260, sBuffer )
.head 7 -  Set nFileOffset = nFileOffset +  SalStrLength(sBuffer) + 1
.head 7 -  Set nCpt = 0
.head 7 +  While nLength
.head 8 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength( sBuffer, 260 )
.head 8 -  Set nLength = CStructGetString( sFile,  nFileOffset , 260, sBuffer )
.head 8 +  If nLength
.head 9 -  ! Call SalListAdd( lbSelectedFiles, sBuffer )
.head 9 -  Set sSelectedFiles[nIndexSelected] = sBuffer
.head 9 -  Set nIndexSelected = nIndexSelected + 1
.head 8 +  Else If nCpt = 0
.head 9 -  Set sSelectedFiles[nIndexSelected] = sSelectedDirectory
.head 9 -  Set nIndexSelected = nIndexSelected + 1
.head 8 -  Set nCpt = 1
.head 8 -  Set nFileOffset = nFileOffset +  SalStrLength(sBuffer) + 1
.head 6 +  Else
.head 7 -  Call SalArraySetUpperBound( sFileArray, 1, -1 )
.head 7 -  Set nLength = SalStrTokenize( sFile, " ", " ", sFileArray )
.head 7 -  Set nCpt = 0
.head 7 +  If nLength > 1
.head 8 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=sFileArray[0]
.head 8 -  Set nCpt = 1
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  ! eXTRACT dIRECTORY
.head 8 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=sFileArray[0]
.head 7 +  While nCpt <= nLength
.head 8 -  ! Set bInclude=TRUE
.head 8 +  ! If nCpt = 0
.head 9 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=sFileArray[nCpt]
.head 9 +  If nFlags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
.head 10 -  Set bInclude=FALSE
.head 8 -  ! If bInclude
.head 8 -  Set sSelectedFiles[nIndexSelected] = sFileArray[nCpt]
.head 8 -  Set nIndexSelected = nIndexSelected + 1
.head 8 -  Set nCpt = nCpt + 1
.head 6 -  ! Extract the dir
.head 6 +  If sSelectedDirectory != sSelectedFiles[0]
.head 7 +  If SalStrRightX( sSelectedDirectory, 1 ) != "\\"
.head 8 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=sSelectedDirectory || "\\"
.head 6 +  Else
.head 7 -  ! Only 1 file selected
.head 7 -  Set nIndex = SalStrLength( sSelectedDirectory )
.head 7 +  While Not (bFinish)
.head 8 +  If SalStrMidX( sSelectedDirectory, nIndex, 1 ) = "\\"
.head 9 -  Set bFinish = TRUE
.head 8 +  Else
.head 9 -  Set nIndex = nIndex -1
.head 9 +  If nIndex < 0
.head 10 -  Set bFinish = TRUE
.head 7 -  Set sSelectedDirectory=SalStrLeftX( sSelectedDirectory, nIndex ) || "\\"
.head 7 -  Set sSelectedFiles[0]=SalStrRightX( sSelectedFiles[0], SalStrLength( sSelectedFiles[0] )-nIndex - 1 )
.head 5 -  Return bResult
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgBrowseFolder
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	???
version:	1.00

Displays Windows' own browse dialog

if SalDlgBrowseFolder( hWndForm,'Select a directory','...','Select a directory', BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER, sFolder )

nFlags:  	BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER	= 0x1000		! Browsing for Computers
 	BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER	= 0x2000		! Browsing for Printers
 	BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES	= 0x4000		! Browsing for Everything
 	BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN	= 0x0002		! Don't show network folders
 	BIF_EDITBOX			= 0x0010		! Show data field for editing
 	BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS	= 0x0008		! Show only file system anchestors
 	BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS	= 0x0001		! Show only file system directories
 	BIF_STATUSTEXT		= 0x0004		! Show status area with status text
 	BIF_VALIDATE			= 0x0020		! Validate the content of the data field
.head 4 +  Returns
.head 5 -  Boolean: ! TRUE if user hit OK, FALSE otherwise
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: hWndOwner
.head 5 +  String: sTitle
.head 6 -  ! title of dialog, leave blank for standard title!
.head 5 +  String: sSubTitle
.head 6 -  ! subtitle of dialog
.head 5 +  String: sStatusText
.head 6 -  ! status text
.head 5 +  Number: nFlags
.head 6 -  ! BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER		= 0x1000		! Browsing for Computers
 BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER		= 0x2000		! Browsing for Printers
 BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES		= 0x4000		! Browsing for Everything
 BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN		= 0x0002		! Don't show network folders
 BIF_EDITBOX				= 0x0010		! Show data field for editing
 BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS		= 0x0008		! Show only file system anchestors
 BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS		= 0x0001		! Show only file system directories
 BIF_STATUSTEXT			= 0x0004		! Show status area with status text
 BIF_VALIDATE				= 0x0020		! Validate the content of the data field
.head 5 +  Receive String: sFolder
.head 6 -  ! in: initial folder, out: folder chosen by user
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: hProc
.head 5 -  Number: pProc
.head 5 -  Number: nPathID
.head 5 -  String: sHelp
.head 5 -  Number: nHelp
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set sHelp = " "
.head 5 -  Set sHelp = sFolder
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength ( sHelp, 254 )
.head 5 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength ( sSubTitle, 254 )
.head 5 -  Set nHelp = 0
.head 5 +  If sSubTitle = STRING_Null
.head 6 -  Set sSubTitle = " "
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set nPathID = SHBrowseForFolder ( hWndOwner, 0, sHelp, sSubTitle, nFlags, pProc, 0, nHelp )
.head 5 +  If nPathID != 0
.head 6 -  ! User chose a path, get it
.head 6 -  Call SalStrSetBufferLength ( sFolder, 254 )
.head 6 -  Call SHGetPathFromIDList ( nPathID, sFolder )
.head 6 -  !
.head 6 -  ! this row was inserted after the article was printed and avoids memory leaks
.head 6 -  Call GlobalFree ( nPathID )
.head 6 -  !
.head 6 -  Return TRUE
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Return FALSE
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgSysAbout
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	tl
date:	16.06.2003
version:	1.00

Shows the shell system about dialog
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  Window Handle: phWndParent
.head 5 -  String: psTitle
.head 5 -  String: psText
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Call ShellAboutA(phWndParent,psTitle,psText,NUMBER_Null )
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgSysDateTime
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	tl
date:	16.06.2003
version:	1.00
desc: show the system datetime dialog
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 -  Parameters
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 -  Local variables
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Call WinExec("control timedate.cpl", SW_NORMAL)
.head 3 +  Function: SalDlgFileProperties
.head 4 -  Description: author: 	taken from C. ASTOR sample
date:	14.11.2003
version:	1.00

show the file property dialog
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: sPath
0000: 0100
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: hInstApp
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: hProcess
0000: 0100
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  Call ShellExecuteExA( 60, SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST, hWndForm, "properties", sPath, "", "", SW_SHOW, hInstApp, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, hProcess )
.head 2 -  Named Menus
.head 2 -  Class Definitions
.head 2 +  Default Classes
.head 3 -  MDI Window: cBaseMDI
.head 3 -  Form Window:
.head 3 -  Dialog Box:
.head 3 -  Table Window:
.head 3 -  Quest Window:
.head 3 -  Data Field:
.head 3 -  Spin Field:
.head 3 -  Multiline Field:
.head 3 -  Pushbutton:
.head 3 -  Radio Button:
.head 3 -  Option Button:
.head 3 -  Check Box:
.head 3 -  Child Table:
.head 3 -  Quest Child Window: cQuickDatabase
.head 3 -  List Box:
.head 3 -  Combo Box:
.head 3 -  Picture:
.head 3 -  Vertical Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Horizontal Scroll Bar:
.head 3 -  Column:
.head 3 -  Background Text:
.head 3 -  Group Box:
.head 3 -  Line:
.head 3 -  Frame:
.head 3 -  Custom Control:
.head 3 -  ActiveX:
.head 2 -  Application Actions
.head 1 +  Dialog Box: dlgMsgBox
0000: 0100
.head 2 -  Class:
.head 2 -  Property Template:
.head 2 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 2 -  Title:
.head 2 -  Accesories Enabled? No
.head 2 -  Visible? Yes
.head 2 -  Display Settings
.head 3 -  Display Style? Default
.head 3 -  Visible at Design time? Yes
.head 3 -  Type of Dialog: Modal
.head 3 -  Window Location and Size
.head 4 -  Left: 6.025"
.head 4 -  Top:    2.823"
.head 4 -  Width:  1.717"
.head 4 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Height: 1.25"
.head 4 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 3 -  Absolute Screen Location? No
.head 3 -  Font Name: Default
.head 3 -  Font Size: Default
.head 3 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 3 -  Text Color: Default
.head 3 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 2 -  Description: author: 	gb
date:	???
version:	1.01
1.02- TL- support for custom icons
1.01- TL- Some improvements, told by g.achrainer (thanks)
1.00 -Gb- implemented

Please use the functionwrapper SalDlgBox(...)
.head 2 +  Tool Bar
.head 3 -  Display Settings
.head 4 -  Display Style? Default
.head 4 -  Location? Top
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Size: Default
.head 4 -  Size Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 3 -  Contents
.head 2 +  Contents
.head 3 +  Multiline Field: mlMsg
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class: mlAutoSize
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Data
.head 5 -  Maximum Data Length: Class Default
.head 5 -  String Type: Class Default
.head 5 -  Editable? Class Default
.head 4 -  Display Settings
.head 5 -  Border? Class Default
.head 5 -  Word Wrap? Class Default
.head 5 -  Vertical Scroll? Class Default
.head 5 -  Window Location and Size
.head 6 -  Left: 0.867"
.head 6 -  Top:    0.167"
.head 6 -  Width:  0.617"
.head 6 -  Width Editable? Class Default
.head 6 -  Height: 0.369"
.head 6 -  Height Editable? Class Default
.head 5 -  Visible? Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Name: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Size: Class Default
.head 5 -  Font Enhancement: Class Default
.head 5 -  Text Color: Class Default
.head 5 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Call SalSetFocus( whBtnFocus )
.head 3 +  Pushbutton: pb1
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 0.083"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.226"
.head 5 -  Width:  1.5"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Picture File Name:
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 4 -  Image Style: Single
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndItem)
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, 1)
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = hWndItem
.head 3 +  Pushbutton: pb2
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 1.633"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.583"
.head 5 -  Width:  1.5"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Picture File Name:
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 4 -  Image Style: Single
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndItem)
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, 2)
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = hWndItem
.head 3 +  Pushbutton: pb3
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 3.233"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.583"
.head 5 -  Width:  1.5"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Picture File Name:
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 4 -  Image Style: Single
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndItem)
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, 3)
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = hWndItem
.head 3 +  Pushbutton: pb4
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 4.817"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.583"
.head 5 -  Width:  1.5"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Picture File Name:
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 4 -  Image Style: Single
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndItem)
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, 4)
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = hWndItem
.head 3 +  Pushbutton: pb5
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 6.4"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.583"
.head 5 -  Width:  1.5"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Keyboard Accelerator: (none)
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Picture File Name:
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: None
.head 4 -  Image Style: Single
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Create
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndItem)
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalEndDialog(hWndForm, 5)
.head 5 +  On SAM_SetFocus
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = hWndItem
.head 3 +  Picture: picIcon
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 0.117"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.036"
.head 5 -  Width:  0.617"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.44"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Editable? No
.head 4 -  File Name:
.head 4 -  Storage: External
.head 4 -  Picture Transparent Color: Gray
.head 4 -  Fit: Scale
.head 4 -  Scaling
.head 5 -  Width:  100
.head 5 -  Height:  100
.head 4 -  Corners: Square
.head 4 -  Border Style: No Border
.head 4 -  Border Thickness: 1
.head 4 -  Tile To Parent? No
.head 4 -  Border Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: 3D Face Color
.head 4 +  Message Actions
.head 5 +  On SAM_Click
.head 6 -  Call SalSetFocus( whBtnFocus )
.head 3 +  Check Box: cbMsg
.head 4 -  Class Child Ref Key: 0
.head 4 -  Class ChildKey: 0
.head 4 -  Class:
.head 4 -  Property Template:
.head 4 -  Class DLL Name:
.head 4 -  Title:
.head 4 -  Window Location and Size
.head 5 -  Left: 0.3"
.head 5 -  Top:    0.738"
.head 5 -  Width:  3.017"
.head 5 -  Width Editable? Yes
.head 5 -  Height: 0.25"
.head 5 -  Height Editable? Yes
.head 4 -  Visible? Yes
.head 4 -  Font Name: Default
.head 4 -  Font Size: Default
.head 4 -  Font Enhancement: Default
.head 4 -  Text Color: Default
.head 4 -  Background Color: Default
.head 4 -  Message Actions
.head 2 +  Functions
.head 3 +  Function: __CreateButtons
.head 4 -  Description: Buttons und FenstergrцЯe bestimmen
.head 4 -  Returns
.head 4 +  Parameters
.head 5 -  String: psBtn
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: pnFocus
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: pnIcon
0000: 0100
.head 4 -  Static Variables
.head 4 +  Local variables
.head 5 -  Number: lnIndex
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  String: lsBtnTxt[*]
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnTokens
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnIdx
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnMaxButLen
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  String: lsMaxButLen
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Number: lnX
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnY
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnXButton
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnYButton
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnButtonWidth
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnButtonHeight
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnAllButtonWidth
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Boolean: bOk
.head 5 -  Number: hDC
.head 5 -  Number: hGDIObj
.head 5 -  Number: nHeight
.head 5 -  Number: nWidth
.head 5 -  Number: nTextPixelWidth
.head 5 -  Number: nTextPixelHeight
.head 5 -  Number: hIcon
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  ! !
.head 5 -  Number: lhHANDLE
0000: 0100
.head 5 -  Number: lnPicType
.head 4 +  Actions
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 -  Set lnIndex = 0
.head 5 -  Set lnTokens = 0
.head 5 -  ! Extrahiere Buttons
.head 5 -  Set lnTokens = SalStrTokenize(psBtn, ';', ';', lsBtnTxt)
.head 5 -  ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.head 5 +  While lnIdx < lnTokens
.head 6 +  If lnMaxButLen < SalStrLength( lsBtnTxt[lnIdx] )
.head 7 -  Set lsMaxButLen = lsBtnTxt[lnIdx]
.head 7 -  Set lnMaxButLen = SalStrLength( lsBtnTxt[lnIdx] )
.head 6 -  Set lnIdx = lnIdx + 1
.head 5 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb1, lsMaxButLen )
.head 5 -  Call SalGetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 5 -  Set hDC	= GetDC( pb1 )
.head 5 +  If hDC
.head 6 -  Set hGDIObj = SelectObject( hDC, SalNumberLow( SalSendMsg( pb1, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0 ) ) )
.head 6 -  Call GetTextExtentPoint32A( hDC, lsMaxButLen, SalStrLength( lsMaxButLen ), nTextPixelWidth, nTextPixelHeight )
.head 6 -  Call SelectObject( hDC, hGDIObj )
.head 6 -  Call ReleaseDC( pb1, hDC )
.head 6 -  Set lnButtonWidth = SalPixelsToFormUnits( pb1, nTextPixelWidth, FALSE ) + 0.2
.head 5 +  If lnButtonWidth < 1.2
.head 6 -  Set lnButtonWidth = 1.2
.head 5 -  Set lnAllButtonWidth = (lnTokens * lnButtonWidth) + (lnTokens * 0.04)
.head 5 -  ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.head 5 +  If lnTokens < 1
.head 6 -  Set lnTokens = 1
.head 5 +  If pnFocus > lnTokens
.head 6 -  Set pnFocus = 1
.head 5 -  ! Setze Multiline-GrцЯe
.head 5 -  Call SalGetWindowSize(mlMsg, lnX, lnY)
.head 5 -  ! Anpassung FenstergrцЯe
.head 5 -  Set lnX = lnX + 1.2
.head 5 -  Set lnY = lnY + 1
.head 5 +  If lnY < 1.3
.head 6 -  Set lnY = 1.3
.head 5 +  If lnX < 2.5
.head 6 -  Set lnX = 2.5
.head 5 +  If lnX < (lnAllButtonWidth + 0.8)
.head 6 -  Set lnX = lnAllButtonWidth + 0.8
.head 5 +  If psCheckBoxText != STRING_Null
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowSize(hWndForm, lnX, lnY+0.2 )
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowSize(hWndForm, lnX, lnY )
.head 5 -  ! Buttons
.head 5 -  Set lnYButton = lnY - 0.7
.head 5 -  Set lnXButton = lnX / 2
.head 5 -  Set lnIndex = 0
.head 5 -  ! Wenn die Anzahl der Buttons nicht das Limit ьberschreitet...
.head 5 +  If lnTokens < 6
.head 6 -  ! Bestimme Buttonpositionen und FenstergrцЯe
.head 6 +  Select Case lnTokens
.head 7 +  Case 1
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1,  lnXButton - (lnButtonWidth / 2), lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 2
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb2, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1, lnXButton - lnButtonWidth - 0.02,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb2, lnXButton + 0.02,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 3
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb2, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb3, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1, lnXButton - (lnButtonWidth / 2) - 0.04 - lnButtonWidth, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb2, lnXButton -  (lnButtonWidth / 2), lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb3, lnXButton + (lnButtonWidth / 2) + 0.04, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 4
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb2, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb3, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb4, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1, lnXButton - 0.02 - lnButtonWidth - 0.04 - lnButtonWidth,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb2, lnXButton - 0.02 - lnButtonWidth,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb3, lnXButton + 0.02,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb4, lnXButton + 0.02 + lnButtonWidth + 0.04,  lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 5
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb1, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb2, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb3, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb4, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowSize( pb5, lnButtonWidth, lnButtonHeight )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1, lnXButton - (lnButtonWidth / 2) - 0.04 - lnButtonWidth - 0.04 - lnButtonWidth, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb2, lnXButton - (lnButtonWidth / 2) - 0.04 - lnButtonWidth, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb3, lnXButton - (lnButtonWidth / 2), lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb4, lnXButton + (lnButtonWidth / 2) + 0.04, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb5, lnXButton + (lnButtonWidth / 2) + 0.04 + lnButtonWidth + 0.04, lnYButton )
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Default
.head 8 -  Break
.head 6 -  ! Buttons anzeigen und Buttontext setzen...
.head 6 +  While lnIndex < lnTokens
.head 7 +  Select Case lnIndex
.head 8 +  Case 0
.head 9 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb1)
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb1, lsBtnTxt[lnIndex] )
.head 9 -  Break
.head 8 +  Case 1
.head 9 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb2)
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb2, lsBtnTxt[lnIndex] )
.head 9 -  Break
.head 8 +  Case 2
.head 9 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb3)
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb3, lsBtnTxt[lnIndex] )
.head 9 -  Break
.head 8 +  Case 3
.head 9 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb4)
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb4, lsBtnTxt[lnIndex] )
.head 9 -  Break
.head 8 +  Case 4
.head 9 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb5)
.head 9 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb5, lsBtnTxt[lnIndex] )
.head 9 -  Break
.head 8 +  Default
.head 9 -  Break
.head 7 -  Set lnIndex = lnIndex + 1
.head 6 -  ! Focus setzen...
.head 6 +  Select Case pnFocus
.head 7 +  Case 1
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb1)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb1
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 2
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb2)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb2
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 3
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb3)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb3
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 4
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb4)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb4
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Case 5
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb5)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb5
.head 8 -  Break
.head 7 +  Default
.head 8 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb1)
.head 8 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb1
.head 8 -  Break
.head 5 -  ! ...sonst Defaultbutton setzen...
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( pb1,  (lnX / 2) - 0.75, lnYButton )
.head 6 -  Call SalShowWindow(pb1)
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowText ( pb1, lsBtnTxt[0] )
.head 6 -  Call SalSetFocus(pb1)
.head 6 -  Set whBtnFocus = pb1
.head 5 -  ! Icon setzen
.head 5 +  Select Case pnIcon
.head 6 +  Case MB_IconAsterisk
.head 7 -  Set hIcon = LoadIconA (0, IDI_ASTERISK)
.head 7 -  Call SalMessageBeep(MB_IconAsterisk)
.head 7 -  Break
.head 6 +  Case MB_IconExclamation
.head 7 -  Set hIcon = LoadIconA (0, IDI_EXCLAMATION)
.head 7 -  Call SalMessageBeep(MB_IconExclamation)
.head 7 -  Break
.head 6 +  Case MB_IconQuestion
.head 7 -  Set hIcon = LoadIconA (0, IDI_QUESTION)
.head 7 -  Call SalMessageBeep(MB_IconQuestion)
.head 7 -  Break
.head 6 -  Case MB_IconStop
.head 6 +  Case MB_IconHand
.head 7 -  Set hIcon = LoadIconA (0, IDI_HAND)
.head 7 -  Call SalMessageBeep(MB_IconStop)
.head 7 -  Break
.head 6 +  Default
.head 7 +  If pnIcon > 1024
.head 8 -  ! support for custom icons
.head 8 -  Set lhHANDLE = VisPicGetHandle( pnIcon )
.head 8 -  Set lnPicType = VisPicGetType( pnIcon )
.head 8 -  Call SalPicSetHandle( picIcon, lnPicType, lhHANDLE)
.head 7 +  Else
.head 8 -  Set hIcon = LoadIconA (0, IDI_ASTERISK)
.head 8 -  Call SalMessageBeep(MB_IconAsterisk)
.head 7 -  Break
.head 5 +  If hIcon > 0
.head 6 -  Call SalPicSetHandle (picIcon, PIC_FormatIcon, hIcon)
.head 6 -  Call DestroyIcon (hIcon)
.head 5 -  !
.head 5 +  If psCheckBoxText = STRING_Null
.head 6 -  Call SalHideWindow( cbMsg )
.head 5 +  Else
.head 6 -  Call SalSetWindowText( cbMsg, psCheckBoxText )
.head 6 -  Call SalShowWindow( cbMsg )
.head 5 -  Call SalSetWindowLoc( cbMsg, 0.2, lnYButton + 0.35 )
.head 5 -  ! !
.head 2 +  Window Parameters
.head 3 -  String: psMsg
0000: 0100
.head 3 -  String: psTitle
0000: 0100
.head 3 -  String: psBtn
0000: 0100
.head 3 -  Number: pnFocus
.head 3 -  Number: pnIcon
.head 3 -  String: psCheckBoxText
.head 3 -  Receive Boolean: rbCheckBoxState
0000: 0100
.head 2 +  Window Variables
.head 3 -  Window Handle: whBtnFocus
0000: 0100
.head 2 +  Message Actions
.head 3 +  On SAM_CreateComplete
.head 4 -  Call SalSetWindowText(hWndForm, psTitle)
.head 4 -  Call mlMsg.wfSetText(psMsg)
.head 4 -  Call __CreateButtons(psBtn, pnFocus, pnIcon)
.head 4 -  Call SalCenterWindow(hWndForm)
.head 4 -  Call SalShowWindow(hWndForm)
.head 3 +  On SAM_Create
.head 4 -  Call SalHideWindow(hWndForm)
.head 4 -  Call VisWinSetStyle( hWndForm, WS_SYSMENU, FALSE )
.head 3 -  On SAM_Destroy - примеры программирования на Gupta Team Developer 2005 (GTD, CTD, TOM, Quest, SQLTalk, Report Builder, SQLWindows, SQLBase, Oracle, Web Developer, Team Object Manager)


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